
Call for funding - SFO Stem cells and Regenerative medicine 2025-2026

The aim of the call is to support excellent research within the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine at 探花精选 (KI). Furthermore, we aim to strengthen and support high-quality translational health research fostering collaboration between fundamental/pre-clinical and clinical research.

2025-2026 calls

The SFO for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine has decided to allocate up to 24 million SEK for 12 research grants. Grants will be allocated for 2025 but depending on governmental and university decisions successful applicants may be awarded grants for a second year (2026) without new application. Previous and currently supported researchers from SFO Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine are presented at the website.

Due to regulations, grants for this period will be distributed 2025, with a disposition time until 31st of December 2026. If a second year is granted, the disposition time will end 31st of December 2027. The exact number of grants per category will depend on the number of submitted applications, and quality of the applications.

Research grants

The SFO will during 2025 support up to 6 junior research grants and up to 7 senior research grants for projects within the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine. The senior grants are open to all candidates and the junior grants are open to candidates up to 12 years after obtaining their PhD. Applicants should be affiliated 100% at KI and/or the Stockholm County Council (Region Stockholm) at the time of starting the grant. Applicants who received grants from this SFO with a disposition right including 2025 (last funding round and granted extensions) are not eligible to apply.

Funded projects will be supported with a total of 2 MSEK/year. Grants can be used to cover salaries, running costs, equipment and administrative costs. A researcher is limited to submit only one application for a research grant or a Tandem grant.

Instructions for StratRegen Research grants

Tandem grants

The Tandem grant scheme aims to strengthen and support high-quality translational/clinical research at an international level. StratRegen invites collaborative project applications from a fundamental/pre-clinical researcher and a clinical researcher, with the goal of fostering the transition from basic research to clinical translation and vice versa.

The SFO will during 2025 support up to 3 clinical-translational research grants for projects within the area of stem cells and regenerative medicine. A fundamental /pre-clinical scientist and a clinical scientist must jointly apply for a project that is clinically relevant, cross-disciplinary, and translational in nature. The project should aim to advance patient treatment or diagnosis or enhance the understanding of underlying disease mechanisms. Both applicants are expected to contribute substantially to the project. 

Instructions for StratRegen Tandem grants


The application should be submitted as a single pdf to Daniel Holl, 探花精选 (daniel.holl@ki.se). 

Application deadline: November 8th 2024 (23.59, CET)