
Niklas Juth

Niklas Juth

Affiliated to Research | Docent
Visiting address: Widerstr枚mska huset, Tomtebodav盲gen 18A, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C7 L盲rande, Informatik, Management och Etik, C7 Etik Helgesson, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Niklas Juth is a associate professor in 探花精选 ethics at Karolinska
    Senior lecturer in 探花精选 ethics at Karolinska institutet. Currently
    teaching, for instance, at the Medical program (in Clinical 探花精选 ethics,
    The ethics of 探花精选 research and the theory of 探花精选 science, and The
    ethics of pre- and neonatal medicine), at the Program for Health Economy,
    Policy, and Management/ /(Philosophy of science and research ethics), the
    Bio探花精选 and Scilife Programs (The ethics of biomedicine), and doctoral
    students in research ethics.


  • My current main research interests are in ethics and bioethics and the
    intersection between political philosophy and 探花精选 ethics, e.g. autonomy
    and justice in health care. My main focus the last couple of years has been
    compulsory care (within both sometic and psychiatric care) and priority
    setting issues (e.g. regarding the principle of need and orphan drugs). I am
    still active in the Stockholm Centre for Health Care Ethics (CHE) project
    鈥淧rioritizing in Health Care: The Reasonableness and Applicability of the
    Principles of Cost-Efficiency, Need, and Responsibility鈥:
    [1]. I am also doing research within the
    areas of experimental ethics, end-of-life care, the ethics of screening,
    prenatal diagnosis, and genethics.
    *Juth*, Niklas
  • Radetzki, Marcus
  • Radetzki, Marian (2003), /Genes and
    Insurance/, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
    (Due to copyright rules, the book is not available free online. Please email
    to get an electronic copy: niklas.juth@ki.se [2])
    *Juth*, Niklas (2005), /Genetic information: Values and Rights. The Morality
    of Presymptomatic Genetic Testing/, Acta Philosophica Gothoburgensia, /
    /G枚teborg. (Dissertation)
    (Due to copyright reasons, the book is not available free online. Please
    email to get an electronic copy: niklas.juth@ki.se [3])
    *Juth* N, Lindblad A, Lyn枚e N, Sj枚strand M and Helgesson G. European
    Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) framework for palliative sedation: an
    ethical discussion. /BMC Palliative Care/ *9**:20, **2010.
    * [4]
    Sandberg J and *Juth* N. Ethics and Intuitions: A Reply to Peter Singer,
    /Journal of Ethics/ 2011
  • 15(5):209-226.
    *Juth*, Niklas
  • Munthe, Christian (2012), /The Ethics of Screening in Health
    Care and Medicine 鈥 Serving Society or Serving the Patient?/ Springer,
    Dordrecht. (Due to copyright rules, the book is not available free online.
    Please email to get an electronic copy: niklas.juth@ki.se [6])
    *Juth* N. Challenges for principles of needs in health care. /Health Care
    Analysis/, Vol. 23, Issue 1, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10728-013-0242-7
  • id=doi:10.1007/s10728-013-0242-7
    *Juth* N. Germline genetic modification, CRISPR, and human identity: Can
    genetics turn you into someone else? /Ethics, Medicine and Public Health/
    2016, 2, 416-425. [8]
    *Juth*, N. For the sake of justice: Should we prioritize rare diseases?
    /Health Care Analysis/ 2017 25(1), 1-20. PMID: *25145639*
    DOI: 10.1007/s10728-014-0284-5
    *Juth* N. Justifying the Expansion of Neonatal Screening: Two Cases. /Public
    Health Ethics/ 2019
  • 12(3):250-260. [9]
    Bj枚rk J, Helgesson G* Juth *N.* *Better in theory than in practise?
    Challenges when applying the luck egalitarian ethos in health care policy.
    /Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy/, 2020
  • 23:735鈥742. PMID: *32566983*
    [2] mailto:niklas.juth@ki.se
    [3] mailto:niklas.juth@ki.se
    [6] mailto:niklas.juth@ki.se
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  • Article: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ETHICS. 2024;:jme-2023-109240
    Holmgren AG; von Vogelsang A-C; Lindblad A; Juth N
  • Article: BMJ SUPPORTIVE AND PALLIATIVE CARE. 2024;13(E3):e1398-e1404
    Lynoe N; Engstrom I; Juth N
  • Article: TRIALS. 2023;24(1):801
    Godskesen T; Bjork J; Juth N
  • Article: BMC MEDICAL ETHICS. 2023;24(1):110
    Gustavsson ME; von Schreeb J; Arnberg FK; Juth N
  • Article: SEXUAL AND RELATIONSHIP THERAPY. 2023;38(4):684-695
    Bayram G; McMahan A; Juth N; Rahm C
  • Article: BIOETHICS. 2023;37(7):668-673
    Gustavsson E; Juth N; Larfars G; Raaschou P; Sandman L
  • Article: NORDIC JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. 2023;77(5):498-505
    Lundahl A; Torenfaelt M; Helgesson G; Juth N
  • Article: NURSING ETHICS. 2023;30(1):71-85
    Holmgren AG; Von Vogelsang A-C; Lindblad A; Juth N
  • Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING (JCN). 2022;31(15-16):2259-2270
    Holmgren AG; Juth N; Lindblad A; Vogelsang A-C
  • Article: UTILITAS. 2022;34(2):209-224
    Jolstad B; Juth N
  • Article: CONFLICT AND HEALTH. 2022;16(1):24
    Gustavsson ME; Juth N; Arnberg FK; von Schreeb J
  • Article: NORDIC JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. 2022;76(4):287-294
    Lundahl A; Helgesson G; Juth N
  • Article: BMC MEDICAL ETHICS. 2021;22(1):170
    Lynoe N; Engstrom I; Juth N
  • Article: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ETHICS. 2021;47(9):608-614
    Gustavsson E; Raaschou P; Larfars G; Sandman L; Juth N
    Bjork J; Stenfors T; Juth N; Gunnarsson AB
  • Article: BMC MEDICAL ETHICS. 2021;22(1):86
    Lynoe N; Lindblad A; Engstrom I; Sandlund M; Juth N
  • Article: MEDICINE, HEALTH CARE AND PHILOSOPHY. 2020;23(4):735-742
    Bjork J; Helgesson G; Juth N
  • Article: MEDICINE, HEALTH CARE AND PHILOSOPHY. 2020;23(4):695-703
    Lundahl A; Helgesson G; Juth N
  • Article: BMC MEDICAL ETHICS. 2020;21(1):102
    Gustavsson E; Galvis G; Juth N
    Hofmann B; Jensen LB; Eriksen MB; Helgesson G; Juth N; Holm S
  • Article: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2020;117:20044
    Juth N; Mattsson T; Lyn酶e N
  • Article: PREHOSPITAL AND DISASTER MEDICINE. 2020;35(2):212-219
    Gustavsson ME; Arnberg FK; Juth N; von Schreeb J
  • Article: HEALTH CARE ANALYSIS : HCA. 2020;28(1):25-44
    Barra M; Broqvist M; Gustavsson E; Henriksson M; Juth N; Sandman L; Solberg CT
  • Article: WORLD NEUROSURGERY. 2020;133:104-111
    Holmgren AG; Juth N; Lindblad A; Von Vogelsang A-C
  • Article: PUBLIC HEALTH ETHICS. 2019;12(3):250-260
    Juth N
  • Article: BMC FAMILY PRACTICE. 2019;20(1):83
    Bodegard H; Helgesson G; Juth N; Olsson D; Lynoe N
  • Article: HEALTH CARE ANALYSIS : HCA. 2019;27(2):77-92
    Gustavsson E; Juth N
  • Article: JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND PHILOSOPHY. 2019;44(3):378-390
    Lynoe N; Juth N; Eriksson A
  • Article: GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION. 2019;12(1):1666695
    Laflamme L; Chipps J; Fangerau H; Juth N; Legare F; Sawe HR; Wallis L
    Helgesson G; Juth N; Schneider J; Lovtrup M; Lynoe N
  • Article: CLINICAL ETHICS. 2018;13(3):151-158
    Lyn酶e N; Helgesson G; Juth N
  • Article: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2018;115:E4EH
    Sandman L; Davidson T; Helgesson G; Juth N
    Lundahl A; Helgesson G; Juth N
  • Article: BMC MEDICAL ETHICS. 2018;19(1):26
    Karlsson P; Helgesson G; Titelman D; Sjostrand M; Juth N
  • Article: BMC MEDICAL ETHICS. 2018;19(1):2
    Bjork J; Juth N; Lynoe N
  • Article: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2017;114:ERRP
    Dreber H; Juth N; Mathiesen T
  • Article: CLINICAL ETHICS. 2017;12(3):117-123
    Lyn枚e N; Bj枚rk J; Juth N
  • Article: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2017;114:EHTE
    Ingvoldstad Malmgren C; Iwarsson E; Juth N; Lindgren P
  • Article: MEDICINE, HEALTH CARE AND PHILOSOPHY. 2017;20(1):147-150
    Helgesson G; Lynoe N; Juth N
  • Article: HEALTH CARE ANALYSIS : HCA. 2017;25(1):1-20
    Juth N
  • Article: CLINICAL ETHICS. 2016;11(4):190-199
    Bj枚rk J; Lyn枚e N; Juth N
  • Article: BMC MEDICAL ETHICS. 2016;17(1):30
    Lynoe N; NattochDag S; Lindskog M; Juth N
  • Article: NEUROETHICS. 2015;8(3):231-242
    Froding B; Juth N
    Hofmann B; Helgesson G; Juth N; Holm S
  • Article: BMC MEDICAL ETHICS. 2015;16:37
    Sjostrand M; Sandman L; Karlsson P; Helgesson G; Eriksson S; Juth N
  • Article: BMC MEDICAL ETHICS. 2015;16:34
    Sjostrand M; Karlsson P; Sandman L; Helgesson G; Eriksson S; Juth N
  • Article: BMC MEDICAL ETHICS. 2015;16:28
    Bjork J; Lynoe N; Juth N
  • Article: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ETHICS. 2015;41(3):215-219
    Juth N; Lynoe N
  • Article: HEALTH CARE ANALYSIS : HCA. 2015;23(1):73-87
    Juth N
  • Article: BMC MEDICAL ETHICS. 2014;15:89
    Juth N; Lynoe N
  • Article: BIOETHICS. 2014;28(7):368-377
    Lindblad A; Lynoe N; Juth N
  • Article: MEDICINE, HEALTH CARE AND PHILOSOPHY. 2014;17(3):397-402
    Rydvall A; Juth N; Sandlund M; Lynoe N
  • Article: MEDICINE, HEALTH CARE AND PHILOSOPHY. 2014;17(1):115-122
    Sjostrand M; Juth N
  • Article: MEDICINE, HEALTH CARE AND PHILOSOPHY. 2014;17(1):81-88
    Rydvall A; Juth N; Sandlund M; Domellof M; Lynoe N
  • Article: JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE AND ETHICS. 2014;42(1):38-52
    Juth N
  • Article: JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND PHILOSOPHY. 2013;38(6):710-724
    Sjostrand M; Eriksson S; Juth N; Helgesson G
    Juth N; Tannsjo T; Hansson S-O; Lynoe N
  • Article: MEDICINE, HEALTH CARE AND PHILOSOPHY. 2013;16(4):789-793
    Lynoe N; Juth N
  • Article: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ETHICS. 2013;39(10):654-657
    Lynoe N; Wessel M; Olsson D; Alexanderson K; Tannsjo T; Juth N
  • Article: MEDICINE, HEALTH CARE AND PHILOSOPHY. 2013;16(3):601-603
    Juth N; Nilsonne A; Lynoe N
  • Article: MEDICINE, HEALTH CARE AND PHILOSOPHY. 2013;16(2):225-230
    Sjostrand M; Helgesson G; Eriksson S; Juth N
  • Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2013;23(2):230-235
    Wessel M; Helgesson G; Olsson D; Juth N; Alexanderson K; Lynoe N
  • Article: NURSING ETHICS. 2013;20(2):189-199
    Andersson PL; Juth N; Petersen A; Graff C; Edberg A-K
  • Article: JOURNAL OF GENETIC COUNSELING. 2012;21(4):536-546
    Melas PA; Ohman SG; Juth N; Bui T-H
  • Article: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2012;109(23-24):1167-1169
    Bj枚rck E; Juth N; Marions L
  • Article: BMJ OPEN. 2012;2(1):e000489
    Wessel M; Lynoe N; Juth N; Helgesson G
  • Article: MEDICAL TEACHER. 2012;34(1):68-70
    Lynoe N; Juth N; Helgesson G
  • Article: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ETHICS. 2011;37(8):483-486
    Juth N; Tillberg T; Lynoe N
  • Article: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2011;108(13):727-729
    Chenik M; Bolinder G; Juth N
  • Article: KENNEDY INSTITUTE OF ETHICS JOURNAL. 2011;21(1):51-78
    Malmqvist E; Juth N; Lynoe N; Helgesson G
    Lindblad A; Juth N; F眉rst CJ; Lyn枚e N
  • Article: BMC PALLIATIVE CARE. 2010;9:20
    Juth N; Lindblad A; Lyn枚e N; Sj枚strand M; Helgesson G
  • Article: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ETHICS. 2010;36(5):284-289
    Lindblad A; Juth N; Furst CJ; Lynoe N
  • Article: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ETHICS. 2010;36(4):255-256
    Juth N; Lynoe N
  • Article: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2010;107(7):446-447
    Lyn枚e N; Juth N
  • Article: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ETHICS. 2010;36(2):93-98
    Melas PA; Sjoholm LK; Forsner T; Edhborg M; Juth N; Forsell Y; Lavebratt C
  • Article: MEDICINE, HEALTH CARE AND PHILOSOPHY. 2010;13(1):59-65
    Lynoe N; Juth N; Helgesson G
    Juth N; Lorentzon F
  • Article: MONASH BIOETHICS REVIEW. 2003;22(1):25-41
    Juth N
  • Show more

All other publications

  • Editorial comment: THEORIA. 2022;88(6):1063-1065
    Marceta JA; Juth N
  • Editorial comment: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ETHICS. 2022;48(3):193
    Gustavsson E; Raaschou P; Larfars G; Sandman L; Juth N
  • Review: BMC MEDICAL ETHICS. 2021;22(1):76
    Hansson SO; Helgesson G; Juth N
  • Review: BIOETHICS. 2021;35(4):307-314
    Juth N; Henriksson M; Gustavsson E; Sandman L
  • Editorial comment: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ETHICS. 2020;46(8):557-558
    Barra M; Broqvist M; Gustavsson E; Henriksson M; Juth N; Sandman L; Solberg CT
  • Letter: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2018;115:EZ4T
    Lyn酶e N; Engstr枚m I; Juth N
  • Editorial comment: ACTA PAEDIATRICA, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRICS. 2018;107(2):196-197
    Lynoe N; Helgesson G; Juth N
  • Other: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2017;114:ERHT
    Lindgren P; Ingvoldstad Malmgren C; Juth N; Iwarsson E; Herbst A; Jacobsson B
  • Review: GENES AND NUTRITION. 2013;8(4):365-372
    Nordstrom K; Juth N; Kjellstrom S; Meijboom FLB; Gorman U
  • Review: BMJ SUPPORTIVE AND PALLIATIVE CARE. 2013;3(2):203-206
    Juth N; Lindblad A; Lyn枚e N; Sj枚strand M; Helgesson G


  • Affiliated to Research, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, 探花精选, 2023-2026

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, 探花精选, 2013

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