Elisabet Ã…kesson group
Human Neural Lesion, Repair and Rehab
Experimental research focus
Our interest is central nervous system lesions including spinal cord injury and treatment strategies to counteract neurodegenerative processes. We develop and utilize novel and unique model systems to evaluate specifically human spinal cord injury processes and repair strategies. In addition, we study host donor interactions including allogeneic responses to human neural cell therapy.
We perform organotypic spinal cord slice cultures as well as co-cultures including human neural cells, glial cell populations and/or human peripheral blood mononuclear cells to follow spinal cord injury processes and interactions between the injured spinal cord and potential donor neural cells.
We have the opportunity to compare human neural cells of various origins and from stem cell stage to more differentiated phenotypes concerning their immunocompetence and potential in neural cell therapy. In collaborations with others we utilize our cell and tissue slice systems to evaluate various biomaterials as support in regenerative medicine as well as develop new techniques in the expansion of neural cells for clinical application, such as the patented device Biogrid (PMID: 21850297). The laboratory is located in Bioclinicum ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡s at North Campus in Solna.
Experimental research group members
Elisabet Ã…kesson
Adjunct Senior LecturerClinical research focus
We also perform clinical research in the field of nervous system lesions, neurodegenerative disorders, rehabilitation as well as primary care. We participate in the international clinical trial TransEuro & BOOSTB4.
Clinical rehabilitation research is ongoing at Stiftelsen Stockholms Sjukhem where Elisabet Ã…kesson is Head of R&D as well as clinical physician at Rehabilitation, Stockholms Sjukhem.
Examples of clinical research studies at Rehabilitation Care, and
- Make My Day: Value Based Client Centered and ICT-supported primary and secondary stroke prevention and rehabilitation after stroke, PI Eric Asaba, Ann-Helen Patomella & Susanne Guidetti
- Stroke, Rehabilitative training and tactile massage, PI Elisabet Ã…kesson
- Implementation of HiBalance training/ Förbättrad balans och fysisk aktivitet hos äldre - implementering av ett utmanande och progressivt träningsprogram, PI Erika Franzén
- Oral screens in post stroke training: a randomized clinical trial, PI, Gunilla Sandborgh Englund, KI
- Etablering av långsiktigt stöd efter förvärvad hjärnskada: Implementering och erfarenheter av Hjärna Tillsammans, PI Lena von Koch, Malin Tistad, Susanne Guidetti, Elisabet Åkesson
- DISKO: An interactive distance solution for stroke rehabilitation in the home setting, PIs E Ã…kesson & Susanne Palmcrants, Danderyds Hospital, Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic.
Selected scientific publications
Xiaofei Li, Zaneta Andrusivova, Paulo Czarnewski, Alma Andersson, Christoffer Mattsson Langseth, Daniel Gyllborg, Emelie Braun; Ludvig Larsson, Lijuan Hu, Zjanna Alekseenko, Helena Kopp Kallner, Elisabet Åkesson, Igor Adameyko, Mats Nilsson, Sten Linnarsson, Joakim Lundeberg and Erik Sundström. Decoding spatiotemporal gene expression of the developing human spinal cord and implications for ependymoma origin". Nature Neuroscience. 2022 Nov 25. Accepted. BioRxiv: doi:
Asaba E, Farias L, Ã…kesson E
PLoS One 2022 ;17(12):e0279000
Mingardo E, Beaman G, Grote P, Nordenskjöld A, Newman W, Woolf AS, Eckstein M, Hilger AC, Dworschak GC, Rösch W, Ebert AK, Stein R, Brusco A, Di Grazia M, Tamer A, Torres FM, Hernandez JL, Erben P, Maj C, Olmos JM, Riancho JA, Valero C, Hostettler IC, Houlden H, Werring DJ, Schumacher J, Gehlen J, Giel AS, Buerfent BC, Arkani S, Åkesson E, Rotstein E, Ludwig M, Holmdahl G, Giorgio E, Berettini A, Keene D, Cervellione RM, Younsi N, Ortlieb M, Oswald J, Haid B, Promm M, Neissner C, Hirsch K, Stehr M, Schäfer FM, Schmiedeke E, Boemers TM, van Rooij IALM, Feitz WFJ, Marcelis CLM, Lacher M, Nelson J, Ure B, Fortmann C, Gale DP, Chan MMY, Ludwig KU, Nöthen MM, Heilmann S, Zwink N, Jenetzky E, Odermatt B, Knapp M, Reutter H
Commun Biol 2022 Nov;5(1):1203
Mak JKL, Eriksdotter M, Annetorp M, Kuja-Halkola R, Kananen L, Boström AM, Kivipelto M, Metzner C, Bäck Jerlardtz V, Engström M, Johnson P, Lundberg LG, Åkesson E, Sühl Öberg C, Olsson M, Cederholm T, Hägg S, Religa D, Jylhävä J
Gerontology 2022 Nov;():1-10
Asaba Eric, Michael Sy, Roi Charles Pineda, Rebecca Aldrich, Tetsuya Anzai, Peter Bontje, Ursa Bratun, Lisette Farias, Maria Kapanadze, Lea Suc and Elisabet Ã…kesson. Return to work after COVID-19: an international perspective, World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin. 2022
Mak JKL, Hägg S, Eriksdotter M, Annetorp M, Kuja-Halkola R, Kananen L, Boström AM, Kivipelto M, Metzner C, Bäck Jerlardtz V, Engström M, Johnson P, Lundberg LG, Åkesson E, Sühl Öberg C, Olsson M, Cederholm T, Jylhävä J, Religa D
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2022 Nov;77(11):2311-2319
Mälstam E, Asaba E, Åkesson E, Guidetti S, Patomella AH
Scand J Occup Ther 2022 Feb;29(2):152-164
Kananen L, Eriksdotter M, Boström AM, Kivipelto M, Annetorp M, Metzner C, Bäck Jerlardtz V, Engström M, Johnson P, Lundberg LG, Åkesson E, Sühl Öberg C, Hägg S, Religa D, Jylhävä J, Cederholm T
Clin Nutr 2022 Dec;41(12):2973-2979
Xu H, Garcia-Ptacek S, Annetorp M, Cederholm T, Engel G, Engström M, Erlandsson H, Julius C, Kivipelto M, Lundberg LG, Metzner C, Sandberg L, Skogö Nyvang J, Sühl Öberg C, Åkesson E, Religa D, Eriksdotter M
J Am Med Dir Assoc 2021 Aug;22(8):1565-1573.e4
Lin C, Ekblad-Nordberg Å, Michaëlsson J, Götherström C, Hsu CC, Ye H, Johansson J, Rising A, Sundström E, Åkesson E
Cells 2021 Jul;10(7):
Oliver E, Alves-Lopes JP, Harteveld F, Mitchell RT, Åkesson E, Söder O, Stukenborg JB
BMC Biol 2021 Sep;19(1):212
Xu N, Xu T, Mirasol R, Holmberg L, Vincent PH, Li X, Falk A, Benedikz E, Rotstein E, Seiger Å, Åkesson E, Falci S, Sundström E
Neurotherapeutics 2021 Apr;18(2):1257-1272
Kurek M, Åkesson E, Yoshihara M, Oliver E, Cui Y, Becker M, Alves-Lopes JP, Bjarnason R, Romerius P, Sundin M, Norén Nyström U, Langenskiöld C, Vogt H, Henningsohn L, Petersen C, Söder O, Guo J, Mitchell RT, Jahnukainen K, Stukenborg JB
Cells 2021 Jan;10(2):
Lin C, Calzarossa C, Fernandez-Zafra T, Liu J, Li X, Ekblad-Nordberg Å, Vazquez-Juarez E, Codeluppi S, Holmberg L, Lindskog M, Uhlén P, Åkesson E
Stem Cell Res Ther 2020 Jul;11(1):320
Seiger Cronfalk B, Åkesson E, Nygren J, Nyström A, Strandell AM, Ruas J, von Euler M
Nurs Open 2020 Sep;7(5):1446-1452
Thunborg, C., Ã…kesson, E., Leavy, B., HÃ¥kansson, K., Sindi, S., Solomon, A., Levak, N. and Kivipelto, M. (2020), STRONGER 60+ Adaption of the multimodal FINGER model to prevent cognitive decline in a Swedish primary care rehabilitation unit: An effectiveness-implementation hybrid design. Alzheimer's Dement., 16: e042029.
Wahman K, Nilsson E, Antepohl W, Samuelsson K, Ã…kesson E, Kuhlefelt Sandberg A, Augutis M
Spinal Cord Ser Cases 2019 ;5():105
Patomella AH, Guidetti S, Mälstam E, Eriksson C, Bergström A, Åkesson E, Kottorp A, Asaba E
BMJ Open 2019 Nov;9(11):e031984
Asp M, Giacomello S, Larsson L, Wu C, Fürth D, Qian X, Wärdell E, Custodio J, Reimegård J, Salmén F, Österholm C, Ståhl PL, Sundström E, Åkesson E, Bergmann O, Bienko M, Månsson-Broberg A, Nilsson M, Sylvén C, Lundeberg J
Cell 2019 Dec;179(7):1647-1660.e19
Dahlström M, Nordvall G, Sundström E, Åkesson E, Tegerstedt G, Eriksdotter M, Forsell P
Eur J Neurosci 2019 Nov;50(9):3487-3501
Vikan JK, Nilsson MI, Bushnik T, Deng W, Elessi K, Frost-Bareket Y, Kovrigina E, Shahwan J, Snekkevik H, Ã…kesson E, Stanghelle JK, Fugl-Meyer KS
J Rehabil Med 2019 May;51(5):361-368
Sancho P, Bartesaghi L, Miossec O, GarcÃa-GarcÃa F, RamÃrez-Jiménez L, Siddell A, Ã…kesson E, Hedlund E, LaÅ¡Å¡uthová P, Pascual-Pascual SI, Sevilla T, Kennerson M, Lupo V, Chrast R, Espinós C
Hum Mol Genet 2019 May;28(10):1629-1644
Albalushi H, Sahlin L, Åkesson E, Kurek M, Kjartansdóttir KR, Lindh R, Söder O, Rotstein E, Hovatta O, Stukenborg JB
Endocrinology 2019 Jan;160(1):133-142
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