
Rachael Sugars

Rachael Sugars

Senior Lecturer | Docent
Telephone: +46852488123
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels Allé 8, 14104 Huddinge
Postal address: OF Odontologi, OF Oral diagnostik och kirurgi, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Associate Professor
    Docent and Lektor / Associate Professor in Oral Biomedicine,
    Avdelningschef / Head of Division for Oral Diagnostics and Surgery at the Department of Dental Medicine
    Vice Study Director for Doctoral Studies

    After completing a BSC (Hons) degree in Bio̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Sciences (1997), I undertook my PhD education at Cardiff Dental School (University of Cardiff) sponsored by the Medical Research Council (UK) (2002) . The title was ​"The influence of recombinant proteoglycans in the mineralisation process" of hard tissues and supervised by Professor Graham Embery and Professor Rachel Waddington. Subsequently, in 2002 I moved to the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ to join the Centre for Oral Biology for my Post-doc period and continued as senior researcher. In 2009, the Centre for Oral Biology joined with the research unit at the Department of Dental Medicine. Since 2012, I have been a Lecturer at the Department of Dental Medicine, focused on the bio̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ education of dental, dental hygienist and continuing professional education dentists. I have been heavily involved in the development of the bio̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ dental education and the implementation of the new dental program study plan. Alongside my teaching and mentoring activities, I am also Principal Investigator (see below).


  • Current research is focused on developing pathological diagnostics and understanding disease processes in the soft tissues of the oral cavity. We
    are concerned with the complications that result following hematopoietic cell transplantation in the form of Graft versus Host Disease (GVHD). Oral
    manifestations are one of the most common and debilitating complications, and the histopathology poorly understood, particularly associated with
    long-standing chronic (c)GVHD. Our ongoing studies are working to understand oral mucosal and salivary gland cGVHD pathogenesis, clinical and diagnostic criteria and the search for predictive biomarkers. The shortage of qualified pathologists and inter-assessor variation is a limitation to diagnostics but digital approaches are providing unique tools to increase capacity, precision and accuracy. Machine learning (ML), and in particular deep learning (DL) algorithms can be trained to perform complex prediction tasks across a multitude of application areas. Using our digital image database we aim to develop a targeted oral digital pathology (DP) platform that will benefit the assessment of cGVHD but other pre-malignant
    and malignant oral lesions. Thereby strengthening pathologist / clinician interactions by providing rapid accurate histological assessment for clinical decision-making.

    Research group:
    Rachael Sugars (PI)
    Karin Garming-Legert
    Maria Bankvall
    Victor Tollemar
    Helena Arvidsson (Doctoral Student)
    Sabrina Svedjevik White (incoming Doctoral Student)
    Nikolce Tudzarovski


  • *Pedagogical profile:*
    Bio̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ sciences with a focus on the oral cavity in cell and molecular biology, oral biochemistry, craniofacial development, oral histology and
    pathology and scientific theory and method.

    *Pedagogical expertise:*
    Theme Lead for Basic Sciences and Medicine in the Dental Program
    Theme Lead for Scientific Development and Thesis Projects in the Dental Program (Year's 1 and 2)
    Working Group for the new development of the Dental Program Study Plan (ALVAH) - implemented August 2019
    Member of the Program Committee for the Dental Program
    Member of the Examination Committee for the Dental Program
    Revision of the bio̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ education within the Dental Program

    *Current teaching activities:*
    First-cycle education - Dental Program
    Course Leader for Oral Biomedicine 2 (2TL053 - 7.5hp)
    Course Leader for Scientific Theory and Method (2TL050 - 3hp)
    Supervision of exam thesis projects
    Additional teaching responsibilities associated with second- (Master's and
    Continuing and Advanced Education) and third-cycle (Doctoral) education.


  • Journal article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2024;2024:2450066
    Khattar P; Ulmner M; Habel H; Lund B; Sugars RV
  • Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2024;2024:2450066
    Khattar P; Ulmner M; Häbel H; Lund B; Sugars RV
  • Article: HELIYON. 2023;9(12):e23051
    Ulmner M; Sugars R; Naimi-Akbar A; Reseland JE; Lund B
  • Article: ORAL DISEASES. 2023;29(8):3346-3359
    Tollemar V; Strom J; Tudzarovski N; Habel H; Legert KG; Heymann R; Warfvinge G; Le Blanc K; Sugars RV
  • Article: HELIYON. 2023;9(4):e15517
    Tollemar V; Arvidsson H; Habel H; Tudzarovski N; Legert KG; Le Blanc K; Warfvinge G; Sugars RV
  • Article: BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 2022;23(1):506
    Nair A; Arvidsson H; Gatica JEV; Tudzarovski N; Meinke K; Sugars RV
  • Article: JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION. 2022;49(6):599-607
    Ulmner M; Sugars R; Naimi-Akbar A; Alstergren P; Lund B
  • Article: DIAGNOSTICS. 2020;11(1):E46-46
    Ulmner M; Sugars R; Naimi-Akbar A; Tudzarovski N; Kruger-Weiner C; Lund B
  • Article: TRANSPLANTATION AND CELLULAR THERAPY. 2020;26(10):1971-1979
    Tollemar V; Tudzarovski N; Warfvinge G; Yarom N; Remberger M; Heymann R; Legert KG; Sugars RV
  • Article: JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION. 2020;47(10):1202-1211
    Ulmner M; Sugars R; Naimi-Akbar A; Suslu S; Reseland JE; Kruger-Weiner C; Lund B
  • Article: THE LARYNGOSCOPE. 2020;130(1):E21-E29
    Nagubothu SR; Sugars RV; Tudzarovski N; Andren AT; Bottai M; Davies LC; Hertegard S; Le Blanc K
  • Article: STEM CELL RESEARCH AND THERAPY. 2019;10(1):334
    Gavin C; Boberg E; Von Bahr L; Bottai M; Andren AT; Wernerson A; Davies LC; Sugars RV; Le Blanc K
  • Journal article: JOURNAL OF ORAL PATHOLOGY & MEDICINE. 2019;48(S1):5-83
    Tollemar V; Tudzarovski N; Boberg E; Andren AT; Al-Adili A; Le Blanc K; Legert KG; Bottai M; Warfvinge G; Sugars RV
  • Article: ACTA ODONTOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA. 2017;75(7):524-529
    Vitt A; Slizen V; Bostrom EA; Yucel-Lindberg T; Kats A; Sugars RV; Gustafsson A; Buhlin K
  • Article: STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE. 2017;6(10):1840-1851
    Iacobaeus E; Sugars RV; Andren AT; Alm JJ; Qian H; Frantzen J; Newcombe J; Alkass K; Druid H; Bottai M; Roytta M; Le Blanc K
    Vitt A; Sofrata A; Slizen V; Sugars RV; Gustafsson A; Gudkova EI; Kazeko LA; Ramberg P; Buhlin K
  • Article: BONE. 2013;53(2):459-467
    Sugars RV; Olsson M-L; Marchner S; Hultenby K; Wendel M
  • Article: CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL. 2012;90(3):219-229
    Lind T; Hu L; Lind PM; Sugars R; Andersson G; Jacobson A; Melhus H
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2012;7(2):e31525
    Nikdin H; Olsson M-L; Hultenby K; Sugars RV
  • Article: CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL. 2011;88(3):179-188
    Karlstrom E; Norgard M; Hultenby K; Somogyi-Ganss E; Sugars R; Andersson G; Wendel M
  • Article: CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL. 2009;85(1):66-74
    Baker SM; Sugars RV; Wendel M; Smith AJ; Waddington RJ; Cooper PR; Sloan AJ
    Karner E; Backesjo C-M; Cedervall J; Sugars RV; Ahrlund-Richter L; Wendel M
  • Article: CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL. 2008;82(6):454-464
    Rehn AP; Cerny R; Sugars RV; Kaukua N; Wendel M
  • Article: CELL AND TISSUE RESEARCH. 2007;327(3):511-519
    Sugars R; Karlstrom E; Christersson C; Olsson M-L; Wendel M; Fried K
  • Article: STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT. 2007;16(1):39-52
    Karner E; Unger C; Sloan AJ; Ahrlund-Richter L; Sugars RV; Wendel M
  • Journal article: STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT. 2007;0(0):070118101949001
    Kärner E; Unger C; Sloan AJ; Ährlund-Richter L; Sugars RV; Wendel M
    Sugars RV; Karner E; Petersson U; Ganss B; Wendel M
  • Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCES. 2006;114(3):223-231
    Milan AM; Sugars RV; Embery G; Waddington RJ
  • Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCES. 2006;114(1):89-92
    Sugars RV; Olsson ML; Waddington R; Wendel M
  • Article: CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL. 2005;76(2):127-135
    Milan AM; Sugars RV; Embery G; Waddington RJ
  • Article: CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL. 2004;75(3):197-204
    Milan AM; Sugars RV; Embery G; Waddington RJ
  • Article: STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT. 2004;13(4):421-435
    Gertow K; Wolbank S; Rozell B; Sugars R; Andäng M; Parish CL; Imreh MP; Wendel M; Ährlund-Richter L
  • Article: BONE. 2004;34(6):949-960
    Petersson U; Somogyi E; Reinholt FP; Karlsson T; Sugars RV; Wendel M
  • Article: CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL. 2004;74(4):366-376
    Somogyi E; Petersson U; Sugars RV; Hultenby K; Wendell M
  • Article: PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION. 2002;25(1):180-188
    Sugars RV; Waddington RJ; Embery G
  • Show more

All other publications

  • Review: FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY. 2023;14:1151493
    Tollemar V; Legert K; Sugars RVV
    Hasegawa T; Arvidsson H; Tudzarovski N; Meinke K; Sugars RV; Ashok Nair A
  • Conference publication: SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2017;86(4):285
    Boberg E; von Bahr L; Heldring N; Afram G; Iacobaeus E; Modin C; Garming-Legert K; Ljungman P; Sugars R; Davies L; Kadri N; Le Blanc K
  • Conference publication: BLOOD. 2017;130
    Boberg E; Von Bahr L; Heldring N; Afram G; Iacobaeus E; Lindstrom C; Garming-Legert K; Ljungman P; Sugars R; Davies L; Kadri N; Le Blanc K
  • Conference publication: MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL. 2016;22:155
    Iacobaeus E; Sugars RV; Tornqvist AA; Alm JJ; Alkass K; Druid H; Roytta M; Le Blanc K
  • Letter: ORAL ONCOLOGY. 2015;51(12):e97-e99
    Garming-Legert K; Tour G; Sugars R; von Bahr L; Davies LC; Le Blanc K
  • Book chapter: BONE GRAFTING. 2012;p.
    Rosén A; Sugars R
  • Conference publication: THE FEBS JOURNAL. 2009;276:31
    Wendel M; Sugars R; Karner E
  • Review: EUROPEAN CELLS AND MATERIALS. 2003;6:12-21
    Waddington RJ; Roberts HC; Sugars RV; Schönherr E
  • Conference publication: JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH. 2003;82:490
    Sugars RV; Waddington RJ; Embery G
  • Conference publication: JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH. 2003;82:B77
    Petersson U; Somogyi E; Sugars RV; Wendel M
  • Conference publication: JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH. 2003;82:B76
    Milan AM; Sugars RV; Waddington R; Embery G
  • Conference publication: JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH. 2003;82:B46
    Baker SM; Sloan AJ; Sugars RV; Williams DW; Waddington R; Smith AJ
  • Published conference paper: CONNECTIVE TISSUE RESEARCH. 2003;44:189-195
    Sugars RV; Milan AA; Brown JO; Waddington RJ; Hall RC; Embery G
  • Conference publication: JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH. 2002;81:A439
    Sugars RV; Waddington RJ; Embery G
  • Conference publication: JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH. 2001;80(4):1181
    Sugars RV; Milan AM; Hall RC; Waddington RJ; Embery G
  • Conference publication: JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH. 2000;79(5):1176
    Sugars RV
  • Conference publication: JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH. 1999;78(5):1054
    Sugars RV; Waddington RJ; Embery G


  • Cathrine Everts Research Foundation
    1 August 2024 - 31 July 2025
  • Clinical and diagnostic personalized management of patients with oral complications post-hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
    Steering Group KI/Region Stockholm for odontological research (SOF)
    1 January 2024 - 31 December 2026
  • Clinical and artificial intelligence-prediction models for oral mucosal lesion diagnostics
    ALF Medicine
    1 October 2020 - 31 December 2023
  • Developing Histopathology Models for Oral Lesion Diagnostics Using Artificial Intelligence
    Steering Group KI/Region Stockholm för odontological research (SOF)
    1 January 2020 - 31 December 2022
  • Oral Graft-Versus-Host Disease: Clinical and Pathological Staging, and Identification of Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarkers
    Steering Group KI/Region Stockholm för odontological research (SOF)
    1 January 2016 - 31 December 2018
  • Swedish Research Council
    1 January 2010 - 31 December 2012


  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Dental Medicine, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2020-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2011

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