
Felipe de Oliveira Galvão

Felipe de Oliveira Galvão

Research Specialist
Visiting address: Nobels väg 13, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: C6 Institutet för miljömedicin, C6 Biokemisk toxikologi Dreij, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I received my M.Sc. degree in Biochemistry in 2011 and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in 2016 from Professor Silvia Batistuzzo’s group, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Brazil. In 2015 I was awarded with a Ph.D. visiting fellowship at the Unit of Biochemical Toxicology, Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM), ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, Sweden. In 2018, I joined Professor Kristian Dreij’s group for a postdoc focusing on Genetic Toxicology, and in 2023 I got a position as Research Specialist at IMM.

    I have experience in Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis with emphasis on particulate matter sampling, physical-chemical characterization, air pollutants dispersion modeling, and analysis of in vitro and in vivo effects of air pollutants. The focus of my research is to assess the impact of complex mixtures emitted by biomass burning in both an occupational and environmental exposure scenario.


  • Development of new approach methodologies for assessing cancer risks associated with air pollution mixtures


  • Air pollution is a complex mixture of compounds with different biological activities that makes risk assessment a challenge. Current strategies for cancer risk assessment (CRA) of air pollution are today based on a pollutant-by-pollutant approach. This is a great simplification and excludes the possibility of mixture effects that may underestimate actual human health risks. The aim of this project is to address these issues by developing a New Approach Method (NAM) for CRA of air pollution mixtures. We propose that CRA of complex mixtures should be based on in vitro toxicity testing of whole mixtures and determination of relative Mixture Potency Factors (MPFs) (). We have previously shown that this approach can accurately determine the genotoxic potency of individual air pollutants (). Using this NAM, we aim to show that CRA of air pollution based on in vitro MPFs better predict the lung cancer risk associated with exposure to ambient air PM than currently accepted component-based approaches. We are now applying this NAM with samples representing different emission sources and environments (, ). This project is funded by the Swedish Research Council FORMAS, STINT/CAPES, and ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡. PI: Kristian Dreij


  • Assessment of acute respiratory and cardiovascular health effects due to biomass smoke exposure in the Brazilian Amazon


  • Biomass burning is a global concern in terms of climate change, biodiversity, and health risks. Worldwide, approximately 3 billion people are exposed to biomass particulate matter (PM). Biomarkers of exposure and effect are fundamental for understanding environmental exposures, mechanistic pathways, and monitoring early adverse outcomes. Our goal is to assess the acute cardiopulmonary health effects of short-term exposure to biomass PM among the population in the Amazon deforestation arc, together with in vitro analyses of sampled PM in a lung cell model to provide a mechanistic characterization of the health hazard. This project will be the first of its kind to combine personal exposure monitoring, specific cardiopulmonary biomarkers, and functional testing with mechanistic in vitro studies of collected PM in the Amazon. This project is funded by the Swedish Research Council FORMAS and ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡. PI: Felipe de Oliveira Galvão


  • Article: ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL. 2024;190:108942
    Galvao MFDO; Scaramboni C; Endirlik BU; Silva AV; Oberg M; Pozza SA; Watanabe T; Rodrigues PCDO; Vasconcellos PDC; Sadiktsis I; Dreij K
  • Article: ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH. 2024;305:107423
    Scaramboni C; Farias CN; Vasconcellos PDC; Levi M; Sadiktsis I; Pozza SA; Umbuzeiro GDA; Watanabe T; Rodrigues PCDO; Grandis A; Buckeridge MS; Campos MLAM; Kippler M; Dreij K; Galva MFDO
    Martins C; Galvao MFDO; Costa PM; Dreij K
  • Article: TOXICOLOGY IN VITRO. 2023;91:105628
    Scaramboni C; Campos MLAM; Dorta DJ; Oliveira DPD; Medeiros SRBD; Galva MFDO; Dreij K
  • Article: CHEMOSPHERE. 2023;332:138862
    Sadiktsis I; Galvao MDO; Mustafa M; Toublanc M; Endirlik BU; Silvergren S; Johansson C; Dreij K
  • Article: ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL. 2022;166:107345
    Galvao MFDO; Sadiktsis I; Pedro TM; Dreij K
  • Article: JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH. 2022;58(6):996-1000
    Melo TR; Souza KSC; Ururahy MAG; Bortolin RH; Bezerra JF; de Oliveira Galvao MF; Hirata RDC; Hirata MH; Arrais RF; Almeida MDG; Rezende AA; Silbiger VN
    Barron Cuenca J; de Oliveira Galvao MF; Unlu Endirlik B; Tirado N; Dreij K
  • Article: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 2021;755(Pt 1):142709
    Lim H; Sadiktsis I; Galvao MFDO; Westerholm R; Dreij K
  • Article: TOXICOLOGY LETTERS. 2020;333:242-250
    Rohr P; da Silva GF; Pimenta Vicentini VE; de Almeida IV; dos Santos RA; Takahashi CS; Goulart MO; da Silva GN; de Oliveira LB; Grisolia CK; Piau TB; Bassi Branco CL; Reis EDM; de Oliveira Galvao MF; Batistuzzo de Medeiros SR; Monteiro MS; de Vasconcelos Lopes RA; Inacio Brandao SF; Carvalho Batista NJ; Correia Jardim Paz MF; da Silva J
  • Article: ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. 2020;256:113381
    Galvao MFDO; Sadiktsis I; Batistuzzo de Medeiros SR; Dreij K
  • Article: CHEMOSPHERE. 2019;231:518-527
    Peixoto MS; da Silva Junior FC; de Oliveira Galvao MF; Roubicek DA; Alves NDO; Batistuzzo de Medeiros SR
  • Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2019;9(1):7229
    Rezende Duarte VH; de Oliveira Fernandes Miranda CT; Cruz MS; Goes de Araujo JN; Rodrigues Nunes Duarte MK; Quirino Silva dos Santos AM; Clemente dos Santos IC; dos Santos JC; Gomes da Silva AM; de Oliveira JM; Moura de Oliveira Paiva MS; de Oliveira Galvao MF; Rezende AA; Hirata MH; Crespo Hirata RD; Luchessi AD; Silbiger VN
  • Article: ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION RESEARCH. 2019;10(2):597-607
    da Silva KK; Duarte FT; Rodrigues Matias JN; Morais Medeiros Dias SA; Fernandes Duarte EDS; Cunha da Silva Soares CG; Hoelzemann JJ; Galvao MFDO
  • Journal article: MASTOLOGY. 2018;28(1):7-10
    Navarro DTSM; Aguiar MGD; Galvão MFDO; Germano TCO; Lajus TBP; Oliveira TCAD
  • Article: ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. 2018;233:960-970
    de Oliveira Galvao MF; Alves NDO; Ferreira PA; Caumo S; Vasconcellos PDC; Artaxo P; Hacon SDS; Roubicek DA; Batistuzzo de Medeiros SR
  • Journal article: CHEMOSPHERE. 2018;193:1243
    Peixoto MS; de Oliveira Galva MF; Batistuzzo de Medeiros SR
  • Article: CHEMOSPHERE. 2017;167:36-43
    Marcon AE; Navoni JA; de Oliveira Galvao MF; Fagundes Soares Garcia AC; do Amaral VS; Petta RA; da Costa Campos TF; Panosso R; Quinelato AL; Batistuzzo de Medeiros SR
  • Article: ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. 2017;220(Pt A):659-671
    de Oliveira Galvao MF; Freires de Queiroz JD; Fernandes Duarte EDS; Hoelzemann JJ; de Andre PA; Nascimento Saldiva PH; Menezes Filho JA; Batistuzzo de Medeiros SR
  • Journal article: ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH. 2015;142:763
    Galvao MF; Cabral TDM; de Andre PA; Andrade MDF; de Miranda RM; Saldiva PH; Vasconcellos RDC; de Medeiros SR
  • Article: ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH. 2014;131:145-152
    de Oliveira Galvao MF; Cabral TDM; de Andre PA; Andrade MDF; de Miranda RM; Nascimento Saldiva PH; Vasconcellos PDC; Batistuzzo de Medeiros SR
  • Article: ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH. 2014;130:51-58
    Alves NDO; Hacon SDS; de Oliveira Galvao MF; Peixotoc MS; Artaxo P; Vasconcellos PDC; Batistuzzo de Medeiros SR
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All other publications

  • Conference publication: TOXICOLOGY LETTERS. 2022;368:S76-S77
    Martins C; Cabral IM; Carvalho LM; De Oliveira Galvao MF; Saude ML; Dreij K; Costa PM
  • Conference publication: ENVIRONMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MUTAGENESIS. 2022;63:98
    Galvao MFDO; Sadiktsis I; Pedro TM; Dreij K
  • Conference publication: TOXICOLOGY LETTERS. 2019;314:S132-S133
    Galvao MFDO; Sadiktsis I; Batistuzzo de Medeiros SR; Dreij K
  • Review: CHEMOSPHERE. 2017;188:32-48
    Peixoto MS; de Oliveira Galvao MF; Batistuzzo de Medeiros SR
  • Conference publication: TOXICOLOGY LETTERS. 2011;205:S101
    Batistuzzo S; Galvao MF; Cabral T; Saldiva P
  • Conference publication: TOXICOLOGY LETTERS. 2011;205:S99-S100
    Alves N; Galvao MF; Artaxo P; Loureiro AL; Vasconcellos P; Hacon S; Batistuzzo S


  • Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)
    1 October 2024 - 1 January 2027
  • Swedish Research Council for Environment Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
    1 January 2023 - 31 December 2026
  • ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Research Foundation Grants
    28 September 2022 - 28 September 2024
  • Coordenação de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
    1 January 2020
  • Swedish Research Council for Environment Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
    1 January 2020 - 31 December 2022
  • Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education
    1 January 2020 - 1 January 2023
  • Cancer risk assessment of airborne pollutants based on in vitro mixture potency factors
    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
    1 November 2018 - 1 November 2019

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