
User guidelines for the zebrafish core facility

Here you will find information on how to use our core facility, which permits are required and our user fees.

User handbook

Equipment for animals in reserach
The Nordic region's largest zebrafish core facility is located at KI. Photo: Lars Bräutigam

Who can use the zebrafish core facility?

The zebrafish core facility is open to all internal and external academic research groups from Sweden or abroad. We are also open to companies. If you want to start using the zebrafish core facility or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us by writing an email to zebrafish-office@km.ki.se

Which permits are required to be able to use the zebrafish core facility?

You will need to provide the following permits and documents in order to be able to use the zebrafish core facility:

  1. A risk assessment for non-standard methods and/or chemicals which are used in your study
  2. An ethical permit if you will be using zebrafish older than 5 days in your research and want to perform non-standard methods. The zebrafish core facility can assist you with writing the ethical permit
  3. Species specific education and competence in laboratory animal science if you will be using zebrafish older than 5 days in your research, see more at the zebrafish course page.

The zebrafish core facility provides all other permits such as an ethical permit for keeping and breeding zebrafish lines, an ethical permit for standard methods such as genotyping and necropsy as well as permits required to keep and breed non-GMO and GMO zebrafish. The zebrafish core facility also provides permits for handling GMO materials and class-2 pathogens.


Further questions?

Please contacts us zebrafish-office@km.ki.se and/or schedule a meeting in the .