
My PhD studies focus on the role of white adipose tissue in the pathogenesis of obesity and metabolic diseases, with a particular emphasis on endothelial barrier function and the intricate crosstalk between adipocytes and endothelial cells.


  • Article: NATURE CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH. 2024;3(3):356-371
    Di Nunzio G; Hellberg S; Zhang Y; Ahmed O; Wang J; Zhang X; Bjoerck HM; Chizh V; Schipper R; Aulin H; Francis R; Fagerberg L; Gistera A; Metso J; Manfe V; Franco-Cereceda A; Eriksson P; Jauhiainen M; Hagberg CE; Olofsson PS; Malin SG
  • Journal article: ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2022;355:24
    Chemaly M; Suur B; Schipper R; Jin H; Hagberg C; Matic LP
  • Article: JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY. 2022;600(4):869-883
    Ioannidou A; Alatar S; Schipper R; Baganha F; Ahlander M; Hornell A; Fisher RM; Hagberg CE

All other publications

  • Conference publication: ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2024;395:118293
    Liu T; Caravaca A; Shavva V; Tarnawski L; Ahmed O; Zhang Y; Guo Q; Cai M; Schipper R; Hagberg C; Olofsson P
  • Editorial comment: ADIPOCYTE. 2022;11(1):413-419
    Baganha F; Schipper R; Hagberg CE
  • Conference publication: ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2022;355:E54-E55
    Chemaly M; Suur B; Schipper R; Jin H; Hagberg C; Matic LP

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