
Ingrid Dahlman group

The group conducts research on genetics and studies how human abdominal adipose tissue contributes to obesity-related complications and insulin resistance.

Our research

Ingrid Dahlman works clinically as a diabetologist with 20 years’ experience of diabetes research. Ingrid did her post doc at Cambridge university with professor John A Todd, a world expert on type 1 diabetes genetics. Besides genetics, the focus of Ingrid´s research is how human abdominal adipose tissue contributes to obesity-related complications and insulin resistance. Ingrid Dahlman has throughout her work often applied an -omics approach, e.g. transcriptome, epigenome, and genetic analyses, in her projects. Another focus has been life style intervention studies to improve metabolic health in people with elevated risk of cardiovascular disease.

The group is part of the Endocrinology Unit at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH).


Genetics of white adipose tissue morphology and metabolism

Obesity is a strong risk factor for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Efficient long term treatment of obesity is lacking. Although there are many treatments for type 2 diabetes, many patients fail to reach treatment targets. Hundreds of susceptibility gene loci for obesity and diabetes have been identified. The aim of our research is to define genetic variants acting in adipose tissue to influence risk of abdominal obesity and type 2 diabetes. For this purpose we have access to a unique cohort with details of abdominal adipose morphology and metabolism determined in 950 adults.

Interaction the interplay between circadian rythm and physical exercise om metabolism in patients with type 1 diabetes and overweight

Cardiometabolic risk in patients with abdominal obesity and type 1 diabetes can be moderated by life style modifications. There is an intimate link between gene regulation and circadian clock in mediating response to exercise in a variety of insulin sensitive organs. The aim om this project is to evaluate, by intervention, the interplay of circadian rhythm and high intensive interval training on glucose control and organ metabolism in patients with overweight with or without type 1 diabetes.

In the intervention study participants will perform one bout of HIIT in the morning and, on a separate day, one in the afternoon. Plasma, muscle, and adipose samples will be subjected to global transcriptome and metabolomic analyses.


  • Martina Persson, Adjunct senior lecturer, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡
  • Thomas Gustafsson, Professor, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡
  • Daniel Andersson, Docent, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡
  • Paul Franks, Professor, University of Lund
  • Ulf Riserus, Professor, Uppsala University
  • Rona Strawbridge, Research fellow, University of Glasgow


Selected publications

  • Article: COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY. 2021;4(1):90
    Herdenberg C; Mutie PM; Billing O; Abdullah A; Strawbridge RJ; Dahlman I; Tuck S; Holmlund C; Arner P; Henriksson R; Franks PW; Hedman H
  • Article: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2020;288(2):219-233
    Kerr AG; Andersson DP; Ryden M; Arner P; Dahlman I
  • Article: CELLS. 2020;9(5):E1085-1085
    Lundback V; Kulyte A; Arner P; Strawbridge RJ; Dahlman I
  • Article: MOLECULAR METABOLISM. 2020;34:85-96
    Kulyte A; Lundback V; Lindgren CM; Luan J; Lotta LA; Langenberg C; Arner P; Strawbridge RJ; Dahlman I
  • Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY. 2020;44(2):377-387
    Kwok KHM; Ryden M; Andersson DP; Beauchef G; Guere C; Vie K; Bergman O; Lundback V; Arner P; Dahlman I
  • Article: DIABETES. 2019;68(12):2235-2246
    Stahel P; Nahmias A; Sud SK; Lee SJ; Pucci A; Yousseif A; Youseff A; Jackson T; Urbach DR; Okrainec A; Allard JP; Sockalingam S; Yao T; Barua M; Jiao H; Magi R; Bassett AS; Paterson AD; Dahlman I; Batterham RL; Dash S
  • Article: MOLECULAR METABOLISM. 2019;25:159-167
    Kerr AG; Sinha I; Dadvar S; Arner P; Dahlman I
  • Article: CELL METABOLISM. 2018;28(1):45-54.e3
    Arner P; Andersson DP; Backdahl J; Dahlman I; Ryden M
  • Article: EBIOMEDICINE. 2018;30:248-260
    Gao H; Kerr A; Jiao H; Hon C-C; Ryden M; Dahlman I; Arner P


  • Research council
  • Novo Nordic foundation
  • Region Stockholm (ALF)
  • Diabetesfonden
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