
EU Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC)

PARC is a 7-year partnership starting in May 2022 and aimed at reducing exposure to hazardous chemicals and their effects on human health and the environment.

PARC is the largest project funded under the new Horizon Europe framework program with around 200 different partners from 28 countries, including European and national authorities, universities and research institutes. Anna Beronius, Annika Hanberg, Johanna Zilliacus, Penny Nymark, Linda Schenk and Agneta 脜kesson from IMM participate in different parts of PARC.

PARC鈥檚 ambition is to support EU's Chemicals Strategy for sustainable development and the Green Deal by promoting the implementation of new methods for risk assessment of chemicals. PARC is unique because it is governed by European and national authorities and based on their needs for new methods. The partnership builds on previous EU projects, such as HBM4EU and EuroMix, where researchers from IMM have been active partners in recent years.

Our activities in PARC reflect the broad expertise at IMM in various aspects of health risk assessment of chemicals, and include evaluation of existing risk assessment methods, development of biomonitoring and exposure assessment methods, integration of data from animal-free New Approach Methodologies (NAMs), development and application of Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOP) and Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATA), and how relevant data can be quality assured and made available in accordance with the FAIR principles (FindableAccessibleInteroperable, Reusable).  IMM will also be involved in activities aimed at education and knowledge dissemination.

Link to PARC


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Anna Beronius

Senior Research Specialist
Anna Persson