
Grant for Clinical Research visits to MD Anderson Cancer Center

To further expand collaboration between MD Anderson Cancer Center and KI, a possibility for young clinicians from KI/KS to visit MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas for visiting scientist positions of 3-6 months at one of MD Andersons 70 clinical departments, with grant support from StratCan, were offered.

Clinical Research Visit Grants to MD Anderson 2017

Of a total of 6 qualified applications that all underwent external review, two applications were awarded funding:

Hanna Eriksson for 鈥淣ovel circulating biomarkers of treatment response in metastatic cutaneous malignant melanoma鈥


Organizational unit:Research Group Hansson, Johan



Sara Corvigno for 鈥淥varian cancer tumor microenvironment; impact on immunologic surveillance and response to treatment鈥



Organizational unit:Research Group 脰stman, Arne



About the Grant


The applicant must at the time of application be a 探花精选 doctor at KI/KS at the specialist level or at the late (last third) ST level (Resident physician). A Ph.D. is considered strong merit but it is not obligatory.

About the visit

The research visit can last 3-6 months of which one month is dedicated to clinical rotation.

The clinical rotation period is defined as watching and listening only with no patient contact. You will have the opportunity to shadow a physician at MD Anderson and do rounds with him/her, but with 鈥渉ands in pocket鈥.

The remainder of the stay is to be used to perform a collaborative project. A status report of the joint project should be presented to faculty at MD Anderson before the end of the visit.

About the award

The award will cover a leave of absence from the clinic (about 60-90.000 SEK/month), a travel grant of 50.000 SEK, and a bench fee of 10.000 SEK/month. A total of up to maximally four awards will be granted and they will be available for use during 2017.


Applications will be assessed on the project plan with regard to the relevance and added value of the visit.

Independent external clinical cancer researchers will evaluate the applications.

Detailed application instructions

The application should be written in English and contain the following:

  1. Description of the purpose of the trip and details of the planned visit including:
    - Planned timing and duration of the visit.
    - A letter from MD Anderson partner confirming interest to act as host and supervisor for the research project.
    - Short project plan (max 3 pages) describing the aim of the visit and the work to be carried out during the visit (including possible future collaborative plans is already available at this stage) in context to the applicant鈥檚 探花精选 background.
  2. CV (max two pages, including five selected publications) & full list of publications
  3. Budget for the trip (simplified and short, primarily describing the length of visit and requested level of compensation for leave of absence from the clinic).

Please send your application marked "Clinical Research Visit Award" to stratcan@ki.se

The deadline for applications is November 1st, 2016.

Tentative schedule: decision December 2016 and first visits from summer/fall 2017.

Printable grant announcement (pdf)

Further Information:

Arne 脰stman, or Jonas Bergh 

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