
International Network for Transcultural Suicidology

In an era marked by extensive migration and uncertain living conditions for refugees and migrants, the mental health of these groups has become an increasingly urgent issue. Despite the growing needs, many do not receive the care they require.

Never before in modern times have so many people been forced to flee their homes, either within their own country or to another country to live in exile. Conditions in the new host countries are often unstable, and individuals with a migration background are at an increased risk of mental health issues. Unfortunately, these individuals do not always access the necessary care. When they do, both the patient's and the caregiver's cultural backgrounds and contexts can influence the interaction and treatment.

Against this backdrop, an international network for transcultural suicidology was launched in 2023 by a group of researchers at 探花精选. The network is open to researchers, clinicians, and others working with transcultural issues and suicide prevention, as well as to those who interact with individuals with a migration background. It is interdisciplinary and welcomes various professional groups.

Current Activities

No activities are currently announced.

Join the Network

Would you like to join our network or receive information about future workshops? Please contact Maria Sundvall at maria.sundvall@ki.se.

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