
Lia Goncalves Pinho

Lia Goncalves Pinho

Postdoctoral Studies
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, C7, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C1 Mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi, C1 Virology and Immunology Westerberg, 171 77 Stockholm


  • Article: JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY. 2022;149(3):1069-1084
    He M; Saeed MB; Record J; Keszei M; Pinho LG; Vasconcelos-Fontes L; D'Aulerio R; Vieira R; Oliveira MMS; Geyer C; Bohaumilitzky L; Thiemann M; Deordieva E; Buedts L; Lopes JPM; Pershin D; Hammarstrom L; Xia Y; Zhao X; Cunningham-Rundles C; Thrasher AJ; Burns SO; Cotta-de-Almeida V; Liu C; Shcherbina A; Vandenberghe P; Westerberg LS

All other publications

  • Review: PEDIATRIC ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY. 2023;34(4):e13951
    Vieira RC; Pinho LG; Westerberg LSS
  • Conference publication: SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2021;94(6)
    D'Aulerio R; He M; Saeed MB; Record J; Keszei M; Goncalves Pinho L; Vasconcelos-Fontes L; Vieira R; Oliveira M; Geyer C; Bohaumilitzky L; Thiemann M; Deordieva E; Buedts L; Lopes J; Pershin D; Hammarstrom L; Xia Y; Zhao X; Cunningham-Rundles C; Thrasher A; Burns S; Cotta-de-Almeida V; Liu C; Shcherbina A; Vandenberghe P; Westerberg L
  • Review: NEUROIMMUNOMODULATION. 2021;28(4):213-221
    Jurberg AD; Chaves B; Pinho LG; da Silva JHM; Savino W; Cotta-de-Almeida V
  • Review: JOURNAL OF LEUKOCYTE BIOLOGY. 2020;108(4):1067-1079
    Donnadieu E; Dupré L; Pinho LG; Cotta-de-Almeida V

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