
Molekylär grund för genreglering av sjukdomar – Carsten Daubs forskargrupp

Vi fokuserar på att förstå den molekylära grunden för genreglering av sjukdomar, specifikt relaterat till inflammation. Vårt arbete inkluderar genom-omfattande analys av genuttryck från patientprover med olika RNA-sekvensering. Med bioinformatikanalys identifierar vi de beståndsdelar som ligger bakom de observerade skillnaderna i uttryck hos de sjuka patienterna samt de kliniska fenotyperna associerade till dessa uttryck.

Examples include transcription factors (TFs), closely related but distinct alternative promoters resulting in the same protein but employing different sets of regulatory TFs, expression of anti-sense RNA to modulate the sense-RNA and the regulatory role of enhancers, expressed repeat elements and miRNAs. We are also involved in several genome annotation consortia.

Development of sequencing technologies and sequencing library methods for genome, metagenome, transcriptome and epigenome data is moving at a breathtaking pace. We are working with the development of corresponding bioinformatics data analysis technologies for these genomics data. For example, our group identified gene enhancers in transcriptome data and assigned gene regulatory roles to these enhancers in diseases and development.

diagram och data med punkter
Spatial Transcriptomics data is used to identify cancer gene expression signatures and to classify cancer sub-types in breast tissue. Illustration: Niyaz Yoosuf Image modified from the original article, open access under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Understanding the molecular basis of perturbed gene regulation in diseases is one aspect of our research. We are using genome-wide analysis technologies based on high-throughput sequencing extensively. Developing the necessary bioinformatics tools together with best-practice analysis methods constitutes an important aspect.

For the last ten years, we have been working on obesity-related type 2 diabetes and on asthma. Close collaboration with clinical research groups has been of key importance. We usually join the projects during the design phase where we contribute to the experimental design in terms of cohort stratification, statistical power, selection of tissue types, annotation of samples and data as well as selecting the high-throughput analysis technologies used. Addressing the specific bio̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ questions of the projects by analysing the sequencing data together with the clinical data constitutes one of the main aspects of our work. Very close interaction with the clinicians is of outmost importance in connecting the findings of the data analysis to the biology underlying the disease.

gruppbild på människor som står i en byggnad
Carsten Daub's group, from left to right: Matthias Hörtenhuber, Kelvin Kwok, Tahmina Akhter, Carsten Daub, Rasha Fahad, Marine Tessarech, Irene Stevens and Abdul Kadir Mukarram.

We contributed to genome annotation projects for the zebrafish as part of the DANIO-CODE consortium and for the dog as part of the DoGA consortium. We first developed a sample and data annotation framework since both consortia are consolidating data from various sources. Main goals include improved genome annotation and adding gene enhancers. We work with Spatial Transcriptomics (ST) data, where we used the ST data in a gene independent way and employed machine learning methods to identify breast cancer signatures.


Utvalda publikationer

  • Article: BREAST CANCER RESEARCH. 2020;22(1):6
    Yoosuf N; Navarro JF; Salmen F; Stahl PL; Daub CO
  • Article: BMC GENOMICS. 2018;19(1):181
    Sugiaman-Trapman D; Vitezic M; Jouhilahti E-M; Mathelier A; Lauter G; Misra S; Daub CO; Kere J; Swoboda P
  • Article: PLOS GENETICS. 2017;13(3):e1006641
    Baillie JK; Arner E; Daub C; De Hoon M; Itoh M; Kawaji H; Lassmann T; Carninci P; Forrest ARR; Hayashizaki Y; Consortium F; Faulkner GJ; Wells CA; Rehli M; Pavli P; Summers KM; Hume DA
  • Article: CELL REPORTS. 2016;16(9):2317-2326
    Ryden M; Hrydziuszko O; Mileti E; Raman A; Bornholdt J; Boyd M; Toft E; Qvist V; Naslund E; Thorell A; Andersson DP; Dahlman I; Gao H; Sandelin A; Daub CO; Arner P
  • Article: JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY. 2015;136(3):638-648
    Persson H; Kwon AT; Ramilowski JA; Silberberg G; Soderhall C; Orsmark-Pietras C; Nordlund B; Konradsen JR; de Hoon MJL; Melen E; Hayashizaki Y; Hedlin G; Kere J; Daub CO
  • Article: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH (NAR). 2015;43(14):6787-6798
    Yu NY-L; Hallstrom BM; Fagerberg L; Ponten F; Kawaji H; Carninci P; Forrest ARR; Hayashizaki Y; Uhlen M; Daub CO
  • Article: SCIENCE. 2015;347(6225):1010-1014
    Arner E; Daub CO; Vitting-Seerup K; Andersson R; Lilje B; Drablos F; Lennartsson A; Roennerblad M; Hrydziuszko O; Vitezic M; Freeman TC; Alhendi AMN; Arner P; Axton R; Baillie JK; Beckhouse A; Bodega B; Briggs J; Brombacher F; Davis M; Detmar M; Ehrlund A; Endoh M; Eslami A; Fagiolini M; Fairbairn L; Faulkner GJ; Ferrai C; Fisher ME; Forrester L; Goldowitz D; Guler R; Ha T; Hara M; Herlyn M; Ikawa T; Kai C; Kawamoto H; Khachigian LM; Klinken SP; Kojima S; Koseki H; Klein S; Mejhert N; Miyaguchi K; Mizuno Y; Morimoto M; Morris KJ; Mummery C; Nakachi Y; Ogishima S; Okada-Hatakeyama M; Okazaki Y; Orlando V; Ovchinnikov D; Passier R; Patrikakis M; Pombo A; Qin X-Y; Roy S; Sato H; Savvi S; Saxena A; Schwegmann A; Sugiyama D; Swoboda R; Tanaka H; Tomoiu A; Winteringham LN; Wolvetang E; Yanagi-Mizuochi C; Yoneda M; Zabierowski S; Zhang P; Abugessaisa I; Bertin N; Diehl AD; Fukuda S; Furuno M; Harshbarger J; Hasegawa A; Hori F; Ishikawa-Kato S; Ishizu Y; Itoh M; Kawashima T; Kojima M; Kondo N; Lizio M; Meehan TF; Mungall CJ; Murata M; Nishiyori-Sueki H; Sahin S; Nagao-Sato S; Severin J; de Hoon MJL; Kawai J; Kasukawa T; Lassmann T; Suzuki H; Kawaji H; Summers KM; Wells C; Hume DA; Forrest ARR; Sandelin A; Carninci P; Hayashizaki Y
  • Article: DIABETES. 2012;61(8):1986-1993
    Arner E; Mejhert N; Kulyte A; Balwierz PJ; Pachkov M; Cormont M; Lorente-Cebrian S; Ehrlund A; Laurencikiene J; Heden P; Dahlman-Wright K; Tanti J-F; Hayashizaki Y; Ryden M; Dahlman I; van Nimwegen E; Daub CO; Arner P

Medarbetare och kontakt


Alla medarbetare i gruppen

Previous group members

Audrey Piraud, Summer intern (2022)

Sabina Gansberger, Master student (2022)

Matthias Hörtenhuber, PhD student (2015-2022)

Abdul Kadir Mukarram, PhD Student (2015-2021)

Enrichetta Mileti, PhD Student (2014-2021)

Fiona Roß, Master Student (2021)

Kelvin Kwok, Postdoc (2017-2021)

Ahmad Ali, Master student (2020)

Filip Runebou Läärä, Master student (2020)

Irene Stevens, Bioinformatics Lab Technician (2018-2019)

Marine Tessarech, Master student (2019)

Michaël Dong, Bioinformatics Lab Technician (2016-2018)

Amitha Raman, Lab engineer (2013-2018)

Niyaz Yoosuf, Postdoc (2014-2018)

Jiarui Mi, Master student (2017-2018)

Marta Dias, Erasmus master student (2015-2016)

Johanna Labate, Erasmus summer student (2015)

Olga Hrydziuszko, Postdoc (2012-2014)

Nancy Yu, Postdoc (2012-2014)

Wenjing Kang, Masters student (Feb-June 2014)

Jacqueline Nowak, Masters student (April-August 2014)

Kubra Altinel, Erasmus summer student (2014)

Research Networks

Bioinformatik och systembiologi (metodutveckling under 10203) Cancer och onkologi Endokrinologi och diabetes
Sara Bruce