
Seminars at the Division of Insurance Medicine

REWHARD conference 9-10 September 2024

Using Swedish survey and register data in research on social relations, work and health across the life course 
Lunch to lunch conference 9-10 September in Stockholm

Book these days for an inspiring conference about using data from REWHARD and other Swedish data providers in research! 

Those who already use REWHARD (IMAS, LNU, SLOSH and STODS) as well as other researchers/doctoral students with an interest in the area are welcome. The conference will focus on two themes, with both internal and invited speakers: 

  • Work environment, income and sick leave for women and men: Development in different occupations
  • Working with register data from Statistics Sweden (SCB)

There will also be a 'poster walk' where those who have submitted posters briefly can present their work.

The conference language will be English. More information will be made available in the spring, also on this website , no later than 1 May. 

For more information, please contact Beatrice Chaveroche beatrice.chaveroche@su.se.

Stockholm Insurance Medicine Lecture

Professor Mika Kivim盲ki and Professor Marianna Virtanen have given lectures on 9 November 2021.

You will find more information here

Inaugural symposium of the Amsterdam Satellite of Cochrane Work

The symposium took place on Friday 6 September 2019 at Academic Medical Center, Vrijzaal

You will find the program here

Stockholm Insurance Medicine Lectures

The Division of Insurance Medicine has started with a new series of lectures called Stockholm Insurance Medicine Lectures.

Professor Ute B眉ltmann, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, gave a lecture on the topic: "Young adults, mental health and work" on 3 October 2019.

You will find more information here

Seminar on Chronic Diseases

This seminar was held on 28 April 2015
Title: Priority actions for the prevention and management of chronic diseases: national and international perspectives
Presenter: Dr Iveta Nagyova
Senior Research Leader | Acting Head of the Department
President of the EUPHA section on Chronic Diseases

Here you can read the presentation

The Nordic conference on Registry Epidemiology in Iceland 15-16 June 2011

The conference was organized within the project Sharing Registry Data for Health Research in the Nordic Countries.

The theme of the conference was: "Nordic Population-based Registries: Strengths and opportunities for collaborative research and co-ordinated infrastructure鈥.

You will find more information in documents below:

Appendix 1: The Nordic conference on Registry Epidemiology in Iceland 15-16 June 2011

Appendix 2: Examples of Nordic collaborations: benefits and challenges

Appendix 3: Open letter to European Decision Makers

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