
Tanja Tomson

Tanja Tomson

Principal Researcher | Docent
Telephone: +46852480173
Visiting address: Widerstr枚mska huset, Tomtebodav盲gen 18A, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C7 L盲rande, Informatik, Management och Etik, C7 L盲rande Tomson, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Associate professor in public health sciences. The PhD thesis [1]evaluated
    the Swedish Quitline including a cost-effectiveness analysis. As head of
    unit at the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics,
    (LIME) I have the overarching responsibility for finances, human resources
    and unit activities.
    My research focuses on generating evidence for effective prevention and
    promotion in health care. Studies on the effectiveness of innovative tobacco
    prevention interventions in Swedish primary care as well as the use of big
    data for health care policy are some examples. The research is both national
    and international and several projects have been funded by EC.
    I have developed master programmes, courses and been lecturer in first and
    second cycle education within public health. Aspects that I focused on
    include prevention, health promotion, behavioral change and leadership.
    Faculty training has been conducted with programme directors, deans,
    hospital directors in different contexts. A Global Health example is the
    "Leading change in higher education" programme at Makerere university, held
    four times.
    -------- Publication not listed below ----------------------------------------
    Risk Factors of Pancreatic Cancer: a literature review [2]


  • Head of the research group Prevention - Policy &
  • Practice at LIME.
    Ongoing implementation project in Stockholm Region - Tobacco Cessation on
    Prescription, TOR. Implementation strategies that will be used are the
    development of local routines for tobacco cessation, training of healthcare
    staff in tobacco cessation and the treatment method TOR. The prescription
    form itself is integrated in the 探花精选 record system. Surveys and
    interviews with healthcare professionals and business managers to identify
    factors that affect the implementation of the treatment method are also
    planned. A collaboration project with representatives from the Stockholm
    Region, researchers at 探花精选 and other relevant actors,
    including healthcare staff.
    PI and Swedish partner for EU funded (6 mEuro) iHELP project including 15
    partners. The project focus is on early identification and mitigation of the
    risks associated with Pancreatic Cancer based on the application of advanced
    AI-based learning and decision support techniques on the historic (primary)
    data of Cancer patients gathered from established data banks and
    cohorts. [1] Risk Factors of Pancreatic Cancer: A
    Literature Review, CRR-6-241.pdf (oatext.com) [2]
    Commissioned by the Public Health Agency to conduct an interview study as
    part of a larger project - "Follow-up of digital initiatives, capacity and
    competence in the local health promotion and prevention ANDT work 2020-2021".
    Preconditions, opportunities and challenges in the process of digitalization
    was investigated to explain any consequences with regard to equality. Report
    Dnr: 03384-2021
    Previously principal investigator for the clinical trial "Motivation 2 Quit"
    M2Q with the aim to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of
    Tobacco Cessation on Prescription, TCP compared to current practice for
    tobacco cessation targeting socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. Funding
    was provided by Stockholm County Council, The Public Health Agency of
    Sweden and Scandia.
    Was Swedish PI for EC funded (5 mEuro) CrowdHEALTH project including 17
    other institutions (universities, and other authorities as well as industry).
    CrowdHealth is delivering a secure ICT plattform to collect and aggregate
    high volumes health data from multiple information sourses in Europe.
    CrowdHealth also proposes the evolution of patient health records (PHR)
    towards Holistic Health Records (HHRs) enriched to become "Social HHRs" to
    capture the clinical, social, and human factors. For more details please
    [3] ://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/209158_en.html [4]
    International experiences includes also studies in LMIC, Lao PDR on tobacco
    My educational research includes combining physical and virtual contexts
    through 鈥淎ugmented Reality鈥 applications that could contribute to the
    improvement of competencies among healthcare professionals. In another study
    findings show that educational leadership involves processes on the levels of
    students, teachers as community and at the organisational level. A systemic
    approach is essential for effective implementation of educational leadership
    to reach all levels via interaction and communication across an
    [4] _en.html


  • Extensive teaching experience for students, health care professionals, policy
    makers nationally and internationally. Teaching methods include the three
    levels of Learning: informative, formative and transformative. My
    commitment to education extends from course level to strategic levels in
    different committees, councils and boards.
    Programme director, Public Health Sciences and Global Health programmes
    My work as former director at the Centre for Clinical Education, CEE
    aimed to contribute to the continuous professional development including
    qualified supervision and clinical training at the Stockholm County
    Previously assigned by the Board of Education, 探花精选, (KI) to
    ensure high competence of health care professionals meeting the demands of
    todays as well as preparing for the challenges of tomorrow. My vision is
    excellence in all educational programmes through reforms to foster team
    learning and inter-professional education, facilitating all three levels of
    learning: informative, formative and transformative. Initiated a Nordic
    process starting with the conference "Educating Health Professionals for a
    New Century" [1] at Nobel Forum 2012. Co-organized 2014 the follow-up
    work-shop "Educating health professionals for tomorrow's global healthcare
    systems - the role of universities [2]" in collaboration with Lund
    University, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the InterAcacademy Medical
    Panel (IAMP) and KI.
    Active in the work of KI:s internationalization action plan 2014-2017 [3].
    This is in line with aims in SDG17 on partnerships in UN Agenda 2030 and
    I initiated a course in "Sustainable Development", 7, 5 ECTS already in 2010.
    The integration of a global perspective into all courses is a means to that
    end and hence I worked to realize this. Established strategic collaboration
    between KI and Schools of Public Health in Europe, China and US.
    [1] %20Report%20EHP%2028%20Sept%202012.pdf
    [3] /medarbetare/handlingsplan-for-internationalisering-for-utbildning-pa-grund-och-avancerad-niva


  • Journal article: TOBACCO PREVENTION AND CESSATION. 2023;9(Supplement)
    Tomson T; Lepp盲nen A; Lindgren P; Sundberg CJ; Petzold M
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2022;17(12):e0278369
    Leppanen A; Lindgren P; Sundberg CJ; Petzold M; Tomson T
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2020;15(10):e0240411
    Leppanen A; Ekblad S; Tomson T
    Gallos P; Aso S; Autexier S; Brotons A; De Nigro A; Jurak G; Kiourtis A; Kranas P; Kyriazis D; Lustrek M; Magdalinou A; Maglogiannis I; Mantas J; Martinez A; Menychtas A; Montandon L; Picioroaga F; Perez M; Stanimirovic D; Starc G; Tomson T; Vilar-Mateo R; Vizitiu A-M
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2019;14(2):e0212641
    Leppanen A; Ekblad S; Tomson T
    Kyriazis D; Autexier S; Brondino I; Boniface M; Donat L; Engen V; Fernandez R; Jimenez-Peris R; Jordan B; Jurak G; Kiourtis A; Kosmidis T; Lustrek M; Maglogiannis I; Mantas J; Martinez A; Mavrogiorgou A; Menychtas A; Montandon L; Nechifor C-S; Nifakos S; Papageorgiou A; Patino-Martinez M; Perez M; Plagianakos V; Stanimirovic D; Starc G; Tomson T; Torelli F; Traver-Salcedo V; Vassilacopoulos G; Wajid U
  • Article: JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS. 2016;5(3):e188
    Lepp盲nen A; Lindgren P; Sundberg CJ; Petzold M; Tomson T
  • Article: BMC RESEARCH NOTES. 2016;9:151
    Lepp盲nen A; Biermann O; Sundberg CJ; Tomson T
  • Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2015;15:1094
    Sychareun V; Hansana V; Phengsavanh A; Chaleunvong K; Tomson T
  • Article: PEERJ. 2014;2:e697
    Nifakos S; Tomson T; Zary N
  • Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2012;12:816
    Sychareun V; Phengsavanh A; Hansana V; Phommachanh S; Mayxay M; Tomson T
  • Article: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2012;109(32-33):1388-1389
    Tomson T; Tomson G; Savage C
  • Article: TOBACCO CONTROL. 2011;20(2):144-150
    Vanphanom S; Morrow M; Phengsavanh A; Hansana V; Phommachanh S; Tomson T
  • Article: BMC RESEARCH NOTES. 2009;2:100
    Vanphanom S; Phengsavanh A; Hansana V; Menorath S; Tomson T
  • Article: TOBACCO INDUCED DISEASES. 2009;5(1):2
    Tomson T; Akkhavong K; Gilljam H
  • Article: TOBACCO INDUCED DISEASES. 2006;3(2):44-58
    Tomson T; Toftg氓rd M; Gilljam H; Helgason AR
  • Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2005;5:52
    Tomson T; Bj枚rnstr枚m C; Gilljam H; Helgason A
  • Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2004;14(3):306-310
    Helgason AR; Tomson T; Lund KE; Galanti R; Ahnve S; Gilljam H
    Tomson T; Helgason AR; Gilljam H
    Tomson T; Boupha K; Gilljam H; Helgason AR

All other publications

  • Review: ACTA INFORMATICA MEDICA. 2019;27(5):369-373
    Kyriazis D; Autexier S; Boniface M; Engen V; Jimenez-Peris R; Jordan B; Jurak G; Kiourtis A; Kosmidis T; Lustrek M; Maglogiannis I; Mantas J; Martinez A; Mavrogiorgou A; Menychtas A; Montandon L; Nechifor C-S; Nifakos S; Papageorgiou A; Patino-Martinez M; Perez M; Plagianakos V; Stanimirovic D; Starc G; Tomson T; Torelli F; Traver-Salcedo V; Vassilacopoulos G; Magdalinou A; Wajid U
  • Thesis / dissertation: 2005
    Tomson, Tanja


  • Principal Researcher, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, 探花精选, 2022-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, 探花精选, 2016
  • Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Global Public Health, 探花精选, 2005
  • Master Of Medical Science, 探花精选, 2000
  • Bachelor Of Medical Science, 探花精选, 1998

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