
Undergraduate studies at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery

Undergraduate studies are performed at most of the Department's units.

  • Study Programme in Medicine at term 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10
  • Clinical Rotation in Surgery for Exchange Students
  • Supervision of 探花精选 student projects
  • Elective courses (SVK)
  • Study Programme in Physiotherapy term 3
  • Freestanding courses

In addition, we give techings in:

  • Study program in Biomedicine
  • BMA Programme

Responsible for Undergraduate Studies at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery

Educational administrators for Undergraduate Studies

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Susanne Forsberg

Educational Administrator
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Rosalba Rico

Educational Administrator

Clinical Medicine - Surgery term 7

The course includes clinical subjects general surgery, anesthesiology, orthopedics, urology and 探花精选 imaging. The course also integrates with the subjects primary care, oncology and forensic medicine. Professional development (PD) is trained in two weeks of different clinical teaching department (KUA) and (VetU) associated with the EBM data in the various stages.

Director of Studies

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Gabriella Jansson Palmer

Adjunct Senior Lecturer
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Rosalba Rico

Educational Administrator

Clinical Genetics term 10

Teaching at the Department of Clinical Genetics at term 10 探花精选 students. The course Clinical Genetics provides in-depth knowledge of the genetic mechanisms underlying various diseases and is part of the course Reproduction and Development.

Course director

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Richard Rosenquist Brandell

Professor/Senior Physician

Educational administrator

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Susanne Forsberg

Educational Administrator

Study Programme in Physiotherapy term 3

The course provides knowledge of common clinical conditions in ethics, surgery, internal medicine, orthopedics, neurology and rheumatology, and related to the general learning outcomes for the whole of the physiotherapy program.

Course director

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Paul Ackermann

Professor/Assistant Senior Physician

Educational administrator

Master Programme

The course Molecular Genetics and Genomics is part of the master program in Molecular Techniques in the Life Sciences. The master program is a collaboration between KI, SU and KTH and also known as SciLifeLab master.

Course director

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Fulya Taylan

Research Specialist

Other teaching

Teachers from the Department is actively involved in the education of nurses and laboratory technicians through training at KI and KS and by patient organizations.

Regularly 5-6 students per academic year undertakes a thesis equivalent to 20 points at the department. These come from KI, Stockholm University and Laborantskolan. We will additionally receive 2-3 ERASMUS students from other countries implementing various long training periods.

In the Biomedicine Program, a one week course in Medicinal Genetics is organized during the 3rd semester.

The department's staff also organizes postgraduate courses for graduate students and training courses for doctors and nurses.

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