
Sandra Eloranta

Principal Researcher | Docent
Visiting address: ,
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 KEP Ekström Smedby K Eloranta S, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a mathematical statistician and /Docent/ in clinical epidemiology with more than 15 years’ experience of population-based cancer research. My main methodological interests are in statistical and epidemiological methods used for investigating population-based cancer patient survival and cancer survivorship issues, specifically in lymphoma. In my role as principal researcher I am also team leader for a group of Phd students and statisticians within the cancer epidemiology group that is based at the Division of Clinical Epidemiology [1], Department of Medicine, Solna.
    At present I am supervising 5 PhD students who work with various projects related to lymphoma survival, late effects after lymphoma treatment,
    childbearing after a diagnosis or lymphoma and cancer risk/prognosis after organ transplantation. I am also a keen teacher and frequent lecturer at the clinical research schools hosted by the Division of Clinical Epidemiology.
    In 2023-2024 I lead the implementation of Clinicum [2], which aims is to develop a new organization at KI together with the major health care
    providers in Region Stockholm. This work involves developing structures for collaboration and for access to support in epidemiology, biostatistics,
    bioinformatics and other research methodologies, as well as the development of processes for accessing health data from the region. The target group for Clinicum is the researchers and functions that use health and ̽ѡ care data in research at KI and/or within the Stockholm Region.

    Docent (Associate professor), Clinical Epidemiology (2020)
    PhD Medical Science, ̽ѡ (2013).
    Title of Thesis:/ Development and application of statistical methods for
    population-based cancer patient. (Supervisor: Prof Paul Dickman).
    MSc Mathematics, Uppsala University (2006).

    [1] /en/meds/kep-cancer-epidemiology
    [2] /clinicum


  • My research on childbearing after treatment with immuno-chemotherapy for aggressive lymphoma is supported by the Swedish Cancer Society, and ̽ѡs stiftelser.

    My research team includes:
    Joshua Entrop, PhD student, epidemiologist
    Fanny Bergström, Mathematical statistician
    Ida Hed Myrberg, Biostatistician
    Stefanie Antonilli, Biostatistician
    Johan Zetterqvist, Biostatistician
    Magnus Boman, Affiliated to research


  • *PhD supervision*
    Joshua Entrop has a Master degree in public health and studies childbearing patterns after modern-day intensive immunochemotherapy in young
    Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma survivors and performs studies in collaboration with the epidemiology working group of the Nordic lymphoma group [2]. His project is supported by the Swedish Cancer Society and the Nordic Cancer.

    Joel Joelsson is an MD studying survival and surviorship issues among patients with Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL). Specifically Joel's
    studies address the risk for secondary solid tumours and treatment-related myeloid neoplasms after treatment for Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma.

    Rasmus Rask Kragh Jørgensen is a mathematician based at Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark, and is performing a project on prognostic modelling of prognosis after both Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.

    *Past PhD students*
    Sara Harrysson is an MD with a specific interest in survival, relapse and cardiac events after a diagnosis of aggressive B-cell lymphoma. Her research focus is specifically to investigate treatment outcome and predictors in relapsed and treatment-refractory Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma by clinical, demographic and biological characteristics, as well as the incidence, characteristics and timing of cardiovascular events (particularly acute
    coronary syndrome) among anthracycline-treated patients. Sara defended her thesis: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma : population-based studies of relapse and cardiac complications in March 2023.

    Henrik Benoni is an MD investigating cancer risk and prognosis following solid organ transplantation. His research aims to identify determinants of cancer risk among kidney transplant recipients and to estimate absolute risks and timing of increased cancer risks in a Nordic cohort of kidney transplant recipients. His PhD studies also look into if solid organ transplant recipients have a worse cancer prognosis than the general cancer population (unexposed to organ transplantation). Henrik defended his thesis: Cancer after solid organ transplantation – incidence, risk factors, and survival in December 2022.

    Sara Ekberg has a background in mathematical statistics and studied patterns and trends in the incidence, prevalence and survival as
    well as survivorship issues among patients diagnosed with the most common non-hodgkin lymphoma subtypes in Sweden, with a focus on Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma. Her studies originated in data from the Swedish lymphoma register and were conducted in collaboration with researchers from the Swedish Lymphoma Group. Sara defended her thesis: Long-term survival and survivorship in non-Hodgkin Lymphoma patients in Sweden in January 2021.

    Elsa Brånvall is a specialist in hematology and internal medicine studied the role of medication history in the etiology and prognosis of
    lymphoma subtypes. Specifically her studies investigated if the use of aspirin or NSAIDs or cholesterol-lowering medications (such as statins)
    decreased the risk of developing lymphoma, and if they were associated with an improved the prognosis of lymphoma. Elsa defended her thesis: Common medications in the risk and prognosis of lymphoid neoplasms and epidemiology of primary CNS lymphoma in December 2020.

    Caroline Weibull is a mathematical statistician with a research focus on survivorship issues after Hodgkin lymphoma. The specific aims were to
    describe trends in childbearing by clinical characteristics and to investigate the association between pregnancy and risk for relapse among
    women in remission following a diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma. Her studies also aimed to shed light on if the decline in treatment-related mortality of diseases of the circulatory system is associated with less toxic treatments or improved follow-up and care. Her thesis work included methodological development as well as applied statistical work. Caroline defended her thesis: Survivorship in Hodgkin Lymphoma: childbearing and treatment-related disease in November 2018.

    Lingjing Chen has a background in medicine and public health and completed her thesis, entitled: Rectal cancer surviorship: work loss and
    long-term morbidity in December 2017.

    *Teaching merits*
    I am a specialist in statistical methods for competing risks and frequently invited to give presentations on this topic. I have for example been invited
    to give lectures and courses aimed towards both statisticians and non-statisticians at, for example, the University of Lund (Sweden), the
    University of Umeå (Sweden), The Arctic University of Tromsö (Norway), the Regional Cancer Center in Stockholm, the annual meeting of the Network of Epidemiology and Nutrition, as well as the Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology (Italy) organized jointly by Harvard School of Public Health, University of Milano-Bicocca and ̽ѡ.
    I also teach the fundamental principles of good research documentation practise in ̽ѡ research. These lectures typically cover a wide range of
    topics related to data management; from practical issues related to data collection, reproducible research processes, archiving, to theoretical
    lectures on ethical considerations and Swedish laws that govern epidemiological research. I was also the first author of a book chapter on
    this topic published by Läkartidningen in 2015 (Verktyg för klinisk forskning [2]).



  • Article: JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH. 2025;34(1):e14267
    Nygren A; Brenner P; Brandt L; Karlsson P; Eloranta S; Reutfors J
  • Article: BIOMETRICAL JOURNAL. 2025;67(1):e70038
    Entrop JP; Jakobsen LH; Crowther MJ; Clements M; Eloranta S; Dietrich CE
  • Article: EJSO. 2024;50(12):108673
    Bolmstrand B; Nilsson PJ; Eloranta S; Martling A; Buchli C; Palmer G
  • Article: EJHAEM. 2024;5(6):1190-1200
    Baech J; El-Galaly TC; Entrop JP; Glimelius I; Molin D; Godtfredsen SJ; Crowther MJ; Smedby KE; Eloranta S; Dietrich CE
  • Journal article: BLOOD. 2024;144(Supplement 1):654
    Harrysson S; Eloranta S; Antonilli S; Simonsen MR; Sonnevi K; Brown PDN; Wahlin BE; Andersson P-O; Joergensen JM; Jerkeman M; Poulsen CB; Enblad G; El-Galaly TC; Ekstroem Smedby K
  • Journal article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2024;113(5):641-650
    Jorgensen RRK; Jakobsen LH; Eloranta S; Smedby KE; Pedersen RS; Jorgensen JM; Clausen MR; Brown P; Gang AO; Gade I-L; Larsen TS; Jerkeman M; El-Galaly TC
  • Article: HEALTH INFORMATICS JOURNAL. 2024;30(4):14604582241290725
    Brahimllari O; Eloranta S; Georgii-Hemming P; Haider Z; Koch S; Krstic A; Skarp FP; Rosenquist R; Smedby KE; Taylan F; Thorvaldsdottir B; Wirta V; Wasterlid T; Boman M
  • Article: ACTA ONCOLOGICA. 2024;63:563-572
    Smedby KE; Eloranta S; Wasterlid T; Falini V; Jerlstrom U; Ellin F; Papworth K; Westerberg J; Lewerin C; Andersson P-O; Kristjansdottir HL; Brandefors L; Morth C-L; Hallen K; Kuric N; Abu Sabaa A; Wahlin BE; Molin D; Enblad G; Horsted A-S; Jerkeman M; Glimelius I
  • Article: JCO CLINICAL CANCER INFORMATICS. 2024;8:e2300255
    Jorgensen RRK; Bergstroem F; Eloranta S; Severinsen MT; Smeland KB; Fossa A; Christensen JH; Hutchings M; Bo Dahl-Sorensen R; Kamper P; Glimelius I; Smedby K; Parsons S; Rodday AM; Maurer M; Evens A; El-Galaly T; Jakobsen LH
  • Article: LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA. 2024;65(4):534-537
    Harrysson S; Eloranta S; Ekberg S; Enblad G; Andersson P-O; Sonnevi K; Ljungqvist M; Sander B; Jerkeman M; Smedby KE
  • Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2024;204(3):967-975
    Baech J; Husby S; Trab T; Kragholm K; Brown P; Gorlov JS; Jorgensen JM; Gudbrandsdottir S; Severinsen MT; Gronbaek K; Larsen TS; Wasterlid T; Eloranta S; Smeland KB; Jakobsen LH; El-Galaly TC
    Boman SE; Fuentes S; Nordenvall C; Martling A; Chen L; Glimelius I; Neovius M; Smedby KE; Eloranta S
  • Journal article: PEERJ. 2024;12:e17841
    Hayes JF; Ben Abdesslem F; Eloranta S; Osborn DPJ; Boman M
  • Article: TRANSPLANT INTERNATIONAL. 2024;37:13173
    Benoni H; Nordenvall C; Hellstrom V; Dietrich CE; Martling A; Smedby KE; Eloranta S
  • Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2023;41(35):5376-5387
    Lewis KL; Jakobsen LH; Villa D; Smedby KE; Savage KJ; Eyre TA; Cwynarski K; Bishton MJ; Fox CP; Hawkes EA; Maurer MJ; El-Galaly TC; Cheah CY
  • Article: BMJ OPEN. 2023;13(12):e078023
    Rodriguez-Wallberg KA; Nilsson HP; Bergh J; Malmros J; Ljungman P; Foukakis T; Stragliotto CL; Friman EI; Linderholm B; Valachis A; Andersson A; Harrysson S; Vennstrom L; Frisk P; Moerse H; Eloranta S
  • Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2023;195:113403
    Abalo KD; Smedby KE; Ekberg S; Eloranta S; Pahnke S; Albertsson-Lindblad A; Jerkeman M; Glimelius I
  • Journal article: BLOOD. 2023;142:4455
    Jorgensen RRK; Eloranta S; Christensen JH; Hutchings M; Dahl-Soerensen RB; Kamper P; Evens AM; Maurer MJ; Parsons SK; Rodday AM; Upshaw J; El-Galaly TCC; Jakobsen LH
  • Article: LANCET HAEMATOLOGY. 2023;10(10):e838-e848
    Trab T; Baech J; Jakobsen LH; Husby S; Severinsen MT; Eloranta S; Gorlov JS; Jorgensen JM; Gudbrandsdottir S; Larsen TS; Brown P; Gronbaek K; Smedby KE; El-Galaly TC
  • Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2023;153(4):723-731
    Entrop JP; Weibull CE; Smedby KE; Jakobsen LH; Ovlisen AK; Molin D; Glimelius I; Marklund A; Holte H; Fossa A; Smeland KB; El-Galaly TC; Eloranta S
  • Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2023;202(4):785-795
    Entrop JP; Weibull CE; Smedby KE; Jakobsen LH; Ovlisen AK; Glimelius I; Marklund A; Larsen TS; Holte H; Fossa A; Smeland KB; El-Galaly TC; Eloranta S
  • Journal article: HEMATOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY. 2023;41 Suppl 2:429-430
    Smedby KE; Antonilli S; Enblad G; Sonnevi K; Wahlin BE; Andersson P; Jerkeman M; Eloranta S
  • Journal article: HEMATOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY. 2023;41 Suppl 2:475-476
    Abalo K; Smedby KE; Ekberg S; Eloranta S; Pahnke S; Albertsson-Lindblad A; Jerkeman M; Glimelius I
  • Article: ACTA ONCOLOGICA. 2022;61(11):1377-1385
    Khoshkar Y; Vigneswaran HTT; Eloranta S; Andersson TM-L; Schain F; Boman A; Dahlkild M; Liwing J; Leval A; Akre O; Aly M
  • Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2022;127(9):1642-1649
    Ekberg S; Crowther M; Harrysson S; Jerkeman M; Smedby KE; Eloranta S
  • Journal article: HEMASPHERE. 2022;6(Suppl ):37
    P081: Treatment-related circulatory diseases and mortality in Hodgkin lymphoma patients using multi-state modelling and relative survival
    Baech J; Jakobsen LH; El-Galaly TC; Molin D; Glimelius I; Entrop JP; Crowther MJ; Smedby KE; Eloranta S; Weibull CE
  • Journal article: HEMASPHERE. 2022;6(Suppl ):30
    T065: Reproduction patterns among Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors Treated with BEACOPP and ABVD in Sweden, Denmark, and Norway
    Entrop JP; Weibull CE; Smedby KE; Jakobsen LH; øvlisen AK; Molin D; Glimelius I; Marklund A; Holte H; Fosså A; Smeland KB; El-Galaly TC; Eloranta S
  • Article: BLOOD ADVANCES. 2022;6(15):4427-4435
    Baech J; Severinsen MT; Ovlisen AK; Frederiksen H; Vestergaard P; Torp-Pedersen C; Jorgensen J; Clausen MR; Poulsen CB; Brown P; Gang AO; Pedersen RS; Smedby KE; Eloranta S; Jakobsen LH; El-Galaly TC
  • Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2022;198(2):267-277
    Harrysson S; Eloranta S; Ekberg S; Enblad G; El-Galaly TC; Sander B; Sonnevi K; Andersson P-O; Jerkeman M; Smedby KE
  • Journal article: HEMASPHERE. 2022;6:103-104
    Entrop JP; Weibull CE; Smedby KE; Jakobsen LH; Øvlisen AK; Molin D; Glimelius I; Marklund A; Smeland KB; El‐Galaly TC; Eloranta S
  • Journal article: HEMASPHERE. 2022;6(Suppl):1111-1112
    Trab T; Baech J; Jakobsen LH; Husby S; Severinsen MT; Eloranta S; Gørløv JS; Jørgensen JM; Gudbrandsdottir S; Larsen TS; Brown P; Smedby KE; El‐Galaly TC
  • Journal article: HEMASPHERE. 2022;6(Suppl):983-984
    Jørgensen RRK; Eloranta S; Severinsen MT; Øvlisen AK; Smeland KB; Kiserud C; Christensen JH; Hutchings M; Sørensen RB; Kamper P; Glimelius I; Smedby KE; Bergström F; El‐Galaly TC; Jakobsen LH
  • Article: ACTA ONCOLOGICA. 2022;61(6):764-772
    Johansson ALV; Dickman PW; Eloranta S; Bjorkholm M
  • Article: BLOOD ADVANCES. 2022;6(8):2657-2666
    Joelsson J; Wasterlid T; Rosenquist R; Jakobsen LH; El-Galaly TC; Smedby KE; Eloranta S
  • Article: BLOOD CANCER JOURNAL. 2022;12(1):16
    Jakobsen LH; Ovlisen AK; Severinsen MT; Baech J; Kragholm KH; Glimelius I; Gang AO; Jorgensen JM; Frederiksen H; Poulsen CB; Clausen MR; Pedersen PT; Pedersen RS; Torp-Pedersen C; Eloranta S; El-Galaly TC
  • Article: FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY. 2022;12:984021
    Ruiz NR; Abd Own S; Smedby KE; Eloranta S; Koch S; Wasterlid T; Krstic A; Boman M
  • Article: BMJ OPEN SPORT & EXERCISE MEDICINE. 2022;8(1):e001264
    Akesdotter C; Kentta G; Eloranta S; Hakansson A; Franck J
  • Journal article: NEUROSCIENCE APPLIED. 2022;1:100228
    Reutfors J; Brandt L; Cabrera P; Karlsson P; Eloranta S; Brenner P
  • Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2021;195(4):552-560
    Branvall E; Ekberg S; Eloranta S; Wasterlid T; Birmann BM; Smedby KE
  • Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2021;39(31):3463-3472
    Ovlisen AK; Jakobsen LH; Eloranta S; Kragholm KH; Hutchings M; Frederiksen H; Kamper P; Dahl-Sorensen RB; Stoltenberg D; Weibull CE; Entrop JP; Glimelius I; Smedby KE; Torp-Pedersen C; Severinsen MT; El-Galaly TC
  • Article: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2021;290(5):1048-1060
    Ekberg S; Harrysson S; Jernberg T; Szummer K; Andersson P-O; Jerkeman M; Smedby KE; Eloranta S
  • Article: SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY. 2021;55(4):299-306
    Vigneswaran HT; Warnqvist A; Andersson TML; Leval A; Eklund M; Nordstrom T; Eloranta S; Schain F; Dearden L; Liwing J; Mehra M; Nair S; Pettersson A; Akre O; Aly M
  • Article: STATISTICS IN MEDICINE. 2021;40(9):2139-2154
    Weibull CE; Lambert PC; Eloranta S; Andersson TML; Dickman PW; Crowther MJ
  • Article: BLOOD ADVANCES. 2021;5(6):1638-1647
    Glimelius I; Smedby KE; Albertsson-Lindblad A; Crowther MJ; Eloranta S; Jerkeman M; Weibull CE
  • Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2021;192(3):551-559
    Wasterlid T; Oren Gradel K; Eloranta S; Glimelius I; El-Galaly TC; Frederiksen H; Smedby KE
  • Article: LEUKEMIA. 2021;35(2):476-484
    Landtblom AR; Andersson TM-L; Dickman PW; Smedby KE; Eloranta S; Batyrbekova N; Samuelsson J; Bjorkholm M; Hultcrantz M
  • Article: BLOOD CANCER JOURNAL. 2021;11(1):9
    Harrysson S; Eloranta S; Ekberg S; Enblad G; Jerkeman M; Wahlin BE; Andersson P-O; Smedby KE
  • Article: JAMA ONCOLOGY. 2021;7(1):86-91
    Marklund A; Lundberg FE; Eloranta S; Hedayati E; Pettersson K; Rodriguez-Wallberg KA
  • Article: TRANSPLANT INTERNATIONAL. 2020;33(12):1700-1710
    Benoni H; Eloranta S; Dahle DO; Svensson MHS; Nordin A; Carstens J; Mjoen G; Helantera I; Hellstrom V; Enblad G; Pukkala E; Sorensen SS; Lempinen M; Smedby KE
  • Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2020;105(6):779-785
    Baecklund F; Ekberg S; Rosenquist R; Askling J; Eloranta S; Smedby KE
  • Journal article: BLOOD. 2020;136:38-39
    Smedby KE; Harrysson S; Ekberg S; Jerkeman M; Andersson P-O; Enblad G; Eloranta S
  • Journal article: ANNALS OF LYMPHOMA. 2020;4(0):5
    Jakobsen LH; Øvlisen AK; Eloranta S; Bøgsted M; Severinsen MT; Smedby KE; Maurer MJ; El-Galaly TC
  • Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY. 2020;95(7):740-748
    Wasterlid T; Harrysson S; Andersson TM-L; Ekberg S; Enblad G; Andersson P-O; Jerkeman M; Eloranta S; Smedby KE
  • Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY. 2020;95(6):652-661
    Branvall E; Ekberg S; Eloranta S; Wasterlid T; Birmann BM; Smedby KE
  • Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2020;189(6):1083-1092
    Ekberg S; Smedby K; Glimelius I; Nilsson-Ehle H; Goldkuhl C; Lewerin C; Jerkeman M; Eloranta S
  • Article: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2020;287(6):723-733
    Pesola F; Eloranta S; Martling A; Saraste D; Smedby KE
  • Article: HUMAN REPRODUCTION. 2020;35(4):929-938
    Marklund A; Eloranta S; Wikander I; Kitlinski ML; Lood M; Nedstrand E; Thurin-Kjellberg A; Zhang P; Bergh J; Rodriguez-Wallberg KA
  • Article: JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE IN SPORT. 2020;23(4):329-335
    Akesdotter C; Kentta G; Eloranta S; Franck J
  • Journal article: INVESTIGATIVE UROLOGY. 2020;203(Supplement 4)
    Vigneswaran* HT; Warnqvist A; Andersson TML; Leval A; Schain F; Liwing J; Eloranta S; Pettersson A; Akre O; Aly M
  • Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2020;189(1):106-116
    Glimelius I; Smedby KE; Eloranta S; Jerkeman M; Weibull CE
  • Article: SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY. 2020;54(2):115-121
    Aly M; Leval A; Schain F; Liwing J; Lawson J; Vago E; Nordstrom T; Andersson TM-L; Sjoland E; Wang C; Eloranta S; Akre O
  • Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2020;146(3):682-691
    Benoni H; Eloranta S; Ekbom A; Wilczek H; Smedby KE
  • Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2019;145(5):1200-1208
    Weibull CE; Bjorkholm M; Glimelius I; Lambert PC; Andersson TML; Smedby KE; Dickman PW; Eloranta S
  • Article: SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS. 2019;53(2):343-354
    Toivanen S; Griep RH; Mellner C; Nordenmark M; Vinberg S; Eloranta S
  • Article: CANCER MEDICINE. 2019;8(10):4918-4927
    Glimelius I; Englund A; Rostgaard K; Smedby KE; Eloranta S; Brown PDN; Johansen C; Kamper P; Ljungman G; Hjalgrim LL; Hjalgrim H
  • Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2019;19(1):495
    Lofgren L; Eloranta S; Krawiec K; Asterkvist A; Lonnqvist C; Sandelin K
  • Article: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2019;285(4):455-468
    Wasterlid T; Mohammadi M; Smedby KE; Glimelius I; Jerkeman M; Bottai M; Eloranta S
  • Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2019;37(9):703-713
    Biccler JL; Glimelius I; Eloranta S; Smeland KB; Brown PDN; Jakobsen LH; Frederiksen H; Jerkeman M; Fossa A; Andersson TML; Holte H; Bogsted M; El-Galaly TC; Smedby KE
  • Article: RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY. 2019;131:229-236
    Bjohle J; Onjukka E; Rintela N; Eloranta S; Wickman M; Sandelin K; Gagliardi G; Liljegren A
    Biccler JL; Eloranta S; Brown PDN; Frederikseri H; Jerkeman M; Jorgensen J; Jakobsen LH; Smedby KE; Bogsted M; El-Galaly TC
  • Article: BREAST CANCER RESEARCH. 2018;20(1):142
    Frisk G; Ekberg S; Lidbrink E; Eloranta S; Sund M; Fredriksson I; Lambe M; Smedby KE
  • Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2018;36(26):2718-2725
    Weibull CE; Johansson ALV; Eloranta S; Smedby KE; Bjorkholm M; Lambert PC; Dickman PW; Glimelius I
  • Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2018;101(1):106-114
    Bjorkholm M; Weibull CE; Eloranta S; Smedby KE; Glimelius I; Dickman PW
  • Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY. 2018;93(8):1020-1028
    Ekberg S; Jerkeman M; Andersson P-O; Enblad G; Wahlin BE; Hasselblom S; Andersson TM; Eloranta S; Smedby KE
  • Article: BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 2018;168(3):655-666
    Liljegren A; von Wachenfeldt A; Azavedo E; Eloranta S; Grundstrom H; Stahlbom AK; Sundbom A; Sunden P; Svane G; Ulitzsch D; Arver B
  • Journal article: RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY. 2018;127:s717-s718
    Bjöhle J; Onjukka E; Rintelä N; Eloranta S; Wickman M; Sandelin K; Gagliardi G; Liljegren A
  • Journal article: CANCER MEDICINE. 2018;7(4):1572
    Biccler J; Eloranta S; Brown PDN; Frederiksen H; Jerkeman M; Smedby KE; Bogsted M; El-Galaly TC
  • Article: RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY. 2018;126(3):424-430
    Chen L; Eloranta S; Martling A; Glimelius I; Neovius M; Glimelius B; Smedby KE
  • Article: ACTA ONCOLOGICA. 2018;57(2):276-282
    Englund A; Glimelius I; Rostgaard K; Smedby KE; Eloranta S; Molin D; Kuusk T; Brown PDN; Kamper P; Hjalgrim H; Ljungman G; Hjalgrim LL
  • Article: BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 2018;167(3):761-769
    Rodriguez-Wallberg KA; Eloranta S; Krawiec K; Lissmats A; Bergh J; Liljegren A
  • Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2018;100(1):61-68
    Eloranta S; Branvall E; Celsing F; Papworth K; Ljungqvist M; Enblad G; Ekstrom-Smedby K
  • Article: CANCER MEDICINE. 2018;7(1):114-122
    Biccler J; Eloranta S; Brown PDN; Frederiksen H; Jerkeman M; Smedby KE; Bogsted M; El-Galaly TC
  • Article: BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 2017;166(3):887-896
    Frisk G; Tinge B; Ekberg S; Eloranta S; Backlund LM; Lidbrink E; Smedby KE
  • Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. 2017;186(10):1159-1167
    Larfors G; Glimelius I; Eloranta S; Smedby KE
  • Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2017;141(7):1345-1354
    Gordon D; Hansson J; Eloranta S; Gordon M; Gillgren P; Smedby KE
  • Journal article: HEMATOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY. 2017;35(S2):100-101
    Bjorkholm M; Weibull CE; Eloranta S; Ekström‐Smedby K; Glimelius I; Dickman PW
  • Journal article: HEMATOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY. 2017;35(S2):179-180
    Biccler JL; Eloranta S; de Nully Brown P; Frederiksen H; Jerkeman M; Smedby KE; Bøgsted M; El‐Galaly TC
  • Journal article: HEMATOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY. 2017;35(S2):230-232
    Brånvall E; Eloranta S; Ekberg S; Birmann BM; Smedby KE
  • Journal article: HEMATOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY. 2017;35(S2):127-128
    Smedby KE; Ekberg S; Andersson P; Enblad G; Wahlin BE; Hasselblom S; Jerkeman M; Eloranta S
  • Journal article: HEMATOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY. 2017;35(S2):172-173
    Biccler J; Glimelius I; Eloranta S; de Nully Brown P; Jakobsen LH; Frederiksen H; Jerkeman M; Bøgsted M
  • Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. 2017;185(8):681-687
    Baecklund F; Foo J-N; Askling J; Eloranta S; Glimelius I; Liu J; Hjalgrim H; Rosenquist R; Padyukov L; Smedby KE
  • Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY. 2017;92(3):251-258
    Glimelius I; Eloranta S; Ekberg S; Chang ET; Neovius M; Smedby KE
  • Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2016;175(3):410-418
    Eskelund CW; Kolstad A; Jerkeman M; Raty R; Laurell A; Eloranta S; Smedby KE; Husby S; Pedersen LB; Andersen NS; Eriksson M; Kimby E; Bentzen H; Kuittinen O; Lauritzsen GF; Nilsson-Ehle H; Ralfkiaer E; Ehinger M; Sundstrom C; Delabie J; Karjalainen-Lindsberg M-L; Workman CT; Garde C; Elonen E; Brown P; Gronbaek K; Geisler CH
    Toivanen S; Griep RH; Mellner C; Vinberg S; Eloranta S
    Chen L; Glimelius I; Neovius M; Ekberg S; Martling A; Eloranta S; Smedby KE
  • Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2016;34(4):337-344
    Weibull CE; Eloranta S; Smedby KE; Bjorkholm M; Kristinsson SY; Johansson ALV; Dickman PW; Glimelius I
  • Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY. 2015;90(12):1128-1134
    Glimelius I; Ekberg S; Jerkeman M; Chang ET; Bjorkholm M; Andersson TML; Smedby KE; Eloranta S
  • Article: BMC CANCER. 2015;15:850
    Mohammadi M; Cao Y; Glimelius I; Bottai M; Eloranta S; Smedby KE
    Sundstrom K; Ploner A; Arnheim-Dahlstrom L; Eloranta S; Palmgren J; Adami H-O; Helm NY; Sparen P; Dillner J
  • Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY. 2015;102(11):1426-1432
    Chen L; Glimelius I; Neovius M; Eloranta S; Ekberg S; Martling A; Smedby KE
  • Article: MELANOMA RESEARCH. 2015;25(4):348-356
    Gordon D; Gillgren P; Eloranta S; Olsson H; Gordon M; Hansson J; Smedby KE
  • Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2015;33(20):2288-2295
    Hultcrantz M; Wilkes SR; Kristinsson SY; Andersson TM-L; Derolf AR; Eloranta S; Samuelsson J; Landgren O; Dickman PW; Lambert PC; Bjorkholm M
  • Article: BMC CANCER. 2015;15:412
    Andersson TM-L; Dickman PW; Eloranta S; Sjovall A; Lambe M; Lambert PC
  • Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY. 2014;211(6):681.e1-681.e7
    Joneborg U; Eloranta S; Johansson ALV; Marions L; Weibull CE; Lambe M
  • Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2014;135(8):1774-1782
    Ellis L; Woods LM; Esteve J; Eloranta S; Coleman MP; Rachet B
  • Article: EPIDEMIOLOGY. 2014;25(5):742-748
    Eloranta S; Lambert PC; Andersson TM-L; Bjorkholm M; Dickman PW
    Herweijer E; Leval A; Ploner A; Eloranta S; Simard JF; Dillner J; Netterlid E; Sparen P; Arnheim-Dahlstrom L
  • Article: CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY. 2014;38(1):93-99
    Andersson TM-L; Eriksson H; Hansson J; Mansson-Brahme E; Dickman PW; Eloranta S; Lambe M; Lambert PC
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2014;9(8):e105279
    Malki N; Koupil I; Eloranta S; Weibull CE; Tiikkaja S; Ingelsson E; Sparen P
  • Article: STATISTICS IN MEDICINE. 2013;32(30):5286-5300
    Andersson TM-L; Dickman PW; Eloranta S; Lambe M; Lambert PC
  • Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2013;132(10):2388-2394
    Sandberg MEC; Alkner S; Hartman M; Eloranta S; Ryden L; Ploner A; Adami H-O; Hall P; Czene K
  • Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2013;31(11):1435-1441
    Eloranta S; Lambert PC; Sjoberg J; Andersson TML; Bjorkholm M; Dickman PW
    Leval A; Herweijer E; Ploner A; Eloranta S; Simard JF; Dillner J; Young C; Netterlid E; Sparen P; Arnheim-Dahlstrom L
  • Article: EUROPEAN UROLOGY. 2013;63(4):733-738
    Weibull CE; Eloranta S; Altman D; Johansson ALV; Lambe M
  • Article: CANCER CAUSES & CONTROL. 2013;24(3):505-515
    Eloranta S; Adolfsson J; Lambert PC; Stattin P; Akre O; Andersson TM-L; Dickman PW
  • Article: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2013;110(8):416-419
    Eloranta S; Johansson ALV; Kristinsson SY; Andersson TM-L
  • Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY. 2013;88(1):60-65
    Kristinsson SY; Eloranta S; Dickman PW; Andersson TM-L; Turesson I; Landgren O; Bjorkholm M
  • Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2012;30(24):2995-3001
    Hultcrantz M; Kristinsson SY; Andersson TM-L; Landgren O; Eloranta S; Derolf AR; Dickman PW; Bjorkholm M
  • Article: BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 2012;134(2):793-800
    Sandberg MEC; Hartman M; Klevebring D; Eloranta S; Ploner A; Hall P; Czene K
    Eloranta S; Lambert PC; Andersson TML; Czene K; Hall P; Bjorkholm M; Dickman PW
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2012;7(10):e46535
    Sandberg MEC; Hall P; Hartman M; Johansson ALV; Eloranta S; Ploner A; Czene K
  • Journal article: BLOOD. 2011;118(21):3855
    Hultcrantz ML; Hinchliffe SR; Kristinsson SY; Andersson TM-L; Eloranta S; Derolf ÅR; Samuelsson J; Landgren O; Dickman PW; Lambert P; Björkholm M
  • Article: ACTA ONCOLOGICA. 2011;50(8):1220-1227
    Lambe M; Eloranta S; Wigertz A; Blomqvist P
    Andersson TML; Dickman PW; Eloranta S; Lambert PC
  • Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2011;29(18):2514-2520
    Bjorkholm M; Ohm L; Eloranta S; Derolf A; Hultcrantz M; Sjoberg J; Andersson T; Hoglund M; Richter J; Landgren O; Kristinsson SY; Dickman PW
  • Article: ACTA ONCOLOGICA. 2011;50(3):367-372
    Salehi S; Eloranta S; Johansson ALV; Bergstrom M; Lambe M
  • Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. 2011;173(1):48-54
    Smedby KE; Eloranta S; Duvefelt K; Melbye M; Humphreys K; Hjalgrim H; Chang ET
  • Journal article: BLOOD. 2010;116(21):205
    Bjorkholm M; Ohm L; Eloranta S; Derolf ÅR; Hultcrantz M; Sjöberg J; Andersson T; Hoglund M; Richter J; Landgren O; Kristinsson SY; Dickman PW
  • Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2010;46(16):2965-2972
    Eloranta S; Lambert PC; Cavalli-Bjorkman N; Andersson TM-L; Glimelius B; Dickman PW
  • Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2010;127(8):1923-1930
    Dahlstrom LA; Ylitalo N; Sundstrom K; Palmgren J; Ploner A; Eloranta S; Sanjeevi CB; Andersson S; Rohan T; Dillner J; Adami H-O; Sparen P
  • Article: CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION. 2010;19(10):2469-2478
    Sundstrom K; Eloranta S; Sparen P; Dahlstrom LA; Gunnell A; Lindgren A; Palmgren J; Ploner A; Sanjeevi CB; Melbye M; Dillner J; Adami H-O; Ylitalo N
  • Article: BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 2010;122(3):889-895
    Sandberg MEC; Hartman M; Edgren G; Eloranta S; Ploner A; Hall P; Czene K
  • Article: TRANSFUSION. 2010;50(6):1185-1195
    Edgren G; Kamper-Jorgensen M; Eloranta S; Rostgaard K; Custer B; Ullum H; Murphy EL; Busch MP; Reilly M; Melbye M; Hjalgrim H; Nyren O
  • Article: CANCER CAUSES & CONTROL. 2010;21(5):759-769
    Fernberg P; Chang ET; Duvefelt K; Hjalgrim H; Eloranta S; Sorensen KM; Porwit A; Humphreys K; Melbye M; Smedby KE
  • Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2010;148(6):918-924
    Andersson TM-L; Lambert PC; Derolf AR; Kristinsson SY; Eloranta S; Landgren O; Bjorkholm M; Dickman PW
  • Article: HAEMATOLOGICA. 2009;94(12):1714-1720
    Kristinsson SY; Bjorkholm M; Andersson TM-L; Eloranta S; Dickman PW; Goldin LR; Blimark C; Mellqvist U-H; Wahlin A; Turesson I; Landgren O
  • Journal article: BLOOD. 2009;114(22):1378
    Derolf ÅR; Andersson TM-L; Lambert PC; Kristinsson SY; Eloranta S; Landgren O; Dickman PW; Bjorkholm M
  • Article: EPIDEMIOLOGY. 2009;20(5):747-751
    Lambe M; Johansson ALV; Altman D; Eloranta S
  • Article: CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION. 2008;17(9):2344-2349
    Cnattingius S; Eloranta S; Adami H-O; Axelsson O; Dickman PW; Hsieh C-C; Mucci LA; Trichopoulos D; Lambe M; Johansson ALV
  • Show more

All other publications

  • Letter: ACTA ONCOLOGICA. 2023;62(6):560-564
    Smedby KE; Waesterlid T; Tham E; Haider Z; Joelsson J; Thorvaldsdottir B; Krstic A; Wahlin BE; Foroughi-Asl H; Karlsson C; Eloranta S; Saft L; Palma M; Kwiecinska A; Hansson L; Osterborg A; Wirta V; Rassidakis G; Sander B; Sonnevi K; Rosenquist R
  • Conference publication: BLOOD. 2022;140:1079-1081
    Entrop JPP; Weibull CE; Smedby KE; Jakobsen LH; Oevlisen AK; Glimelius I; Marklund A; Larsen TS; Holte H; Fossa A; Smeland KB; El-Galaly TCC; Eloranta S
  • Conference publication: BLOOD. 2022;140:9411-9412
    Baech J; Jakobsen LH; El-Galaly TCC; Molin D; Glimelius I; Entrop JPP; Crowther M; Smedby KE; Eloranta S; Weibull CE
  • Review: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2022;292(2):278-295
    Eloranta S; Boman M
  • Conference publication: BLOOD. 2021;138:454
    Baech J; Severinsen MT; Ovlisen AK; Frederiksen H; Vestergaard P; Torp-Pedersen C; Jorgensen JM; Clausen MR; Poulsen CB; Brown PDN; Gang AO; Pedersen RS; Smedby KE; Eloranta S; Jakobsen LH; El-Galaly TC
  • Conference publication: BLOOD. 2021;138:181
    Lewis KL; Jakobsen LH; Villa D; Bobillo S; Smedby KE; Savage KJ; Eyre TA; Cwynarski K; Caporn PL; Van Zyl J; Klanova M; Trneny M; Puckrin R; Stewart DA; Bishton MJ; Fox CP; Tun AM; Thanarajasingam G; Djebbari F; Joffe E; Eloranta S; Harrysson S; Sehn LH; Maliske SM; Poonsombudlert K; Guo X; Hapgood G; Manos K; Hawkes E; Khwaja J; Minson A; Dickinson M; Ovlisen AK; Gregory GP; Gilbertson M; Streit IT; Scott HW; Ku M; de Mel S; Yong KY; Xin L; Mokoonlall M; Talaulikar D; McVilly NL; Johnston A; Brunner MJ; Pophali PA; Maurer MJ; El-Galaly TC; Cheah CY
  • Review: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2021;289(1):12-28
    Eloranta S; Smedby KE; Dickman PW; Andersson TM
  • Preprint: ARXIV. 2020
    Weibull CE; Lambert PC; Eloranta S; Andersson TML; Dickman PW; Crowther MJ
  • Conference publication: JOURNAL OF UROLOGY. 2020;203:E247-E248
    Vigneswaran HT; Warnqvist A; Andersson TML; Leval A; Schain F; Liwing J; Eloranta S; Pettersson A; Akre O; Aly M
  • Conference publication: BLOOD. 2019;134:399
    Harrysson S; Eloranta S; Ekberg S; Enblad G; Jerkeman M; Hasselblom S; Wahlin BE; Andersson P-O; Smedby KE
  • Conference publication: BLOOD. 2019;134:4111
    Smedby KEE; Ekberg S; Eloranta S; Enblad G; Jerkeman M; Andersson P-O; Harrysson S
  • Conference publication: BLOOD. 2019;134:2841
    Ovlisen AK; Jakobsen LH; Kragholm KH; Hutchings M; Frederiksen H; Kamper P; Eloranta S; Weibull C; Glimelius I; Smedby KEE; Severinsen MT; El-Galaly TCC
  • Conference publication: BLOOD. 2019;134:4572
    Glimelius I; Smedby KE; Albertsson-Lindblad A; Eloranta S; Jerkeman M; Weibull C
  • Letter: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2019;145(6):1706-1707
    Benoni H; Smedby KE; Eloranta S
  • Conference publication: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2019;37(15):e16555
    Aly M; Schain F; Leval A; Liwing J; Lawson J; Vago E; Nordstrom T; Gronberg H; Andersson TM-L; Sjoland E; Wang C; Eloranta S; Akre O
    Glimelius I; Smedby KE; Eloranta S; Jerkeman M; Weibull CE
  • Conference publication: BLOOD. 2018;132:930
    Biccler JL; Glimelius I; Eloranta S; Smeland KB; Brown PDN; Jakobsen LH; Frederiksen H; Jerkeman M; Fossa A; Andersson TML; Holte HJ; Bogsted M; El-Galaly TC; Smedby KE
  • Conference publication: BLOOD. 2018;132:2975
    Harrysson S; Eloranta S; Ekberg S; Enblad G; Jerkeman M; Hasselblom S; Wahlin BE; Andersson P-O; Smedby KE
  • Conference publication: BLOOD. 2018;132:4200
    Smedby KE; Harrysson S; Andersson P-O; Enblad G; Ekberg S; Jerkeman M; Eloranta S
  • Conference publication: BLOOD. 2018;132:2891
    Glimelius I; Smedby KE; Jerkeman M; Eloranta S; Weibull C
  • Editorial comment: LANCET HAEMATOLOGY. 2018;5(11):e510-e511
    Smedby KE; Eloranta S
  • Conference publication: RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY. 2018;127:S717-S718
    Bjohle J; Onjukka E; Rintela N; Eloranta S; Wickman M; Sandelin K; Gagliardi G; Liljegren A
  • Conference publication: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2016;34(15):9563
    Gordon D; Hansson J; Gordon M; Eloranta S; Gillgren P; Smedby KE
  • Conference publication: CANCER RESEARCH. 2016;76:p4-11-05-p4-11-05
    Rodriguez-Wallberg KA; Eloranta S; Krawiec K; Lissmats A; Liljegren A
  • Conference publication: GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2016;32:77
    Rodriguez-Wallberg K; Eloranta S; Krawiec K; Lissmats A; Liljegren A
  • Conference publication: HAEMATOLOGICA. 2016;101:64-65
    Eloranta S; Smedby KE; Ekberg S; Chang E; Neovius M; Glimelius I
  • Conference publication: HAEMATOLOGICA. 2016;101:36
    Englund A; Glimelius I; Rostgaard K; Eloranta S; Molin D; Kuusk T; Brown PDN; Kamper P; Smedby KE; Hjalgrim H; Ljungman G; Hjalgrim LL
  • Conference publication: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER. 2014;24(9):1084
    Joneborg U; Eloranta S; Johansson ALV; Marions L; Weibull CE; Lambe M
  • Doctoral thesis: 2013
    Eloranta, Sandra
  • Letter: EUROPEAN UROLOGY. 2013;64(4):e81
    Weibull CE; Eloranta S; Johansson ALV; Altman D; Lambe M
  • Conference publication: HAEMATOLOGICA. 2013;98:219
    Bjorkholm M; Eloranta S; Lambert P; Andersson T; Sjoberg J; Dickman P
  • Conference publication: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. 2011;173:S230
    Sandberg MEC; Hartman M; Eloranta S; Ploner A; Hall P; Czene K
  • Conference publication: BLOOD. 2011;118(21):1648-1649
    Hultcrantz ML; Hinchliffe SR; Kristinsson SY; Andersson TM-L; Eloranta S; Derolf AR; Samuelsson J; Landgren O; Dickman PW; Lambert P; Bjorkholm M
  • Meeting abstract: BLOOD. 2010;116(21):3071-1267
    Hultcrantz M; Kristinsson SY; Andersson TM-L; Eloranta S; Derolf AR; Landgren O; Dickman PW; Bjorkholm M
  • Conference publication: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2010;28(15):538
    Sandberg ME; Hartman M; Eloranta S; Ploner A; Hall P; Czene K
  • Corrigendum: TRANSFUSION. 2010;50(8):1857
    Edgren G; Kamper-Jorgensen M; Eloranta S; Rostgaard K; Custer B; Ullman H; Murphy EL; Busch MP; Reilly M; Melbye M; Hjalgrim H; Nyren O
  • Conference publication: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. 2010;171:S21
    Sandberg MEC; Hartman M; Eloranta S; Ploner A; Hall P; Czene K
  • Conference publication: BLOOD. 2010;116(21):93-94
    Bjorkholm M; Ohm L; Eloranta S; Derolf AR; Hultcrantz M; Sjoberg J; Andersson T; Hoglund M; Richter J; Landgren O; Kristinsson SY; Dickman PW
  • Conference publication: HAEMATOLOGICA. 2010;95:470
    Hultcrantz L; Kristinsson S; Andersson T; Eloranta S; Derolf A; Landgren O; Dickman P; Bjorkholm M
  • Letter: EPIDEMIOLOGY. 2009;20(5):780-782
    Lu Y; Lagergren J; Eloranta S; Lambe M
  • Conference publication: BLOOD. 2009;114(22):561
    Derolf AR; Andersson TM-L; Lambert PC; Kristinsson SY; Eloranta S; Landgren O; Dickman PW; Bjorkholm M
  • Conference publication: HAEMATOLOGICA. 2009;94:157
    Kristinsson SY; Bjorkholm M; Andersson TML; Eloranta S; Dickman PW; Goldin LR; Blimark C; Mellqvist UH; Wahlin A; Turesson I; Landgren O
  • Conference publication: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. 2008;167(11):S90
    Lambe M; Johansson A; Altman D; Eloranta S
  • Scholarly edition:
    Estimating and modeling cure within the framework of flexible parametric survival models
    Andersson TM-L; Eloranta S; Dickman PW; Lambert PC
  • Show more


  • Survivorship after aggressive lymphoma in the era of intensive immunochemotherapy
    The Swedish Cancer Society
    1 January 2023 - 31 December 2025
  • Swedish Cancer Society
    1 January 2023
  • Real-world outcomes in lymphoma and long-term benefit/risk balance of available therapies - A Nordic, multidisciplinary research program
    Nordic Cancer Union
    1 January 2022 - 31 December 2024
  • Swedish Cancer Society
    1 January 2020
  • Childbearing after modern-day intensive chemotherapy in young Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma survivors
    Swedish Cancer Society
    1 January 2019


  • Principal Researcher, Department of Medicine, ̽ѡ, 2022-

Degrees and Education

  • PhD, Development and Application of Modern Statistical Methods for Studies of Childbearing Among Lymphoma Survivors, Department of Medicine, Solna, ̽ѡ, 2025
  • Docent, ̽ѡ, 2020
  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, ̽ѡ, 2013

Leadership and responsibility assignments

  • Project leader, Clinicum Implementation Project, Department of Medicine Solna, ̽ѡ, 2023-
  • Research team leader, Team Sandra Eloranta, Department of Medicine Solna, ̽ѡ, 2022-


  • Ida Hed Myrberg, 2023
  • Ida Hed Myrberg, 2023
  • Joshua Entrop, Childbearing after modern-day intensive immunochemotherapy in young Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma survivors, /en/people/joshua-entrop, 2020
  • Caroline Weibull, Survivorship in Hodgkin lymphoma : childbearing and treatment-related disease, , 2014
  • Joelsson Joel, Second malignancies after non-Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosis and early identification of patients with poor outcomes

News from KI

Events from KI