
Nina Viberg

Nina Viberg

Project Coordinator
Telephone: +46852483394
Visiting address: Tomtebodavägen 18A, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: K9 Global folkhälsa, K9 GPH Alfvén, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Nina Viberg is a Senior Researcher and Project Coordinator at the Department
    of Global Public Health and the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable
    Health. She coordinates the project "Building capacity for sustainable
    development in fragile states" which is a collaboration between KI, Makerere
    University in Kampala, Uganda, Benadir University in Mogadishu, Somalia, and
    University of Kinshasa, School of Public Health in the Democratic Republic of
    Nina a licensed pharmacist and holds a PhD from ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡
    (2009). She has extensive experience from the area of health policy and
    governance as well as evidence-based policy making and implementation of
    evidence based practice. In 2021 Nina returned to academia and KI after
    having served at different levels of the Swedish health system including, the
    Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR), The Swedish
    Agency for Health and Care Services Analysis, A governmental investigation
    about implementation of national guidelines in health care, and the Ministry
    of Health. At the Ministry, Nina had the position of National Focal Point
    for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and of coordinator within the government
    offices of matters regarding vaccines against Covid-19.
    Licensed Pharmacist, Uppsala University, 2003
    PhD in Medical Sciences, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2009
    PostDoc in Medical Sciences, Lund University, 2013 - 2017


  • Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2024;24(1):904
    Adem R; Nor HW; Fuje MM; Mohamed AH; Alfven T; Wanyenze RK; Guled AY; Biday MM; Viberg N; Hellden D
  • Journal article: SOMALI HEALTH ACTION JOURNAL. 2024;4(1)
    Muxamuud X; Mohamed F; Adan AK; Tukale AS; Viberg N; Nor H; Adem R; Erlandsson K; Lindgren H
  • Article: VACCINE. 2023;41(49):7476-7481
    Wees SHV; Stalgren M; Viberg N; Puranen B; Ekstrom AM; Larsson EC
  • Journal article: BMC GLOBAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 2023;1(1):3
    Wanyenze RK; Alfvén T; Ndejjo R; Viberg N; Båge K; Batte C; Helldén D; Lindgren H; Mayega RW; Ndeezi G; Peterson SS; Nawangwe B; Ottersen OP
  • Article: SUSTAINABILITY. 2023;15(2):1259
    Egbende L; Hellden D; Mbunga B; Schedwin M; Kazenza B; Viberg N; Wanyenze R; Ali MM; Alfven T
  • Article: BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH. 2018;18(1):616
    Lenander C; Bondesson A; Viberg N; Beckman A; Midlov P
  • Article: DRUGS - REAL WORLD OUTCOMES. 2017;4(3):159-165
    Lenander C; Midlöv P; Viberg N; Chalmers J; Rogers K; Bondesson Å
  • Article: FAMILY PRACTICE. 2017;34(2):213-218
    Lenander C; Bondesson A; Viberg N; Jakobsson U; Beckman A; Midlov P
  • Article: BMC FAMILY PRACTICE. 2016;17(1):140
    Modig S; Lenander C; Viberg N; Midlov P
  • Article: BMC FAMILY PRACTICE. 2015;16:117
    Lenander C; Bondesson A; Midlov P; Viberg N
  • Article: HEALTH POLICY. 2013;112(1-2):53-61
    Viberg N; Forsberg BC; Borowitz M; Molin R
    Bjorkman I; Berg J; Viberg N; Lundborg CS
  • Article: BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 2010;10:270
    Viberg N; Kalala W; Mujinja P; Tomson G; Lundborg CS
  • Article: SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS. 2009;85(4):300-307
    Viberg N; Mujinja P; Kalala W; Kumaranayake L; Vyas S; Tomson G; Lundborg CS
  • Article: PHARMACY PRACTICE. 2008;6(4):211-218
    Björkman I; Viberg N; Rydberg L; Stålsby Lundborg C
  • Article: PHARMACY PRACTICE. 2008;6(2):74-78
    Larsson EC; Viberg N; Vernby A; Nordmark J; Stålsby-Lundborg C
  • Article: JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY. 2007;59(4):718-726
    Nyazema N; Viberg N; Khoza S; Vyas S; Kumaranayake L; Tomson G; Lundborg CS
  • Article: PHARMACY WORLD AND SCIENCE. 2007;29(1):25-33
    Viberg N; Tomson G; Mujinja P; Lundborg CS

All other publications

  • Editorial comment: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2023;33(4):553
    Viberg N; Wanyenze R; Nordenstedt H; Gitahi G; Peterson SS
  • Thesis / dissertation: 2009
    Viberg, Nina


  • Project Coordinator, Department of Global Public Health, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2021-

Degrees and Education

  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Global Public Health, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2009

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