
News from the Division of Insurance Medicine

New grants

Ellenor Mittendorfer-Rutz has been granted 3 million SEK from the Swedish Research Council for her project: Developmental pathways to deteriorating health and increased healthcare consumption among patients with autism spectrum conditions – the importance of individual factors and pharmacological treatment.

Heidi Taipale has been granted 3 million SEK from the Swedish Research Council for her project: Improved long-term health outcomes for patients with severe mental disorders and comorbid cannabis abuse.

Ridwanul Amin has been awarded 3.8 million SEK from AFA Insurance to investigate how workers with burnout syndrome in the private sector can have a sustainable working life through tailored interventions and thus be able to continue participating in working life despite illness.

Anna Finnes (also at Region Stockholm) has been awarded 3.3 million SEK from AFA Insurance to measure cognitive endurance and examine the relationship to return to work and self-estimated work ability.

New dissertation

Henrik Nilsson has defended his doctoral thesis entitled "Physical activity and mental health among trauma-affected refugees : associations, experiences, and intervention efficacy".

A new grant

Jurgita Narusyte has been granted 3,7 million SEK to investigate whether part-time sick leave among private employees with mental disorders can prevent long-term sickness absence and contribute to more people remaining in work.

You will find more information in Swedish

REWHARD conference 9-10 September

Using Swedish survey and register data in research on social relations, work and health across the life course 
Lunch to lunch conference 9-10 September in Stockholm

Book these days for an inspiring conference about using data from REWHARD and other Swedish data providers in research! 

Those who already use REWHARD (IMAS, LNU, SLOSH and STODS) as well as other researchers/doctoral students with an interest in the area are welcome. The conference will focus on two themes, with both internal and invited speakers: 

  • Work environment, income and sick leave for women and men: Development in different occupations
  • Working with register data from Statistics Sweden (SCB)

We will also organise a 'poster walk' where those who have submitted posters briefly can present their work.

The conference language will be English. More information will be made available in the spring, also on our website , no later than 1 May. 

For more information, please contact Beatrice Chaveroche beatrice.chaveroche@su.se.

EU conference on Mental Health and Work in Brussels

Professor Ellenor Mittendorfer-Rutz was invited by the Belgium government to speak at the high level EU conference on Mental Health and Work in Brussels. Professor Mittendorfer-Rutz outlined evidence-based strategies which can facilitate the entrance in the labour market of individuals with mental health complaints. 

The European Commission released a statement in 2023 outlining a comprehensive approach to mental health. Emphasizing the importance of treating mental health on par with physical health, the Commission urged action to combat psychosocial risks at work. 

Recognizing these challenges, the Belgian presidency of the council of the European Union organized a two-day conference on mental health and work. The event aimed to address the various issues related to declining mental health in European workplaces, focusing on prevention through primary, secondary, and tertiary measures. Key themes included the necessity of an integrated approach, a robust European legislative framework, better anticipation of future crises, and the importance of social dialogue.

More information

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