
KITE - Neurofeedback and working memory training

KITE is a comparative, randomized and controlled study focusing on the question: Does Neurofeedback and Working Memory Training Improve Core Symptoms of ADHD in Children and Adolescents?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD/ADD) is a highly prevalent and heterogenic neuropsychiatric disorder affecting about 5% of school-aged children [1]. The core symptoms of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity in AD/HD causes significant problems in several areas in life, affecting adversely children鈥檚 development and function and causes increased risk of developing mental illness. International and local guidelines recommend multimodal treatment combining psychosocial and educational interventions with medication [2]. Most available and commonly used intervention is drug therapy, particularly in the form of stimulants (methylphenidate) which targets behavioral symptoms and has positive effects in the short term, but has limited effect on the long term [3] and after treatment the core symptoms remains.

Cognitive learning and training (CLT) methods like neurofeedback (NF) and working memory training (WMt) are non-invasive methods which during the recent years experienced a growing interest and empirical support for improving ADHD/ADD symptoms [4]. NF trains the brains electrical activity through an operant/classical learning paradigm and is supposed to enhance the brains self-regulating ability, i.e. flexibly adapt brain activity to better meet the changing demands of the environment [5]. WMt focuses on improving working memory functions through challenging exercises in computerized software. Besides encouraging results in enhancing the capacity of foremost visual working memory there has been more sparse evidence that WMt could have beneficial effects on behavioral measures for children with ADHD/ADD and questions remain of the nature of the effects and long term effects [6].

KITE is an ongoing study to evaluate two different neurofeedback methods and a working memory training program. The primary aim is to evaluate if neurocognitive training improves core symptoms in ADHD/ADD and the purpose is to find effective non-pharmacological interventions as an adjunct to or in place of pharmacological treatment. A total of 200 children and adolescents with ADHD/ADD between 9-17 years of age will participate in the study alongside with treatment as usual, and the first children were enrolled in August 2013.

Inclusion criteria: Clinical diagnosis of AD/HD according to DSM-IV-TR and the K-SADS interview, drug naive or under stable medication with stimulants or equivalent for at least 1 month. Exclusion criteria: IQ <80 (WISC-IV or WAIS-IV), clinically unstable psychiatric condition such as suffering from acute depression, bipolar disorder, severe obsessive compulsive disorder, clinically judged severe self-harming behavior, severe somatic (neurological) disease, or has a very limited knowledge of the Swedish language.

The recruitment is now finished.

The KITE study is registered in ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01841151).



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John Hasslinger



Adress:Division for Neuropsychiatry

Bes枚ksadress:CAP Research Center
G盲vlegatan 22B, floor 8


Content reviewer:
Una Prosell