ALS Clinical Research Group
The group strives to integrate ALS research and care by conducting clinical research.
The main interests of the group are risk and prognosis of ALS disease, the development of imaging methods, biomarker studies and psychological and cognitive influence on ALS. The group is also conducting several clinical trials in ALS.

Dissertation Juliette Foucher
On February 14 2025, Juliette Foucher defended her thesis "From cognitive and behavioral impairment to clinical trial inclusion, for an inclusive approach of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis"
ALS Radio Interviews
Take some time to listen to three new ALS related radio interviews, from April 23th 2024.
1. Sofia Imrell talks us through her recent research on the latest ALS numbers in Sweden.
2. The recent work from our team was discussed on the Radio as Tomas Hedman presented results showing an increase in the number of ALS cases, specifically in Sweden.
3. Caroline Ingre elaborate on the importance of more ALS research in Sweden.

First international patient randomized in an ALS trial in Stockholm
On April 2 2024, we randomized the first International patient in an ALS trial in Stockholm.

A Royal grant for ALS research
On March 20, Caroline Ingre received a grant from the Royal foundation, supporting and acknowledging ALS research conducted in Sweden.

500th ALS/MND patient recruited in the ALSrisc project
This week we celebrate a very important milestone for the translational research we conduct here at the 探花精选 and Karolinska University Hospital.
Karolinska ALS Clinical Research Group highlighted by Neurof枚rbundet
The Neurof枚rbundet's magazine Refelx recently highlighted the work of Juliette Foucher, PhD student in the group, for her work validating in Swedish the cognitive and behavior test the ECAS. This test can now be used in a reliable manner all over Sweden, both for clinical and research purposes. You can read more about it on pages 6 and 7 of the magazine following this link.
Dr Caroline Ingre raises ALS awareness on Nyhetsmorgon (TV4)
Caroline Ingre was on TV4麓s morning sofa show on January 14 2024, raising awareness on ALS, talking alongside Ida Ahln茅r - thanks Ida and thanks to TV4 for allowing the voice of people living with ALS to be heard by so many.
The Karolinska ALS Group was represented by Karolina Palmb盲ck
At the recent ALS seminar organized in December by Neuro, Karolina walked us through ALS trials in Sweden. You can find the recording in the video via the link
Caroline Ingre receives ALS grant from Neurof枚rbundet
Neurof枚rbundet distributes close to SEK 14 million to three ALS research projects. The research should contribute to better nursing, new medicines and precision medicines.
The Karolinska ALS Group speaks live on P4 radio
Karolina Palmb盲ck was invited on October 31 on the P4 radio show "F枚rmiddag i P4 J枚nk枚ping, med Sofie Carme" by a patient followed up by the team for an ALS trial.
Linn 脰ijerstedt receiving financial support by BioArctic
Our PostDoc Linn 脰ijerstedt receiving financial support by BioArctic for her postdoctoral fellowship in the pursue of finding a marker of TDP-43 pathology. In addition, Linn has received grants from Bj枚rklunds foundation and Demensfonden for her projects on cognitive and behavioural impairment in ALS.
Juliette Foucher published her first thesis paper
Juliette Foucher's paper validating the Edingburgh Cognitive and Behavioral ALS Screen (ECAS) in Swedish.
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