
Cognitive Aging and Mental Health – Erika Jonsson Laukka Group

Our group focuses on cognitive processes and their brain correlates to understand individual differences in cognitive aging and mental health. To achieve this, we collect data on different cognitive and brain modalities and make use of existing longitudinal databases.

Research news and upcoming activities


Research support

  • Swedish Research Council
  • Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare
  • Swedish Dementia foundation
  • ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡

Staff and contact

Group leader

All members of the group

Laukka Team

Bäckman Team

Guitart-Masip Team

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Papenberg Team

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Goran Papenberg

Principal Researcher

Contact and visit us

Postal address

Aging Research Center, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
SE-171 77 Stockholm

Visiting address

Tomtebodavägen 18 A, Widerström Building, floors 9 and 10
SE-171 65 Solna

Map to Widerström building, Tomtebodavägen 18a, Solna

Laukka team

Team members

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Erika Jonsson Laukka

Senior lecturer, research group leader
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Ingrid Ekström

Assistant Professor
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Javier Oltra

Postdoctoral Researcher

Frida Smids

Affiliated to Research
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Yvonne Brehmer

Affiliated to Research
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Andreja Speh

Affiliated to Research

Our research

The overall aim of our research is to identify determinants of individual differences in old-age cognitive performance and age- and dementia-related cognitive decline. This will increase our understanding of why persons age at different rates and which persons are at high risk of developing a dementia disorder. Increased knowledge in these areas might help promoting that elderly persons maintain their previous cognitive levels well into old age.

One important line of research concerns the associations between cognitive function, olfactory function and dementia.  We are interested in predictors of cognitive and olfactory decline in aging and how these domains in turn are associated with dementia biomarkers and future dementia risk.

A more recent project focuses on the long-term influence on COVID-19 on cognitive and olfactory function, and the impact of deficits in these domains on well-being and daily functioning in post-COVID patients.


Long-term follow-up of individuals with long-lasting cognitive deficits following mild COVID-19

  • PI: Erika Jonsson Laukka
  • Co-applicants: Marika Möller and Kristian Borg, Danderyd Rehabilitation Clinic, Danderyd University Hospital, , , , ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡
  • Funded by: The Swedish Research Council (VR)
  • Timeline: 2023-2025

Long-lasting cognitive and olfactory deficits following mild COVID-19 – modifying factors, brain correlates, and prognostic impact for well-being and daily functioning

The project aims to increase the knowledge regarding nature, severity, and duration of long-term effects on cognitive and olfactory function after mild COVID. Longitudinal follow-up of these individuals is vital to understand the long-term effects.

The researchers are interested in which individuals are more likely to be affected by and recover from such deficits, underlying mechanisms, and potential consequences.

  • PI: Erika Jonsson Laukka
  • Co-applicants: Marika Möller and Kristian Borg, Danderyd Rehabilitation Clinic, Danderyd University Hospital, , , , ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡
  • Funded by: The Swedish Research Council (VR)
  • Timeline: 2022-2025

Olfactory function, cognitive aging, and dementia

The aim of the project is to deepen our knowledge regarding olfactory deficits in aging and their role in predicting dementia and cognitive decline.

The project covers 4 main topics: (1) Olfactory performance and risk of future dementia and cognitive impairment, (2) The association between olfactory decline and cognitive decline, (3) Mechanisms of olfactory function and decline, and (4) Clinical advantages of olfactory testing.

We will make use of the database from a Swedish population-based cohort – SNAC-K. We will also collect new data on olfactory function in a memory clinic sample.

  • PI: Erika Jonsson Laukka
  • Co-applicants: Maria Larsson, Stockholm University, , , Miia Kivipelto, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡
  • Funded by: The Swedish Research Council (VR)
  • Timeline: 2021-2024

Longitudinal trajectories of olfactory abilities: What predicts old-age olfactory memory decline?

Olfactory deficits are common in old age and associated with adverse health outcomes. This project aims to do a thorough investigation of predictors of olfactory memory decline in the normal elderly population.

We will use an existing database from a large Swedish population-based cohort – SNAC-K. Olfactory abilities, neuropsychological test performance, physical function, and ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ health were repeatedly assessed across 12 years in people aged ≥ 60 years.

The results will promote the understanding of the underlying causes of old-age olfactory impairment. This will have implications for how to design interventions to maintain olfactory function into old age.

  • PI: Erika Jonsson Laukka
  • Co-applicant: Maria Larsson, Stockholm University
  • Funded by: The Swedish Research Council (VR)
  • Timeline: 2018-2020

Ongoing data collections

  • . The goal of SNAC-K is to collect longitudinal population-based data to understand the ageing process, and to identify possible preventive strategies to improve health and care in older adults. PI: Laura Fratiglioni. (2001–)
  • SNAC-K MRI2020 is a sub study of the larger SNAC-K study. It targets a new cohort of 60-year-olds that were added during wave 7-8, as well as participants who were already part of SNAC-K. (2021–)
  • The Long-COVID study is following on up patients diagnosed with post COVID-19 syndrome. The study aims to identify modifying factors and brain correlates to long-lasting cognitive and olfactory deficits in this group, as well as their prognostic impact for well-being and daily functioning: PI: Erika Jonsson Laukka (2022–)
  • Mechanisms associated with olfactory and cognitive function in aging is a data collection carried out at the Memory Clinic, Karolinska University Hospital, Solna. The aim of this study is to investigate the associations among olfactory function, cognitive abilities, and dementia. PI: Erika Jonsson Laukka (2021–)

Selected publications

Laukka EJ, Ekström I, Larsson M, Grande G, Fratiglioni L, Rizzuto D
Alzheimers Dement 2023 Jul;19(7):3019-3027

Payton NM, Marseglia A, Grande G, Fratiglioni L, Kivipelto M, Bäckman L, Laukka EJ
Alzheimers Dement 2022 Jun;():

Ekström IA, Rizzuto D, Grande G, Bellander T, Laukka EJ
Environ Health Perspect 2022 Feb;130(2):27005

Speh A, Wang R, Winblad B, Kramberger MG, Bäckman L, Qiu C, Laukka EJ
J Alzheimers Dis 2021 ;84(4):1523-1537

Ekström I, Larsson M, Rizzuto D, Fastbom J, Bäckman L, Laukka EJ
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2020 Nov;75(12):2441-2449

Laukka EJ, Köhncke Y, Papenberg G, Fratiglioni L, Bäckman L
Neuropsychology 2020 Sep;34(6):654-666

Payton NM, Rizzuto D, Fratiglioni L, Kivipelto M, Bäckman L, Laukka EJ
J Int Neuropsychol Soc 2020 Sep;26(8):785-797

Palmquist E, Larsson M, Olofsson JK, Seubert J, Bäckman L, Laukka EJ
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2020 Feb;75(3):603-610

Laukka EJ, Dykiert D, Allerhand M, Starr JM, Deary IJ
Psychol Med 2018 Jun;48(8):1350-1358

Sjölund S, Larsson M, Olofsson JK, Seubert J, Laukka EJ
Chem Senses 2017 May;42(4):309-318

Larsson M, Hedner M, Papenberg G, Seubert J, Bäckman L, Laukka EJ
Neurobiol Aging 2016 Feb;38():118-126

Bäckman team

Team members

Lars Bäckman

Professor, Team leader

Saana Korkki

Affiliated to Research
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Martin Lövdén

Affiliated to Research

Our research

Our main research focus centers around the Cognition, Brain, and Aging (COBRA) project, a 3-wave longitudinal project with testing every fifth year.

Participants (n =181) were in their mid 60s at baseline.

COBRA includes measurement of dopamine (DA) D2 receptors using PET, structural and functional MRI, as well as extensive cognitive testing and assessment of life-style factors.

The key objective is to study the relation between changes in various brain parameters and changes in cognitive functions in aging, with special focus on DA.

We seek to elucidate the question of why some older persons exhibit marked decline in brain and cognition as they grow older, whereas others age gracefully. 

Selected publications

Nyberg L, Karalija N, Papenberg G, Salami A, Andersson M, Pedersen R, Vikner T, Garrett DD, Riklund K, Wåhlin A, Lövdén M, Lindenberger U, Bäckman L
Sci Rep 2022 Dec;12(1):20957

Vikner T, Karalija N, Eklund A, Malm J, Lundquist A, Gallewicz N, Dahlin M, Lindenberger U, Riklund K, Bäckman L, Nyberg L, Wåhlin A
Ann Neurol 2022 Nov;92(5):871-881

Karalija N, Johansson J, Papenberg G, Wåhlin A, Salami A, Köhncke Y, Brandmaier AM, Andersson M, Axelsson J, Riklund K, Lövdén M, Lindenberger U, Bäckman L, Nyberg L
Neurology 2022 Sep;99(12):e1278-e1289

Karalija N, Papenberg G, Wåhlin A, Johansson J, Andersson M, Axelsson J, Riklund K, Lindenberger U, Nyberg L, Bäckman L
Neurobiol Aging 2021 Sep;105():272-279

Korkki SM, Papenberg G, Karalija N, Garrett DD, Riklund K, Lövdén M, Lindenberger U, Nyberg L, Bäckman L
Sci Rep 2021 Oct;11(1):21089

Nordin K, Nyberg L, Andersson M, Karalija N, Riklund K, Bäckman L, Salami A
Cereb Cortex 2021 Jun;31(7):3435-3450

Papenberg G, Jonasson L, Karalija N, Johansson J, Köhncke Y, Salami A, Andersson M, Axelsson J, Wåhlin A, Riklund K, Lindenberger U, Lövdén M, Nyberg L, Bäckman L
Brain Struct Funct 2019 Nov;224(8):2871-2882

Salami A, Garrett DD, Wåhlin A, Rieckmann A, Papenberg G, Karalija N, Jonasson L, Andersson M, Axelsson J, Johansson J, Riklund K, Lövdén M, Lindenberger U, Bäckman L, Nyberg L
J Neurosci 2019 Jan;39(3):537-547

Nyberg L, Karalija N, Salami A, Andersson M, Wåhlin A, Kaboovand N, Köhncke Y, Axelsson J, Rieckmann A, Papenberg G, Garrett DD, Riklund K, Lövdén M, Lindenberger U, Bäckman L
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016 Jul;113(28):7918-23

Guitart-Masip team

Team members

Profile image

Marc Guitart-Masip

Associate Professor, Team leader

Former group members

  • Amy Walsh
  • Benjamin Garzon
  • Lieke de Boer

Our research

One line of our research focuses on understanding the role of the neuromodulator dopamine in motivational process and decision-making across the adult lifespan. We are currently developing a battery of tasks to behaviorally disentangle different aspects of the dopaminergic system such as reward learning and invigoration. We want to apply this battery to follow groups of patients over time and identify whether changes in clinical status relate to changes in the function of the dopaminergic system.

Another line focuses on understanding how the human brain encodes expectations about the world (prior beliefs) and how this information is combined with available information to guide decision-making. We are developing and validating a behavioral test to quantify these prior beliefs and will use fMRI to investigate how the brain encodes them. We will also test whether psychiatric patients hold distorted prior beliefs and whether these are changeable with psychotherapy.

Selected publications

* equally contributing authors

Hird EJ, Beierholm U, De Boer L, Axelsson J, Backman L, Guitart-Masip M
Neurobiol Aging 2022 Oct;118():34-43

Garzón B, Kurth-Nelson Z, Bäckman L, Nyberg L, Guitart-Masip M
Cereb Cortex 2023 Feb;33(5):1669-1678

Moutoussis M, Garzón B, Neufeld S, Bach DR, Rigoli F, Goodyer I, Bullmore E, , Guitart-Masip M*, Dolan RJ*
Neuron 2021 Jun;109(12):2025-2040.e7

Garzón B, Lövdén M, de Boer L, Axelsson J, Riklund K, Bäckman L, Nyberg L, Guitart-Masip M
Brain Struct Funct 2021 Apr;226(3):743-758

Richter A, de Boer L, Guitart-Masip M, Behnisch G, Seidenbecher CI, Schott BH
J Neural Transm (Vienna) 2021 Nov;128(11):1705-1720

Betts MJ, Richter A, de Boer L, Tegelbeckers J, Perosa V, Baumann V, Chowdhury R, Dolan RJ, Seidenbecher C, Schott BH, Düzel E, Guitart-Masip M, Krauel K
Neurobiol Aging 2020 Dec;96():49-57

de Boer L, Garzón B, Axelsson J, Riklund K, Nyberg L, Bäckman L, Guitart-Masip M
Cereb Cortex 2020 Sep;30(10):5270-5280

Perosa V, de Boer L, Ziegler G, Apostolova I, Buchert R, Metzger C, Amthauer H, Guitart-Masip M, Düzel E, Betts MJ
Cereb Cortex 2020 May;30(5):3340-3351

de Boer L, Axelsson J, Chowdhury R, Riklund K, Dolan RJ, Nyberg L, Bäckman L, Guitart-Masip M
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2019 Jan;116(1):261-270

de Boer L, Axelsson J, Riklund K, Nyberg L, Dayan P, Bäckman L, Guitart-Masip M
Elife 2017 Sep;6():

Papenberg team

Team members

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Goran Papenberg

Principal Researcher

Our research

We focus on the molecular contributions to cognitive aging, with a special focus on dopamine and neuroinflammation. We use genetic, epigenetic, lifestyle and neuroimaging techniques (Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Positron Emission Tomography) to understand the heterogeneity in brain and cognitive aging.

Research projects

  • Mechanisms of Cognitive Aging - the Roles of Brain Iron Accumulation and Neuroinflammation
  • The Role of DNA methylation in Dopaminergic Neuromodulation of Cognitive Aging
Aging Cognitive Aging Geriatrics Gerontology, specialising in Medical and Health Sciences (specialising in Social Sciences to be 50999) Neurology Neurosciences Psychology (excluding Applied Psychology) Show all
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