
2024 Collaborative Call for Applications to Support Cancer Research - Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center (MCCCC) and Cancer Research 探花精选 (CRKI)

The Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center (MCCCC) and Cancer Research 探花精选 (CRKI) are pleased to announce the 2024 Request for Applications (RFA) within the areas of breast cancer, other solid tumors, and hematologic malignancies with a submission deadline of April 5, 2024.

Four flags: the Swedish, The United States, Maoy Clinic and also 探花精选.

The Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center (MCCCC) and Cancer Research 探花精选 (CRKI) have created a unique collaborative international network focused on innovative science and translation and are in an excellent position to leverage this relationship to make a global impact on cancer through research focusing on innovative scientific discovery and/or the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of cancer. In 2024, these collaborative efforts will support up to 3 projects. 



The objective of this funding is to initiate and further enhance collaborative research endeavours in the cancer area between Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center (MCCCC) and Cancer Research 探花精选 (CRKI). 

We seek highly innovative approaches that may involve considerable scientific risk, but which may potentially lead to a breakthrough in a particular area, or to the development of new techniques, agents, methodologies, models, and applications that could have a major impact on cancer research and patient outcomes. It is expected that support via this program will lead to impactful publications, discoveries and targeted submission of subsequent extramural peer-reviewed grants seeking support from other sources. These will be the metrics of success for this grant award program, and regular followup with the investigators will be done to ensure progress. 



Up to three (3) individual projects will be awarded for one year with a second year of funding contingent on satisfactory progress in the first year. Project investigators may request up to $100,000 (total cost) for the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center (MCCCC) component ($50,000/year for 2 years) and up to 1 MSEK for the Cancer Research 探花精选 (CRKI) component (500,000 SEK/year for 2 years) per project. Indirect costs are included in the total award. Funding for this RFA is through established philanthropic support at the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center and Cancer Research 探花精选 (CRKI). 



鈥 Application submission deadline Sweden: 23:59 on April 5, 2024 

鈥 Application submission deadline Rochester, MN, USA: 5:00 pm (CT) on April 5, 2024 

鈥 Award announcements: June 17, 2024 

鈥 Award period: July 1, 2024 鈥 June 30, 2026 



Mayo applicants must hold a faculty* position at any of the three Mayo Clinic sites. At CRKI, all faculty with a PhD and working at least 50% at any 探花精选 Department are eligible to apply for funding. Each collaborative application must include one investigator from Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center and one investigator from Cancer Research 探花精选 (CRKI). 

*AC, SAC or Consultant; Research Scientists may be included on an application as Co-Investigator with faculty level applicant 



The application should be written in English and contain: 

Research program (four pages maximum, excluding references) 

Applications need to clearly identify how the research strengths of each investigator will synergize such that the research could not move forward without the collaboration. Applications from Mayo/KI investigators forging new collaborations as well as from investigators with a prior track record of collaboration are welcome. 

For Mayo investigators, a current NIH biosketch is required. 

For Karolinska investigators, a short CV of the principal investigator (including current funding) and a Publication list for the last eight years (2016鈥2024), also including contact information (email address). 

Project budget for Year 1 and 2 as well as simple budget justifications for MCCCC partner in dollars and CRKI partner in SEK. 

Formatting: Arial font, size 11, margins 1鈥 inch, single spaced with page numbering. 



Please send your application as a single pdf file named "Mayo_CRKI collaboration call_first name_last name" to cancerresearchki@ki.se and breastspore@mayo.edu by the deadlines stated above. 

Late submissions will not be accepted. There will be no exceptions. 



The applications will be subjected to a scientific review that will include both internal and external (Mayo) and external (CRKI) scientific reviewers. The evaluations will be combined and an executive committee (headed by the Director of Mayo Clinic Breast Cancer Research and the Director of Cancer Research Karolinska Institute (CRKI) (pending no conflict of interest exists) will make the final funding decision based on the ranking from the combined evaluations. 

Review Criteria: Reviewers will consider each of the criteria below: 

鈥 Scientific merit, including adequacy of design and proposed statistical analysis. 

鈥 Originality and innovativeness of the proposal and relevance to the overall goals of the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center (MCCCC) and Cancer Research 探花精选 (CRKI) Collaboration. 

鈥 Qualifications of the key personnel and their ability to conduct the proposed research. 

鈥 Degree to which the project addresses an issue of significant importance for reducing cancer incidence and mortality rates and increasing survival and quality of life. 

鈥 Potential for the project to obtain subsequent extramural/external peer-reviewed external research funding and the potential source (programmatic grant, collaborative grant, individual investigator grant). 



To facilitate new collaborations, we are offering assistance in identifying research partners at both institutions. Please write a short description of the proposed project and send this to both Angie Emanuel at emanuel.angela@mayo.edu and Liselotte B盲ckdahl at liselotte.backdahl@ki.se at CRKI (CRKI investigators). We will identify contact details for potential research collaborators in the appropriate area of research. 



Additional inquiries may be emailed to cancerresearchki@ki.se or breastspore@mayo.edu


Grant Call

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