
Stine Marie Præstholm

Stine Marie Præstholm

Postdoctoral Researcher
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, Biomedicum C5, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C3 Fysiologi och farmakologi, C3 FyFa Molekylär och cellulär arbetsfysiologi, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Stine Marie Præstholm obtained her PhD from the University of Southern
    Denmark in April 2021. During her doctoral studies she investigated
    transcriptional regulation mediated by nuclear receptors: the thyroid hormone
    receptor and the glucocorticoid receptor, in mouse liver. Specifically, she
    looked into enhancers regulated by the thyroid hormone receptor identifying
    different types of enhancers differential bound by coregulators. Later, she
    studied the role of the glucocorticoid receptor in regulating hepatic gene
    transcription in the transition from fasting to feeding in a circadian
    PhD | 2021 | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Southern
    MSc | 2018 | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Southern
    BSc | 2015 | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Southern


  • In October 2021, I started my SRP Diabetes Postdoctoral Fellowship at
    ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ under the supervision of Professor Jorge Ruas at the
    Department of Physiology and Pharmacology. In our project we investigate how
    a protein, newly discovered to be a major regulator of inflammation,
    extracellular matrix remodeling and fibrogenesis, called TRAIN, promotes
    NAFLD/NASH and elucidate the molecular mechanism. Moreover, we will evaluate
    the TRAIN-driven secretome to identify diagnostic tools for NAFLD/NASH and
    investigate TRAIN levels and candidate biomarkers in NAFLD/NASH patient
    samples. The findings of this project could potentially form a basis of a new
    class of pharmacological therapies for NASH.


  • Journal article: ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2023;164(10):bqad128
    Correia CM; Praestholm SM; Havelund JF; Pedersen FB; Siersbaek MS; Ebbesen MF; Gerhart-Hines Z; Heeren J; Brewer J; Larsen S; Blagoev B; Faergeman NJ; Grontved L
  • Journal article: CELL REPORTS. 2021;37(5):109938
    Praestholm SM; Correia CM; Goitea VE; Siersbaek MS; Jorgensen M; Havelund JF; Pedersen TA; Faergeman NJ; Grontved L
  • Journal article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2020;10(1):14052
    Siersbaek MS; Ditzel N; Hejbol EK; Praestholm SM; Markussen LK; Avolio F; Li L; Lehtonen L; Hansen AK; Schroder HD; Krych L; Mandrup S; Langhorn L; Bollen P; Grontved L
  • Journal article: PLOS GENETICS. 2020;16(5):e1008770
    Praestholm SM; Siersbaek MS; Nielsen R; Zhu X; Hollenberg A; Cheng S-Y; Grontved L
  • Journal article: FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2020;11:572981
    Praestholm SM; Correia CM; Grontved L
  • Journal article: PLOS BIOLOGY. 2018;16(12):e2006249
    Kalvisa A; Siersbaek MS; Praestholm SM; Christensen LJL; Nielsen R; Stohr O; Vettorazzi S; Tuckermann J; White M; Mandrup S; Grontved L
    Hoenes GS; Rakov H; Logan J; Liao X-H; Werbenko E; Pollard AS; Praestholm SM; Siersbaek MS; Rijntjes E; Gassen J; Latteyer S; Engels K; Strucksberg K-H; Kleinbongard P; Zwanziger D; Rozman J; Gailus-Durner V; Fuchs H; de Angelis MH; Klein-Hitpass L; Koehrle J; Armstrong DL; Grontved L; Bassett JHD; Williams GR; Refetoff S; Fuehrer D; Moeller LC

All other publications

  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2023;BIORXIV
    Correia JC; Jannig PR; Gosztyla ML; Cervenka I; Ducommun S; Præstholm SM; Dumont K; Liu Z; Liang Q; Edsgärd D; Emanuelsson O; Gregorevic P; Westerblad H; Venckunas T; Brazaitis M; Kamandulis S; Lanner JT; Yeo GW; Ruas JL

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