
Sho Oasa

Assistant Professor
Visiting address: L8:01, CMM, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Solna, 17176 Stockholm
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF Vukojevic, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I completed my PhD in Life Science under the supervision of Prof. Masataka Kinjo at Laboratory of Molecular Cell Dynamics, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan in 2016. I had a postdocotrall training at same laboratory in 2016-2017. 

  • I moved to Vladana Vukojevic and Lars Terenius's research group, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ (KI) as a research associate for 2017-2019 financially supported by the Nakatani Foundation for Advancement of measuring technologies in bio̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ engineering. Following the research associates, I was employed as the Postdoctoral fellowship in the same research group in KI for 2019-2021 financially supported by the postdoctoral funding by the Strategic Neuroscience. 
  • My career progresssed an Assistant Professor at 2021.

    I'm a Biophysist with an expetise on fluorescence microscopy techniques including live-cell confocal microscopy imaigng, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy.

    Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions in the fluorescence microscopy.

    Our group organizes the fluorescence microscopy core facility in Center for Molecular Medicine and PhD course in fluorescence microscopy.




  • I'm working on the sveral directions of researches in ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡.


  • 1) Scanning-free confocal fluorescence microscopy towards massively parallel fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (mpFCS/FLIM).

    Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) allows us to characterize the dynamic properties of fluorescently tagged proteins and its concentration in live cells. However, classical FCS based on a confocal microscopy focused laser in a selected position, being subjected to FCS analysis. Thus,  

  • We have a research collaboration with Dr. Alexsandar Krmpot and Dr. Stanko Nikolic (Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade, Serbia) to develop the 2D imaging FCS instrument to record fluorescence intensity in different positions of cells at the same time. Parallel computing calculated large number of autocorrelation curves in FCS analysis to quantitatively characterize the spatial heterogeneity of protein dynamics and density/concentration in live cells.


  • 2) Alcohol modulation on plasma membrane organization, opioid receptors dynamics/functionalities and opioid receptor antagonists' effect to the alocohol modulations.



  • 3) Development of small molecular decoys interfering with amyloid beta aggregation towards new medication to Alzheimer's disease



  • 4) Characterization of transcription factor dimerization inhibitor towards new medication for glioblastoma and medulloblastoma








  • Journal article: TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY. 2024;14(1):477
    Oasa S; Sezgin E; Ma Y; Horne DA; Radmilovic MD; Jovanovic-Talisman T; Martin-Fardon R; Vukojevic V; Terenius L
  • Journal article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2024;14(1):24846
    Min J-H; Sarlus H; Oasa S; Harris RA
  • Journal article: JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE. 2024;101(3):787-796
    Oasa S; Chen G; Schultzberg M; Terenius L
  • Article: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 2023;95(41):15171-15179
    Nikolic SN; Oasa S; Krmpot AJ; Terenius L; Belic MR; Rigler R; Vukojevic V
  • Article: CELL & BIOSCIENCE. 2023;13(1):142
    Johansson B; Oasa S; Soria AM; Tiiman A; Soderberg L; Amandius E; Moller C; Lannfelt L; Terenius L; Gimenez-Llort L; Vukojevic V
    Radmilovic MD; Drvenica IT; Rabasovic MD; Ilic VL; Pavlovic D; Oasa S; Vukojevic V; Peric M; Nikolic SN; Krmpot AJ
  • Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2023;13(1):11834
    Kitamura A; Oasa S; Kawaguchi H; Osaka M; Vukojevic V; Kinjo M
  • Article: ACS CHEMICAL NEUROSCIENCE. 2023;14(9):1575-1584
    Oasa S; Kouznetsova VL; Tiiman A; Vukojevic V; Tsigelny IF; Terenius L
  • Journal article: THE FASEB JOURNAL. 2022;36(S1)
    Oasa S; Krmpot A; Nikolic S; Clayton A; Tsigelny I; Changeux J; Terenius L; Rigler R; Vukojevic V
  • Article: THE FASEB JOURNAL. 2021;35(12):e22055
    Li T; Oasa S; Ciruela F; Terenius L; Vukojevic V; Svenningsson P
  • Article: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 2021;93(35):12011-12021
    Oasa S; Krmpot AJ; Nikolic SN; Clayton AHA; Tsigelny IF; Changeux J-P; Terenius L; Rigler R; Vukojevic V
    Oasa S; Vukojevic V; Rigler R; Tsigelny IF; Changeux J-P; Terenius L
  • Article: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 2019;91(17):11129-11137
    Krmpot AJ; Nikolic SN; Oasa S; Papadopoulos DK; Vitali M; Oura M; Mikuni S; Thyberg P; Tisa S; Kinjo M; Nilsson L; Terenius L; Rigler R; Vukojevic V
  • Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2018;8(1):7488
    Oasa S; Mikuni S; Yamamoto J; Kurosaki T; Yamashita D; Kinjo M
  • Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2017;7(1):4336
    Tiwari M; Oasa S; Yamamoto J; Mikuni S; Kinjo M
  • Article: COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B: BIOINTERFACES. 2017;151:95-101
    Tanaka H; Oasa S; Kinjo M; Tange K; Nakai Y; Harashima H; Akita H
  • Article: FEBS LETTERS. 2015;589(17):2171-2178
    Oasa S; Sasaki A; Yamamoto J; Mikuni S; Kinjo M
  • Journal article: SEIBUTSU BUTSURI. 2014;54(5):280-282
    OASA S
  • Journal article: SEIBUTSU BUTSURI. 2012;52(supplement):s103
    Oasa S; Sasaki A; Mikuni S; Kinjo M
  • Journal article: SEIBUTSU BUTSURI. 2011;51(supplement):s56
    Oasa S; Sasaki A; Kinjo M
  • Journal article: SEIBUTSU BUTSURI. 2010;50(supplement2):s76-s77
    Sasaki A; Oasa S; Kinjo M
  • Show more

All other publications

  • Editorial comment: NEURAL REGENERATION RESEARCH. 2024;19(8):1658-1659
    Oasa S; Kouznetsova VL; Tsigelny IF; Terenius L
  • Preprint: RES SQ. 2023;RES SQ
    Terenius L; Oasa S; Sezgin E; Ma Y; Horne D; Radmiković M; Jovanović-Talisman T; Martin-Fardon R; Vukojevic V
  • Preprint: RES SQ. 2023;RES SQ
    Li Y; Lim C; Dismuke T; Malawsky DS; Oasa S; Bruce ZC; Offenhäuser C; Baumgartner U; D'Souza RCJ; Edwards SL; French JD; Ock LSH; Nair S; Sivakumaran H; Harris L; Tikunov AP; Hwang D; Del Mar Alicea Pauneto C; Maybury M; Hassall T; Wainwright B; Kesari S; Stein G; Piper M; Johns TG; Sokolsky-Papkov M; Terenius L; Vukojević V; Gershon TR; Day BW
  • Conference publication: EUROPEAN BIOPHYSICS JOURNAL. 2023;52(SUPPL 1):S99
    Oasa S; Kouznetsova V; Masich S; Tiiman A; Vukojevic V; Tsigelny I; Terenius L
  • Preprint: BIORXIV. 2022
    Kitamura A; Oasa S; Kawaguchi H; Osaka M; Vukojević V; Kinjo M
  • Conference publication: BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 2020;118(3):307A
    Oasa S; Krmpot A; Nikolic S; Terenius L; Rigler R; Vukojevic V
  • Conference publication: PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE - THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2015;9536:95360o-95360o-9-95360O
    Krmpot AJ; Nikolić SN; Vitali M; Papadopoulos DK; Oasa S; Thyberg P; Tisa S; Kinjo M; Nilsson L; Gehring WJ; Terenius L; Rigler R; Vukojevic V
  • Conference publication: 2015;:95360o
    Krmpot AJ; Nikolić SN; Vitali M; Papadopoulos DK; Oasa S; Thyberg P; Tisa S; Kinjo M; Nilsson L; Gehring WJ; Terenius L; Rigler R; Vukojević V


  • Swedish Research Council
    1 January 2023 - 31 December 2026

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