
Center for Molecular Medicine Flow Cytometry Core

The Center for Molecular Medicine Flow cytometry Core is a research core that provides KI researchers with introduction, education and services for cell analysis and cell sorting by flow cytometry. Our flow core includes cutting-edge flow cytometers to support conventional and full spectrum multi-parameter flow cytometry analysis and cell sorting

Cell analysis and cell sorting by flow cytometry (FC)

is a well established technique whereby rapid measurements of multiple cellular parameters such as light scatter and fluorescence are made on particles or cells as they flow through a sensing point forming the basis for selected populations to be analyzed and/ or sorted out. Flow cytometry is an indispensable tool in ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ biology where it is used to study cells from blood, bone marrow, cerebrospinal fluids and from any tissue where single cells can be isolated. 

Analyses available on our machines include multi-parameter analyses, calcium flux, cytometric bead array, phospho-flow, cell cycle and proliferation analysis, etc. Unassisted or assisted cell sorting can be done in up to 6-way sorts or at the single cell level in 96 or 384-well plates. Introduction is given by the flow cytometry manager.

Workshops on full spectrum flow cytometry are organized once a year by the Flow cytometry Core.


BD FACSVerse conventional analyser. 3 lasers (405, 488 and 635nm), can be used to detect up to 10 colors.
Photo: BDBiosciences

BD FACSVerse conventional flow cytometry analyser  

With 3 lasers (405, 488 and 635nm), can be used to detect up to 8 fluorophores.

BD LSRFortessa conventional analyzer. 5 lasers (355, 405, 488, 560 and 635nm), can be used to detect up to 18 colors.
Photo: BDBiosciences

BD LSRFortessa conventional analyzer flow cytometry analyzer 

with 5 lasers (355, 405, 488, 560 and 635nm), can be used to detect up to 18 fluorophores.

Cytek Aurora 3L spectral analyzer. Full spectrum flow cytometer with three lasers (405, 488 and 635nm) allowing detection of 20+ fluorophores.
Photo: Christina Gerstner.

Cytek Aurora 3L Full spectrum flow cytometer 

with three lasers (405, 488 and 635nm) allowing detection of 20+ fluorophores.

Cytek Aurora 4L spectral analyzer. Full spectrum flow cytometer with four lasers (405, 488, 560 and 635nm) allowing detection of 20+ fluorophores.
Photo: Christina Gerstner

Cytek Aurora 4L Full spectrum flow cytometer 

with four lasers (405, 488, 560 and 635nm) allowing detection of 25+ fluorophores.

Cytek Aurora 5L spectral analyser. Full spectrum flow cytometer with five lasers (355, 405, 488, 560 and 635nm) allowing detection of 35+ fluorophores.
Photo: Christina Gerstner

Cytek Aurora 5L Full spectrum flow cytometer 

with five lasers (355, 405, 488, 560 and 635nm) allowing detection of 35+ fluorophores.



Photo: BDBiosciences

BD Influx assisted cell sorter

This instrument has 4 lasers (488, 561, 641 and 405 nm) and allows detection of up to 18 parameters. Sorting speed is between 10,000 – 50,000 cells/second. Up to six different cell populations can be sorted out simultaneously into tubes. Single cell sorting  is available for 96-well or 384-well plates, including index sorting

Cytek Aurora-CS 5L assisted cell sorter. Full spectrum flow cytometer with 5 lasers (355, 405, 488, 560 and 635nm) allowing detection of 35+ parameters. Up to six different cell populations can be sorted out simultaneously into tubes. Plate-sorting is ava
Photo: Christina Gerstner

Cytek Aurora-CS 5L assisted/unassisted cell sorter

Full spectrum flow cytometer with 5 lasers (355, 405, 488, 560 and 635nm) for detection of 35+ parameters. Up to six different cell populations can be sorted out simultaneously into tubes. Single cell sorting is available for 96-well and soon also for 384-well plates, including index sorting. This instrument is in a Class 2 BioSafety cabinet.

SONY SH800 Cell Sorter. The cell sorter has 4 lasers (488, 561, 638 and 405 nm) and can do 2-way sorting to tubes or sorting to plates, including index sorting. Detection allows for up to 6 different fluorochromes. This instrument is in a Class 2 BioSafet
Photo: Christina Gerstner

SONY SH800 assisted/unassisted Cell Sorter

 The cell sorter has 4 lasers (488, 561, 638 and 405 nm) and can do 2-way sorting to tubes or sorting to plates, including index sorting. Detection allows for up to 6 different fluorochromes. This instrument is in a Class 2 BioSafety cabinet.





Annika van Vollenhoven

Manager of the CMM Flow cytometry Core.
Profile image

Vivianne Malmström

Scientific responsible of the CMM Flow cytometry Core
Department of Medicine, Solna

Visiting adress: 

Center for Molecular Medicine. Visionsgatan 18, L8:03, 171 76 Solna.

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