
Molecular brain imaging, neuropsychopharmacology, depression and anxiety disorders – Johan Lundberg's research group

The overriding aim of our research is to improve the treatment of major psychiatric disorders. Our main activity involves in vivo and post mortem molecular imaging to study the pathophysiology and pharmacology of mood and anxiety disorders, and to some extent autism spectrum disorders.

Johan Lundberg

The overriding aim of our research is to improve the treatment of major psychiatric disorders. Our main activity involves in vivo and post mortem molecular imaging to study the pathophysiology and pharmacology of mood and anxiety disorders, and to some extent autism spectrum disorders.

One vision of the group is to develop imaging markers for antidepressant treatment response. To this end, we study the molecular effect in man in vivo of different antidepressant treatments, such as Cognitive Behavioral Treatment, antidepressant drug treatment, Electro Convulsive Treatment and novel antidepressant treatments such as ketamine. We have had a focus on the serotonin system, but are performing studies also on the GABA and Glutamate systems. The development of molecular imaging analysis and statistics is an integrated part of our work.

Our work is supported by the Swedish Science Council, the Stockholm County, the Söderström-Königska foundation and from a generous private donation.


Selected publications

  • Article: JAMA PSYCHIATRY. 2023;80(2):167-175
    Lundberg J; Cars T; Loeoev S-A; Soederling J; Sundstroem J; Tiihonen J; Leval A; Gannedahl A; Bjoerkholm C; Sjaelin M; Hellner C
  • Article: MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY. 2022;27(12):5096-5112
    Price RB; Kissel N; Baumeister A; Rohac R; Woody ML; Ballard ED; Zarate CAJ; Deakin W; Abdallah CG; Feder A; Charney DS; Grunebaum MF; Mann JJ; Mathew SJ; Gallagher B; McLoughlin DM; Murrough JW; Muthukumaraswamy S; McMillan R; Sumner R; Papakostas G; Fava M; Hock R; Phillips JL; Blier P; Shiroma P; Sos P; Su T-P; Chen M-H; Tiger M; Lundberg J; Wilkinson ST; Wallace ML
  • Article: ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA. 2022;146(1):51-63
    Lundberg J; Cars T; Loov S-A; Soderling J; Tiihonen J; Leval A; Gannedahl A; Bjorkholm C; Sjalin M; Hellner C
    Veldman ER; Varrone A; Varnas K; Svedberg MM; Cselenyi Z; Tiger M; Gulyas B; Halldin C; Lundberg J
  • Article: JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS. 2021;290:240-244
    Veldman ER; Mamula D; Jiang H; Tiger M; Ekman C-J; Lundberg J; Svenningsson P
  • Article: TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY. 2021;11(1):264
    Svensson JE; Svanborg C; Plaven-Sigray P; Kaldo V; Halldin C; Schain M; Lundberg J
  • Article: MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY. 2021;26(5):1647-1658
    Andersson M; Tangen A; Farde L; Bolte S; Halldin C; Borg J; Lundberg J
  • Article: TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY. 2020;10(1):159
    Tiger M; Veldman ER; Ekman C-J; Halldin C; Svenningsson P; Lundberg J
  • Article: PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES. 2020;74(4):263-269
    Tiger M; Svensson J; Liberg B; Saijo T; Schain M; Halldin C; Farde L; Lundberg J
  • Article: NEUROIMAGE. 2019;202:116143
    Svensson JE; Schain M; Plaven-Sigray P; Cervenka S; Tiger M; Nord M; Halldin C; Farde L; Lundberg J


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