PIF - about us
The Preclinical Imaging Core Facility (PIF) is a center for small animal imaging located at the Flemingsberg Campus. It provides a wide range of imaging equipment and support for experimental design, choosing the optimal imaging methods, imaging acquisition, and data analysis.
PIF aims to offer a "One-Stop" complete multimodal imaging for small animals. We are the only facility at KI/RS that covers almost all preclinical imaging modalities within the same barrier, which enables researchers to use the new concept of multimodal imaging without moving animals between different animal facilities. At the same time, PIF encourages researchers to apply the 3Rs principles in their experiments. Following the biological process by repeated measurements within the same animal, reduces the inter- and intra-individual variability, reduces the number of animals used and minimizes the costs of the studies.
Meet our team
Moustapha Hassan
Professor, Head of Core FacilityYing Zhao
Docent, Scientific DirectorManon Renault
Research AssistantJia Sun
Research CoordinatorContact and visit us
The Preclinical Imaging Core Facility (PIF), located on the Flemingsberg Campus, is a part of the Preclinical Laboratory (PKL, FoUU).
Contact email: ying.zhao.1@ki.se
Postal address: Preclinical Imaging Core Facility (PIF), Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge, SE-141 86 Stockholm
Visiting address: