
Understanding the mechanisms behind hantavirus-mediated pathogenesis – Jonas Klingström group

Our aim is to understand the mechanisms behind hantavirus pathogenesis and the acute and long-term consequences of hantavirus-infection. Hantaviruses can cause two severe acute zoonotic diseases

About our research

Our aim is to understand the mechanisms behind hantavirus pathogenesis and the acute and long-term consequences of hantavirus-infection. We focus on the capacity of hantaviruses to affect normal cell signaling and functions, especially cell death, immune and inflammatory responses. The ultimate goal is to generate a better understanding of the details of hantavirus-induced pathogenesis to aid in the development of specific treatment of patients.

Vaccines and specific therapy is lacking. Further, infected patients show increased risks for heart attack and stroke during, and an increased risk for lymphoma after, the acute phase of infection. Altogether, this shows that hantaviruses affect human health in several different ways. In contrast to humans, natural hosts are asymptomatically infected - why hantaviruses cause disease in humans is unknown.


Hantavirus-mediated inhibition of cell death; mechanisms and consequences

Hantaviruses have very strong anti-apoptotic effects. We are investigating in detail the mechanisms behind how hantaviruses protect infected cells from being killed by cytotoxic lymphocytes and via other apoptosis-inducing pathways. We further investigate the possible consequences of hantavirus-mediated inhibition of apoptosis on the function of infected cells.

Hantavirus-mediated deregulation of inflammatory responses

Understanding the mechanisms behind how hantaviruses cause hyperinflammation in HFRS/HPS-patients has the potential to reveal important insights into pathogenesis behind human hantavirus-infection. We investigate the effects hantaviruses have on Natural Killer cell, Dendritic cell and endothelial/epithelial cell functions and responses. This might also prove valuable for our understanding of other severe zoonotic emerging viral diseases, like other hemorrhagic fevers caused by e.g. Ebola and Dengue virus.

Acute and long-term consequences of human hantavirus-infection

We analyze immune responses and functions in Swedish HFRS-patients to characterize the impact hantavirus-infection has on our immune system. We also analyze the acute and long-term consequences of hantavirus-infection in Swedish HFRS-patients as compared to the Swedish total population to characterize the effects of human hantavirus-infection on the public health.


Selected publications

  • Article: JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2020;205(9):2437-2446
    Varnaite R; Garcia M; Glans H; Maleki KT; Sandberg JT; Tynell J; Christ W; Lagerqvist N; Asgeirsson H; Ljunggren H-G; Ahlen G; Frelin L; Sallberg M; Blom K; Klingstrom J; Gredmark-Russ S
  • Article: PLOS PATHOGENS. 2020;16(2):e1008297
    Sola-Riera C; Garcia M; Ljunggren H-G; Klingstrom J
  • Article: JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY. 2020;94(3):e01168-e01119
    Christ W; Tynell J; Klingstrom J
  • Article: CLINICAL & TRANSLATIONAL IMMUNOLOGY. 2020;9(12):e1224
    Garcia M; Kokkinou E; Carrasco Garcia A; Parrot T; Palma Medina LM; Maleki KT; Christ W; Varnaite R; Filipovic I; Ljunggren H-G; Bjorkstrom NK; Folkesson E; Rooyackers O; Eriksson LI; Sonnerborg A; Aleman S; Stralin K; Gredmark-Russ S; Klingstrom J; Mjosberg J
  • Article: CELL REPORTS. 2019;28(8):2124-2139.e6
    Sola-Riera C; Gupta S; Maleki KT; Gonzalez-Rodriguez P; Saidi D; Zimmer CL; Vangeti S; Rivino L; Leo Y-S; Lye DC; MacAry PA; Ahlm C; Smed-Sorensen A; Joseph B; Bjorkstrom NK; Ljunggren H-G; Klingstrom J
  • Article: JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 2019;219(11):1832-1840
    Maleki KT; Garcia M; Iglesias A; Alonso D; Ciancaglini M; Hammar U; Ljunggren H-G; Schierloh P; Martinez VP; Klingstrom J
  • Article: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2019;285(5):510-523
    Klingstrom J; Smed-Sorensen A; Maleki KT; Sola-Riera C; Ahlm C; Bjorkstrom NK; Ljunggren HG
  • Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2019;9(1):834
    Sola-Riera C; Gupta S; Ljunggren H-G; Klingstrom J
  • Article: CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 2018;66(2):268-273
    Connolly-Andersen A-M; Whitaker H; Klingstrom J; Ahlm C
  • Article: PLOS PATHOGENS. 2017;13(6):e1006462
    Scholz S; Baharom F; Rankin G; Maleki KT; Gupta S; Vangeti S; Pourazar J; Discacciati A; Hoijer J; Bottai M; Bjorkstrom NK; Rasmuson J; Evander M; Blomberg A; Ljunggren H-G; Klingstrom J; Ahlm C; Smed-Sorensen A
  • Article: PLOS PATHOGENS. 2014;10(11):e1004521
    Braun M; Bjorkstrom NK; Gupta S; Sundstrom K; Ahlm C; Klingstrom J; Ljunggren H-G
  • Article: CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 2014;59(8):1130-1132
    Klingstrom J; Granath F; Ekbom A; Bjorkstrom NK; Ljunggren H-G
  • Article: CIRCULATION. 2014;129(12):1295-1302
    Connolly-Andersen A-M; Hammargren E; Whitaker H; Eliasson M; Holmgren L; Klingstrom J; Ahlm C
  • Article: EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 2013;19(1):126-128
    Connolly-Andersen A-M; Ahlm K; Ahlm C; Klingstrom J
  • Conference publication: IMMUNOLOGY. 2012;137:638
    Gupta S; Braun M; Tischler ND; Stoltz M; Sundstrom KB; Bjorkstrom NK; Ljunggren HG; Klingtsrom J


  • The Swedish Research Council (VR)
  • KAW/SciLifeLab