
About us - ALS Clinical Research Group

The Karolinska ALS Clinical Research Group was created by Caroline Ingre in 2018, thanks to a fundraising organized by Sebastian and Kristin from Stoppa ALS, with the goal to open a dedicated ALS group making ALS trials more accessible in Sweden.

group shot
ALS research group Photo: ulf sirborn

After completing a PhD specializing in ALS genetics, Caroline Ingre created the ALS/MND Quality Registry in Sweden, which collects prospective data on ALS/MND patients accross the country. A few years later Caroline started The Karolinska ALS Clinical Research Group with the goal to open a dedicated ALS center making ALS trials more accessible in Sweden.

The reasons why the registry was created established the strong ethic of our team today :

  1. Make ALS care equivalent, evaluable and of high quality
  2. Create a national consensus on investigation and handling of ALS data and patients
  3. Ensure that ALS treatment guidelines are followed nationally
  4. Enable as many ALS/MND patients as possible to have access to drug studies / clinical trials
  5. Increase the collaboration between all Swedish neurological clinics and build up a structure for investigation and management of patients with ALS/MND
  6. Participate in future national and international research projects both pre-clinically and clinically
  7. Create a data-base for epidemiological studies at national level


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