
Doctoral Education at the Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care

Doctoral education at the division is made up of doctoral (PhD) students with roots in family medicine and primary care. The division is also responsible for the Research School in Family Medicine and Primary Care, which is one of KI's clinical research schools.

Research School in Family Medicine and Primary Care

The research school, run by the Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care, is one of  and is a collaboration between ̽ѡ and Region Stockholm. The research school is aimed at doctoral students who are clinically active in primary care or who are conducting projects that are relevant to primary care. As part of the collaboration with Region Stockholm, the research school pays financial compensation to the clinics of 16 doctoral students during the course weeks.

Course content and course periods 

The overarching goal of the research school is for participants to develop a deeper scientific, critical, analytical and research ethics-based approach to being able to conduct research in areas that are of great importance to primary care patients and activities.

The research school uses student-activating methods and interactive learning as its pedagogical model. The courses therefore include individual study assignments, group work, lectures, workshops and seminars. A fundamental idea is to build off the participants' own research and development projects and to capitalise on the experience and knowledge that the participants bring with them from primary care. The participants' own projects are therefore an important element in all courses.

The research school is offered in two-year periods, with the next period starting in autumn 2024. The study programme comprises a total of 16 weeks of full-time studies (24 credits) and lasts for two years, divided into 2+2 weeks per semester.

Doctoral Students

Doctoral student group

There is a doctoral student group that meets on Zoom once a month from 17:00 to 18:00 for an “after work” discussion of issues related to research and education. You are free to join in if and when you want. The meetings are organised by Charlotta Elleby, one of the doctoral students, who sends out a link before each meeting, and there is always a word of encouragement if you get stuck, advice if you run into problems, or a round of applause when you get an article published. Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Doctoral student afternoons

Once a month, the section organises a research afternoon for doctoral students and researchers, with doctoral presentations, journal club, teaching and inspirational lectures. For scheduled dates, see the Doctoral Education Calendar below. We look forward to seeing you at the section's research afternoons!

If you are a doctoral student and would like to make a presentation, please contact Caroline Wachtler.

Representative in the NVS Doctoral Student Council

The Doctoral Student Council consists of one representative from each section at NVS. The doctoral student representative of the Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care is Jenny Nilsson. Their contact details are available below. Read more about the NVS Doctoral Student Council here

Contact details of the NVS doctoral student representative

Course Manager

Profile image

Christina Sandlund

Lecturer;Assistant Professor

Research school director

Content reviewer: