
NVS draws attention to the situation of the elderly

During the current pandemic where the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 causes the disease COVID-19, the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS) wants to pay special attention to the situation of the elderly.

People in the 70+ age group are one of the risk groups and have recently received strong recommendations from the Public Health Agency to avoid social contacts. This is to protect themselves and others, as well as help prevent the spread of infection. In this age group, many people live at home, either with someone or alone, at the same time many are dependent on home care or live in nursing homes.

The research within NVS has a clear focus on aging with projects in clinical and experimental geriatrics, gerontology, epidemiology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, nursing and general medicine. Here we have gathered current research, facts and tips that help to increase knowledge and understanding of the situation of the elderly in these times.

I would like to take this opportunity to warmly thank all the employees and students at NVS who have quickly had to switch to new ways of working. You are doing a fantastic job to continue the business and for NVS students to be able to maintain their studies.  We are grateful to receive more ideas for the website. Please contact NVS's communications officer Annika Clemes (annika.clemes@ki.se)


Maria Ankarcrona, Head of Department NVS
