Mercedes Vila Ortiz
Phd Student
Visiting address: Tomtebodavägen 18A, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: K9 Global folkhälsa, K9 GPH Hanson, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- I am a PhD student at the Department of Global Public Health of ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ and a researcher at Centro Rosarino de Estudios Perinatales, a WHO collaborating centre in Argentina. I am a social scientist focusing my research in maternal and sexual and reproductive health. My PhD project is about power relations and agency in decision-making on mode of birth in Argentina. It is nested in an implementation study called "Appropriate use of caesarean section through QUALity DECision-making by women and providers", which aims at optimizing the use of caesarean section through the implementation of non-clinical interventions targeted at healthcare providers and hospital management, as well as women and labour companions.
- Journal article: CULTURE, HEALTH & SEXUALITY. 2024;:1-16
- Article: BMJ OPEN. 2024;14(1):e073617
- Article: GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION. 2023;16(1):2290636
- Article: REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH. 2023;20(1):122
- Article: SALUD COLECTIVA. 2022;18:e4059