
International Clinical Postdoc grants 2014

StratCan is announcing 1-2 International Clinical Postdoc grants within cancer research for MDs, with a Ph.D. completed 2006 or later, at the residency or post-residency levels (ST-tjänst eller tillsvidare tjänst som specialistläkare). The application deadline is September 15, 2014.


About the Grant

The call is open for employees at hospitals affiliated with ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡.

The grants amount to 1 million SEK/year for 2 years. A minimum of 12 months shall be spent at a highly qualified laboratory outside Sweden and of the time spent in Sweden at least 80% shall be devoted to research. It is a prerequisite that the candidate is allowed leave of absence from his/her clinical position by the employer, confirmed by a letter of support from the Head of Department.

Application instructions

Applications should contain:

  • CV (detailed instructions below)
  • Research plan (five pages maximum, including references)
  • Publication list (all publications in reverse chronological order, name of applicant, and journal name in bold)
  • Letter of support from the Head of Clinic (verksamhetschef) confirming leave of absence from a clinical position
  • Letter of acceptance from the receiving laboratory.

International Clinical Postdoc grants 2014 announcement as pdf

CV instructions

The CV should be written according to the following template:

  • Current position, period of appointment, share of time spent in research.
  • Previous positions and periods of appointment.
  • Specialist certification or equivalent (year, discipline/subject area).
  • Postdoctoral experience if any (year, placement).
  • Doctoral degree (year, discipline/subject area, dissertation title, supervisor).
  • Higher education degree (year, subject area).
  • Interruptions in research. If active research time has been interrupted to the extent that it affected the opportunity to acquire qualifications, e.g. by parental leave, clinical qualification or similar reasons (specify reason, time and dates).
  • Fellowships, awards and commissions of trust.
  • Current funding.
  • Name and contact information of three referees
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