
Sebastian Hökby

Sebastian Hökby

Phd Student
Visiting address: Granits väg 4, 17177 Solna
Postal address: C7 Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik, C7 NASP Carli, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I have been involved in suicide-related research since 2011, at the National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention (NASP), Solna campus. Since then, I have led projects at NASP/CHIS which are related to our aims to examine and report epidemiological findings and patterns in suicide rates, suicide prevention-related evidence-based recommendations, and expedite public health-related reports and communications. I am affiliated to the department of LIME, KI (Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡), and to CHIS, SLSO (Centre for Informatics, Health economics, and Health Services Research, Region Stockholm). I have a background in experimental psychology (BSc., MSc., Psych.). But like my suicide research, my doctoral project about Screen Time focuses on ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ aspects relevant to public health sciences.

    My doctoral project can be summarized as 'Screen Time Effects on Adolescent Mental health' (STEAM) (SV. 'Skärmtidseffekter pÃ¥ unga personers psykiska hälsa'). I primarily look at how adolescents' screen time increases their longitudinal progression of depressive symptom, and to some extent suicidal thoughts and anxiety. I focus on two aspects which seem to buffer such screen time effects, namely Coping behaviors and Sleep habits. Within the STEAM project, I utilize research data collected within two previous cluster randomized trials: the YAM 

  • and SUPREME trial.

    My office is located at Granits väg 4, Solna (entrence floor).


  • Suicidology, Psychological medicine, Screen time, Digital behaviors, Depression, Adolescence, Psychometrics, Public health, Cognitive biases, Longitudinal statistics


  • I occationally teach statistics at the department of psychology, Stockholm University, with my co-supervisor Joakim Westerlund. Together with my main supervisor, Gergö Hadlaczky, and my co-supervisors, I sporadically co-supervise students writing their BSc. or MSc. theses within the field of public health-related psychological medicine. I sometimes give guest lectures to other universities or public units. I sometimes organize journal clubs at NASP.

Selected publications

    Hökby S; Westerlund J; Alvarsson J; Carli V; Hadlaczky G
  • Article: MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY. 2023;28(2):901-907
    Ploederl M; Westerlund J; Hokby S; Hadlaczky G; Hengartner MP
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2023;18(11):e0293580
    Lemke T; Hokby S; Wasserman D; Carli V; Hadlaczky G
  • Article: NORDIC JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. 2021;75(7):487-493
    Hokby S; Westedund J; Blazeyska B; Hadlaczky G
    Ramberg I-L; Hokby S; Karlsson L; Hadlaczky G
  • Article: NORDIC JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. 2018;72(1):72-74
    Hadlaczky G; Hokby S
  • Article: FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY. 2018;9:116
    Hadlaczky G; Hokby S; Mkrtchian A; Wasserman D; Balazs J; Machin N; Sarchiapone M; Sisask M; Carli V
  • Article: JMIR MENTAL HEALTH. 2016;3(3):e31
    Hökby S; Hadlaczky G; Westerlund J; Wasserman D; Balazs J; Germanavicius A; Machín N; Meszaros G; Sarchiapone M; Värnik A; Varnik P; Westerlund M; Carli V
  • Article: INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF PSYCHIATRY. 2014;26(4):467-475
    Hadlaczky G; Hokby S; Mkrtchian A; Carli V; Wasserman D


  • Article: NORDIC JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. 2023;77(7):721-730
    Oskarsson H; Mehlum L; Titelman D; Isometsa E; Erlangsen A; Nordentoft M; Mittendorfer-Rutz E; Hokby S; Tomasson H; Palsson SP
  • Article: FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY. 2020;11:1113
    Westerlund M; Hokby S; Hadlaczky G

All other publications

  • Report: STEAM REPORT SERIES. 2024;:1-4
    Social media may increase girls’ anxiety levels by decreasing their self-esteem
    Hökby S
  • Report: FAKTABLAD. 2023;:1-2
    Lack of sleep can be linked to depression and suicidal thoughts among young people
    Lemke T
  • Report: STEAM REPORT SERIES. 2023;:1-2
    Sämre psykisk hälsa bland unga när skärmtid försämrar stresshantering
    Hökby S
  • Report: NASP REPORTS. 2022;:3-12
    Den psykiska hälsan bland 10 299 högstadieelever i Stockholms län: Tvärsnittsanalyser av enkätdata (2016-2019)
    Hökby S
  • Conference publication: EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY. 2014;29:1
    Carli V; Hadlaczky G; Hökby S; Sarchiapone M; Wasserman D
  • Conference publication: EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY. 2014;29
    Carli V; Hadlaczky G; Hokby S; Sarchiapone M; Wasserman D


  • Phd Student, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2023-2026

Degrees and Education

  • MSc. Psychology, Deparment of Psychology, Stockholm University, 2024
  • BSc. Psychology, Psychology, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, 2024

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