
Using the facility

Our services include a wide variety of competences in the analysis of human movement with high international recognition in different methodologies; from lab-based motion analysis to assessment of activities in daily life.

By combining various forms of motion analysis with cognitive and psychological measurements, uMOVE will offer the opportunity to:

  • Diagnose abnormal movement patterns
  • Evaluate the effect of treatment on motor control and daily activity
  • Identify biomarkers for disease or disease progression

The core facility provides service to users in a transparent manner, e.g. on a first come, first served basis; employing a fee-for-service where we can offer project specific tailored solutions, services and expertise in the research groups - from design of the project, data collection, analysis and interpretation to simply renting the equipment and/or lab space.


Initial consulatation: 0 SEK

The first consultation is always free of charge. The aim of this meeting is to establish your needs and demands and to discuss how the uMOVE core facility can support your study. Depending on the size and nature of your requirements and type of equipment involved, different pricing is applied (see below). For larger projects, a fixed compensation fee can be negotiated.

Fixed unit prices for services:

Fixed unit prices
Type of serviceEquipmentDescriptionPrice (SEK)
Measurement of physical activity during 7 daysActigraphPackage 1: Equipment rental650/measurement and month
Package 2: Preparation of equipment/downloading of data650/measurement
Package 3: Preparation of equipment/downloading of data including telephone/email follow-up to support protocol adherence900/measurement
ActivPALPackage 1: Equipment rental650/measurement and month
Package 2: Preparation of equipment/downloading of data650/measurement
Package 3: Preparation of equipment/downloading of data including telephone/email follow-up to support protocol adherence900/measurement 1200/month
Renting of dockingstation1200/month
Mobile movement analysis systemAPDMPackage 1: Equipment rental1200/day 5000/week
Package 2: Preparation of equipment, support during data collection, rent of facility, downloading and exporting data.1200/measurement (about 1 h)
Measurement of brain activityFunctional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)Preparation of equipment, support during data collection, rent of facility, downloading and exporting data.2500/measurement (about 1-2 h)
Expert-consultationConsultation of researchers with expertise in motion analysis1-10 h = from 1400/h
Expert-consultationConsultation of researchers with expertise in motion analysis>10 h = from 1200/h
Lab managerCollection and management of data1-10 h = 1200/h
Lab managerCollection and management of data>10 h = 900/h
Research assistantCollection and management of data with Actigraph/ActivPAL500/h

Contact uMOVE

Do you have questions regarding using the facility, prices, or do you wish to discuss an upcoming or ongoing research project? Please send an email to: umove@ki.se


Gävlegatan 55, first floor

171 76 Stockholm

Map to uMOVE
