Doctoral education in Speech and Language Pathology
Doctoral education conclude with the award of a licentiate degree or a doctoral degree in ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ science. Qualifications to be accepted as a doctoral student at KI is a degree at advanced level year one, for example a degree in Speech and Language Pathology.
Photo: Cecilia Hultqvist
The PhD is awarded on the submission of a thesis, subject to its passing a public defence. A licentiate degree is defended at a licentiate seminar. In addition doctoral courses, (some compulsory,) are required.
From 1st of January 2016 the Doctoral programme HÖST (Hörsel Öron Språk Tal) /Hearing Otolaryngology Language Speech is merged with the Department of Neurosicence.
Theses in Speech and Language Pathology
Previous Doctoral theses in Speech and Language Pathology at KI, are listed here.