Contact KI Housing
Here you can find our contact details.
For booking and invoice related questions:
For practical issues and service related questions:
Please note that many applicants and tenants contact us in the end and the beginning of every semester (July, August, December and January) and during these months it might take some extra time before we can get back to you.
Postal address
GVS FA Lokalf枚rs枚rjning Housing, 171 77 Stockholm
(+46) 8-524 800 00, KI switchboard
The switchboard at KI is answered Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 4.30 PM
Please email us to book an appointment.
Maintenance requests
KI Housing provides a maintenance service if something needs attention in your apartment/room or in the area.
Social media
Follow us on to get information updates about what happens in Stockholm and in our areas!