
Laboratory of lymphocyte biology – Team Taras Kreslavskiy

Our lab is interested in the mechanism of cell fate decisions made by innate-like and conventional lymphocytes. We have two main directions of research: I) mechanisms of cell fate decisions in humoral immune responses underlying the formation of immunological memory and II) specificity, development, and function of innate-like lymphocytes.

Group Picture of Team Taras Kreslavskiy in Visby

Research focus

Mechanisms of cell fate decisions in humoral immune responses underlying the formation of immunological memory.

Antigen-dependent B cell differentiation is an unusual developmental process, in which the two main outputs of the humoral immune response – antibody-secreting plasma cells and quiescent memory B cells – can be generated by two distinct pathways: either directly from early activated B cells, or after transition through a transcriptionally distinct germinal center (GC) B cell state. 

Mechanism of cell fate decisions in human immune responses underlying the formation of immunological memory
Cell fate decisions in B cell activation

The first pathway can generate antibody-secreting cells very rapidly, providing the first line of defense against pathogens. Participation in the GC reaction allows to increase the affinity of antibodies but takes longer time. Understanding these developmental paths is of crucial importance, as the quality of immunological memory can vary greatly after infection and vaccination, resulting in a different degree of protection during the subsequent microbial challenge. We are investigating cellular and molecular mechanisms that govern formation of these distinct waves of memory B cells and plasma cells as well as their functional properties. Pursuing this goal, we have recently discovered cell intrinsic functions of the transcription factor Bhlhe40 in both B and T lymphocyte subsets involved in the GC reaction (Rauschmeier et al, J Exp Med, 2022). Moreover, our recent work also revealed that a large fraction of activated B lymphocytes in the first days of the response undergoes ‘differentiation by default’ to germinal center-independent memory B cells, a population that was often viewed as a minor, insignificant subset of B cell memory (Glaros et al, Immunity, 2021). These unexpected observations change our views on the composition of the long-term B cell memory pool and open many new questions about the formation of immunological memory to infections and vaccines that our lab is currently pursuing.

Spontaneous germinal centers in spleen of Bhlhe40-/-mouse
Spontaneous germinal centers in spleen of Bhlhe40–/– mouse

Biology of innate-like lymphocytes.

Lymphocytes of the adaptive immune system can be functionally split into two major groups. Conventional T and B cells are characterized by extremely broad antigen receptor repertoires and therefore can respond to a diverse variety of antigens, but their activation, expansion and differentiation into effector cells requires several days. In contrast, innate-like B and T cells (e.g. B1 cells, iNKT cells and many γδT cell subsets), exhibit more focused antigen receptor repertoires and are maintained in a constantly pre-activated state. These cells are thought to provide the first line of defense against pathogens and/or play a role in tissue homeostasis and repair. While we have a fairly good understanding of the biological functions, antigen specificities, selection rules and transcriptional programs for most conventional subsets, this is not the case for the majority of innate-like populations. Many basic questions that for conventional lymphocytes were solved years or even decades ago remain unanswered for these non-conventional subsets.

Elusive nature of endogenous antigens that drive γδT cell agonist selection
Elusive nature of endogenous antigens that drive γδT cell agonist selection Photo: Taras Kreslavskiy

Out of the three types of lymphocytes that constitute the adaptive immune system of jawed vertebrates, γδT cells – a population particularly enriched for cells with innate-like properties – are the only cell type for which we do not understand the principles of antigen recognition and know very little about the nature of these antigens. It is believed that many γδT cells undergo agonist selection on endogenous ligands, which results in the acquisition of innate-like effector properties. In line with agonist selection of γδT cells, our results demonstrate that a large fraction of γδT cells recognizes a diverse set of unknown self antigens. Strikingly, we showed that the majority of these antigens do not belong to known families of γδTCR ligands, indicating that the known endogenous γδTCR ligands represent just the very tip of the iceberg, and that many innate-like γδT cells are likely to undergo agonist selection on a diverse set of unidentified molecules that do not belong to known families of γδTCR ligands. This result highlights how little we understand about the biology of these cells. To start filling this gap in understanding we established a screening pipeline that already allowed us to identify several novel γδTCR ligand candidates. We are now exploring the functional consequences of this recognition in in vivo models. The pipeline for ligand identification that we had established should allow us to find γδTCR ligands across a variety of physiological and pathological contexts and we are currently applying our approach to identification of antigens for γδTILs in human cancers.

In addition to our interest in the antigen receptor specificities of innate-like T cells, we are also interested in their functions. It was recently shown that many innate-like T cells in the thymus represent tissue-resident cells rather than newly developed cells about to egress to the periphery. The reasons for the accumulation of effector T cells at the site of T cell development, where pathogen encounter is unlikely, remained unclear. We have demonstrated that thymic innate-like T cells, a population that express molecules characteristic for all major activated T cell subsets, can induce highly efficient CD8 T cell tolerance to inflammation-associated self-antigens, a class of self-antigens that at the periphery largely mirror the spatial and temporal distribution of pathogen-derived molecules (You et al, Nat Immunol, 2024). As the thymus harbors a complex constitutively active inflammatory network, with thymus-resident innate-like T cells representing one of its central nodes, these results suggest that this constitutive expression of inflammation-associated molecules in the thymus may have evolved to ensure the induction of tolerance to this unique class of self-antigens.


All publications from group members

  • Thesis / dissertation: 2024
    Glaros V
  • Article: NATURE IMMUNOLOGY. 2024;25(8):1367-1382
    You Y; Dunst J; Ye K; Sandoz PA; Reinhardt A; Sandrock I; Comet NR; Sarkar RD; Yang E; Duprez E; Agudo J; Brown BD; Utz PJ; Kastenmueller W; Gerlach C; Prinz I; Onfelt B; Kreslavsky T
  • Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2024;15(1):2058
    Podlesny-Drabiniok A; Novikova G; Liu Y; Dunst J; Temizer R; Giannarelli C; Marro S; Kreslavsky T; Marcora E; Goate AM
  • Editorial comment: IMMUNITY. 2023;56(7):1434-1436
    Glaros V; Kreslavsky T
  • Article: IMMUNITY. 2023;56(3):635-652.e6
    Corcoran M; Chernyshev M; Mandolesi M; Narang S; Kaduk M; Ye K; Sundling C; Farnert A; Kreslavsky T; Bernhardsson C; Larena M; Jakobsson M; Hedestam GBK
  • Article: JCI INSIGHT. 2023;8(4):e161042
    Sorini C; Tripathi KP; Wu S; Higdon SM; Wang J; Cheng L; Banerjee S; Reinhardt A; Kreslavsky T; Thorell A; Engstrand L; Du J; Villablanca EJ
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2023;BIORXIV
    Podlesny-Drabiniok A; Novikova G; Liu Y; Dunst J; Temizer R; Giannarelli C; Marro S; Kreslavsky T; Marcora E; Goate AM
    Stark JM; Liu J; Tibbitt CA; Christian M; Ma J; Wintersand A; Dunst J; Kreslavsky T; Murrell B; Adner M; Gronlund H; Gafvelin G; Coquet JM
  • Article: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE (JEM). 2022;219(2):e20211406
    Rauschmeier R; Reinhardt A; Gustafsson C; Glaros V; Artemov AV; Dunst J; Taneja R; Adameyko I; Mansson R; Busslinger M; Kreslavsky T
  • Article: IMMUNITY. 2021;54(9):2005-2023.e10
    Glaros V; Rauschmeier R; Artemov AV; Reinhardt A; Ols S; Emmanouilidi A; Gustafsson C; You Y; Mirabello C; Bjorklund AK; Perez L; King NP; Mansson R; Angeletti D; Lore K; Adameyko I; Busslinger M; Kreslavsky T
  • Article: JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2021;206(12):2839-2851
    Budeus B; Kibler A; Brauser M; Homp E; Bronischewski K; Ross JA; Gorgens A; Weniger MA; Dunst J; Kreslavsky T; da Conceicao Castro SV; Murke F; Oakes CC; Rusch P; Andrikos D; Kern P; Koeninger A; Lindemann M; Johansson P; Hansen W; Lundell A-C; Rudin A; Duerig J; Giebel B; Hoffmann D; Kueppers R; Seifert M
  • Article: JOURNAL OF LEUKOCYTE BIOLOGY. 2020;107(6):1033-1044
    Dunst J; Glaros V; Englmaier L; Sandoz PA; Onfelt B; Kisielow J; Kreslavsky T
  • Article: EMBO JOURNAL. 2019;38(19):e101233
    Rauschmeier R; Gustafsson C; Reinhardt A; A-Gonzalez N; Tortola L; Cansever D; Subramanian S; Taneja R; Rossner MJ; Sieweke MH; Greter M; Mansson R; Busslinger M; Kreslavsky T
  • Article: NATURE. 2018;563(7732):564-568
    Cronin SJF; Seehus C; Weidinger A; Talbot S; Reissig S; Seifert M; Pierson Y; McNeill E; Longhi MS; Turnes BL; Kreslavsky T; Kogler M; Hoffmann D; Ticevic M; Scheffer DDL; Tortola L; Cikes D; Jais A; Rangachari M; Rao S; Paolino M; Novatchkova M; Aichinger M; Barrett L; Latremoliere A; Wirnsberger G; Lametschwandtner G; Busslinger M; Zicha S; Latini A; Robson SC; Waisman A; Andrews N; Costigan M; Channon KM; Weiss G; Kozlov AV; Tebbe M; Johnsson K; Woolf CJ; Penninger JM
  • Review: CURRENT OPINION IN IMMUNOLOGY. 2018;51:24-31
    Kreslavsky T; Wong JB; Fischer M; Skok JA; Busslinger M
  • Article: NATURE IMMUNOLOGY. 2017;18(4):442-455
    Kreslavsky T; Vilagos B; Tagoh H; Poliakova DK; Schwickert TA; Wöhner M; Jaritz M; Weiss S; Taneja R; Rossner MJ; Busslinger M
  • Article: SCIENCE. 2015;350(6258):334-339
    Kim H-J; Barnitz RA; Kreslavsky T; Brown FD; Moffett H; Lemieux ME; Kaygusuz Y; Meissner T; Holderried TAW; Chan S; Kastner P; Haining WN; Cantor H
  • Article: NATURE CELL BIOLOGY. 2014;16(11):1080-1091
    Li N; Fassl A; Chick J; Inuzuka H; Li X; Mansour MR; Liu L; Wang H; King B; Shaik S; Gutierrez A; Ordureau A; Otto T; Kreslavsky T; Baitsch L; Bury L; Meyer CA; Ke N; Mulry KA; Kluk MJ; Roy M; Kim S; Zhang X; Geng Y; Zagozdzon A; Jenkinson S; Gale RE; Linch DC; Zhao JJ; Mullighan CG; Harper JW; Aster JC; Aifantis I; von Boehmer H; Gygi SP; Wei W; Look AT; Sicinski P
  • Article: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE (JEM). 2013;210(10):1911-1918
    Kreslavsky T; Kim H-J; Koralov SB; Ghitza D; Buch T; Cantor H; Rajewsky K; von Boehmer H
  • Article: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE (JEM). 2013;210(8):1545-1557
    Mansour MR; Sanda T; Lawton LN; Li X; Kreslavsky T; Novina CD; Brand M; Gutierrez A; Kelliher MA; Jamieson CHM; von Boehmer H; Young RA; Look AT
  • Article: NATURE IMMUNOLOGY. 2013;14(6):619-632
    Mingueneau M; Kreslavsky T; Gray D; Heng T; Cruse R; Ericson J; Bendall S; Spitzer MH; Nolan GP; Kobayashi K; von Boehmer H; Mathis D; Benoist C; Immunological Genome Consortium; Best AJ; Knell J; Goldrath A; Joic V; Koller D; Shay T; Regev A; Cohen N; Brennan P; Brenner M; Kim F; Nageswara Rao T; Wagers A; Heng T; Ericson J; Rothamel K; Ortiz-Lopez A; Mathis D; Benoist C; Bezman NA; Sun JC; Min-Oo G; Kim CC; Lanier LL; Miller J; Brown B; Merad M; Gautier EL; Jakubzick C; Randolph GJ; Monach P; Blair DA; Dustin ML; Shinton SA; Hardy RR; Laidlaw D; Collins J; Gazit R; Rossi DJ; Malhotra N; Sylvia K; Kang J; Kreslavsky T; Fletcher A; Elpek K; Bellemare-Pelletier A; Malhotra D; Turley S
  • Article: IMMUNITY. 2012;37(5):840-853
    Kreslavsky T; Gleimer M; Miyazaki M; Choi Y; Gagnon E; Murre C; Sicinski P; von Boehmer H
  • Article: FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY. 2012;3:374
    Gleimer M; von Boehmer H; Kreslavsky T
  • Review: IMMUNOLOGICAL REVIEWS. 2010;238(1):169-181
    Kreslavsky T; Gleimer M; Garbe AI; von Boehmer H
  • Review: SEMINARS IN IMMUNOLOGY. 2010;22(4):214-221
    Kreslavsky T; von Boehmer H
  • Review: CURRENT OPINION IN IMMUNOLOGY. 2010;22(2):185-192
    Kreslavsky T; Gleimer M; von Boehmer H
    Kreslavsky T; Savage AK; Hobbs R; Gounari F; Bronson R; Pereira P; Pandolfi PP; Bendelac A; von Boehmer H
  • Article: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE (JEM). 2008;205(5):1173-1186
    Kreslavsky T; Garbe AI; Krueger A; von Boehmer H
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2008;3(1):e1512
    Egawa T; Kreslavsky T; Littman DR; von Boehmer H
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