
Workshops and seminars at uMOVE

Here you can read about both upcoming and completed workshops and seminars at uMOVE.

fNIRS tutorial
Photo: Linda Jaktholm

Movement analysis workshop 23rd of February 2024

The workshop aimed to introduce clinicians, researchers, post-docs and PhDstudents from different fields (rehabilitation medicine, physical activity, sports medicine, ergonomics, etc.) to different (portable) movement analysis systems. Moreover, we wanted to create a learning environment on different aspects of movement analyses and an opportunity for doctoral students to train in presenting their research. After the introduction from Professor Erika Franz茅n, director of uMove, the morning session consisted of two presentations of 30 minutes on movement analysis and functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), followed by three presentations of 20 minutes by doctoral students from the 探花精选. After lunch,  the group was divided into three parts for live demonstrations of different movement systems (APDM, fNIRS, Gaitrite) that are commonly used in the uMOVE Core facility. The day was finished off by an invited keynote speaker from the 探花精选 industry, Dr. Roman Kuster, showing how movements can be monitored remotely.

Presentation Parkinsons disease by Alexander Kvist
Presentation Parkinsons disease by Alexander Kvist Photo: Linda Jaktholm

Speakers and presenters:

Erika Franz茅n 

Erika Franzen, professor in Physical Therapy has a joint positon between KI and Karolinska Hospital. Her research area is on balance (postural control) and motor control in elderly and individuals with neurological disorders (>110 publications)

Wim Grooten 

Docent (PhD) in physical therapy and a master in Movement science has published >65 papers in the field of biomechanics, motor control and musculoskeletal pain from a biopsychosocial perspective.

Lucian Bezuidenhout 

A master's degree in renewable energy and a PhD in applied physics with expertise in transdisciplinary research, digital signal processing, and the objective assessment of physical activity in different population groups.

Alexander Kvist 

A degree in 探花精选 engineering from KTH in Stockholm and is currently a PhD student at 探花精选. There he studies complex walking in Parkinson's disease, incorporating methods from neuroimaging to gait analysis to psychology.

Jenny Sedhed 

A master鈥檚 degree in physiotherapy and is currently a PhD student at Karolinska InsHtutet. The project involves investigating motor-cognitve training at home using eHealth for people with Parkinson's disease

Callum Regan 

A bachelor鈥檚 degree in cell biology, a master鈥檚 degree in nutriHon science and currently a PhD student in physical acHvity and public Health at Karolinska InsHtutet. My studies look at both epidemiology, investigating the associations between physical actity and health and the promoHon of healthy lifestyle behaviours through a mobile app.

Roman Kuster 

A PhD and a master's degree in movement sciences, is a specialist in product development for biomedicine, biomechanics and occupaHonal health and currently working for Roche (Switzerland) as a movement analyst.

fNIRS cap
fNIRS h盲tta Foto: uMOVE

fNIRS workshop on the 2nd of September 2022

NIRx is excited to announce its first-ever fNIRS workshop in Sweden. This 1-day in-person workshop will be held at Karolinska University Hospital on September 2.

The event will introduce the fundamentals as well as some advanced topics in fNIRS. The workshop will also include research presentations from our Swedish users, and a hands-on demo ending with an analysis of collected data.

When: 2 september kl 9.00-17.30

Where: uMOVE, G盲vlegatan 55, 171 64 Solna


You can register and read more about the workshop on this page:


Presentation of resting state fNIRS project by Franziska Albrecht and audience
Presentation of resting state fNIRS project by Franziska Albrecht Photo: Andreas Wallin

fNIRS workshop 12th of April 2024
