
Community nutrition and physical activity (CoNPA) – Liselotte Schäfer Elinder's research group

Dietary habits and physical activity are among the most important determinants of health and well-being. An unhealthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle greatly increase the risk for chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases, obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and premature death. Increasing physical activity and improving dietary habits to be healthier and more sustainable can contribute to achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Research areas

Our research covers population surveys and multilevel and mixed-methods health promotion research regarding dietary habits and physical activity with a universal or targeted approach. Our projects are carried out in settings such as child health care, schools and in settings for adults with disabilities.  

We perform: 

  • Epidemiological studies of dietary habits and physical activity and their determinants, in relation to health outcomes. 
  • Interdisciplinary research on the development, implementation and evaluation including cost-effectiveness of interventions to promote health and prevent obesity and chronic diseases globally including Sweden, Burkina Faso, Kenya and Tanzania   
  • Commissioned assignments from external partners within the groups research competence. 

Latest research and activities


Selected publications

  • Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2023;23(1):646
    Malek ME; Andermo S; Nyberg G; Elinder LS; Patterson E; Norman A
  • Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2021;21(1):1630
    Elinder LS; Wiklund CA; Norman A; Stattin NS; Andermo S; Patterson E; Hemmingsson E; Cook C; Raposo S; Kwak L
  • Preprint: RESEARCH SQUARE. 2021
    Colombo PE; Elinder LS; Patterson E; Parlesak A; Lindroos AK; Andermo S
  • Article: NUTRITION JOURNAL. 2020;19(1):50
    Norman A; Kjellenberg K; Torres Arechiga D; Lof M; Patterson E
  • Article: SUSTAINABILITY. 2020;12(20):8475
    Elinder LS; Eustachio Colombo P; Patterson E; Parlesak A; Lindroos AK
  • Article: BMC PEDIATRICS. 2019;19(1):104
    Norman A; Zeebari Z; Nyberg G; Elinder LS
  • Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2018;18(1):459
    Elinder LS; Patterson E; Nyberg G; Norman A
    Nyberg G; Norman A; Sundblom E; Zeebari Z; Elinder LS
  • Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2016;16:37
    Norman A; Nyberg G; Elinder LS; Berlin A
  • Article: HEALTH EDUCATION AND BEHAVIOR. 2014;41(4):392-396
    Bohman B; Nyberg G; Sundblom E; Elinder LS
  • Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2011;11:185
    Nyberg G; Sundblom E; Norman A; Elinder LS

Staff and contact

Group leader

Contact persons

All members of the group

Other people connected to the group

  • Gobbo, Elisa
Profile image

Research projects

Current research projects

Archived projects

Education and teaching

The group members participate in third-level education at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral level in the areas of public health nutrition and physical activity, intervention and implementation research, global health and health economics.  

Liselotte Schäfer Elinder is the course leader and lecturer for the course: Theories and methods in implementation and evaluation in the master program for public health/health promotion at KI (7 ECTS).  

Kristi Sidney Annerstedt is the course leader and lecturer for the course: Global Health Economics given to doctoral students at KI (3 ECTS).  


MISTRA Sustainable consumption: The biggest research programme in Sweden on sustainable consumption 

Today it is relatively widely known that consumption in countries such as Sweden is not sustainable. A great deal of the environmental impact of Swedish consumption takes place abroad, in the countries where the goods are produced. At the same time, there is a shortage of research into what sustainable consumption really means and how we can convert towards this – as individuals, as companies, through civil society organisations and through politics. The goal of the research programme MISTRA Sustainable Consumption – from niche to mainstream is to contribute to the transition by means of increased knowledge of how sustainable consumption, which is at present practised by a few, can be scaled up and become more common. The focus is on the areas of food, holidays and home furnishings and fittings.

Read more about the research programme .

Behavioral Disciplines and Activities Community-Based Participatory Research Diet, Food, and Nutrition Early Medical Intervention Health Promotion Implementation Science Nutrition and Dietetics Obesity Occupational Health and Environmental Health Primary Prevention Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology School Health Services School Nursing Sustainable Development Show all
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