
Grant for Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trial in Cancer - Planning and Implementation Award 2014

Investigator-initiated research involving investigational drugs is key to developing novel therapies against cancer. With this award, StratCan intends to support the planning and implementation of investigator-initiated clinical trials. Deadline August 31, 2014.

About the award

The award can cover a broad variety of different activities aiming at enabling an investigator-initiated clinical trial in cancer. Although the support is not intended to cover the total cost of the trial, the grant should support efforts to bring it to the stage where the project is competitive enough to attract funding from other academic or non-academic funding agencies or from the industry. The project should not be supported by non-academic funding at the time of application.

The grant is a one-year grant amounting to SEK 500 000. The research grant can cover any type of costs related to the preparation of the trial, such as salaries, equipment, supplies, the cost for GMP-production and toxicity testing of the investigational drug or help in protocol/IMPD preparation. The grant must not finance stipends.


The research should be conducted at 探花精选.


The project will be assessed with regard to scientific merits as well as innovativeness, originality and scientific background of the concept. In addition, the likelihood that the described work will result in an investigator-initiated clinical trial will be taken into account.

Members of the StratCan Executive board will select a short-list of high-quality applications that subsequently will be subjected to external assessment.

Detailed application instructions

The application should be written in English and contain

  • Research program. Five pages maximum, including a synopsis of the planned clinical trial (Pilot trial or Phase 1) on maximum one page.
  • CV of the principal investigator (including current funding)
  • Publication list
  • Project budget, which should specify how the cost is related to the planned trial.

Grant for Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trial in Cancer announcement as pdf

CV instructions

The CV should be written according to the following template:

  1. Current position, period of appointment, share of time spent in research.
  2. Previous positions and periods of appointment.
  3. Specialist certification or equivalent (year, discipline/subject area).
  4. Qualification as research fellow/associate professor (year).
  5. Postdoctoral experience (year, placement).
  6. Doctoral degree (year, discipline/subject area, dissertation title, supervisor).
  7. Higher education degree (year, subject area).
  8. Interruptions in research. If active research time has been interrupted to the extent that it affected the opportunity to acquire qualifications, e.g. by parental leave, clinical qualification or similar reasons (specify reason, time and dates).
  9. Fellowships, awards and commissions of trust.
  10. Current funding.

Finally, provide any additional information of importance to the application.

Publication list instructions

The publication list should contain your publications for the last eight years (2006-2014) in reversed chronological order. Please mark your ten most important publications with an asterisk and emphasize your own name in bold.

Categorize your publications:

  • Peer-reviewed original articles in international journals
  • Peer-reviewed conference contributions (the results of which are not presented in other publications)
  • Review articles, book chapters, books
  • Patents

Application address & Deadline

Please send your application marked "StratCan clinical trial grant" to stratcan@ki.se
Deadline for applications is August 31, 2014. Please note new deadline!

Further information

For further information please contact or .

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