
Marios Dimitriou

Marios Dimitriou

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: NEO Medicinaren 25, HERM plan 7, Hälsovägen 7C (lastkaj), 14157 Huddinge/Stockholm
Postal address: H7 Medicin, Huddinge, H7 Hematologi Hellström Lindberg, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I received my B.Sc. degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics from Dimokritus
    University of Thrace (Greece - 2005). I subsequently received a Ph.D. in
    Medical Sciences from B.S.R.C Alexander Fleming (Greece - 2009) with special
    focus on post-transcriptional modifications and their role in hematopoietic
    development and colon cancer. In 2010 I had 1 year interruption in research
    due to my compulsory military service where I specialized as Microbiologist
    Assistant in the microbiology laboratory of Military Hospital for Special
    Diseases (414
  • Athens, Greece). I then joined the group of Professor Eva
    Hellström-Lindberg and Professor Sten-Eirik Jacobsen at Karoliska Institute
    (Sweden – 2011) as post-doctorate researcher to focus my research on the
    hematopoietic and MDS (myelodysplastic syndromes) cancer stem cells. From
    October 2017, I am an Assistant Professor and research associate for
    Professor Eva Hellström-Lindberg at Center for Regenerative Medicine and
    Hematology (HERM), Department of Medicine Huddinge, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡.
    Overall, I am specialized in molecular biology, RNA and
    post-transcriptional field, in HSC and leukemic/cancer stem cell biology,
    various molecular biology/genetics and sequencing platforms as well as
    multi-color flow cytometry sorting.
    2018, Research Grant awarded from Ã…ke Olsson Foundation for Hematological
    Research (Sweden)
    2021, Research Grant awarded from Center of Innovative Medicine CIMED,
    Karolinska (Sweden)
    2005, B.Sc. in Molecular Biology and Genetics, Democritus University of
    Thrace, Alexandroupoli, Greece
    2009, Ph.D. in Medicine at University of Ioannina and Bio̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Sciences
    Research Center Alexander Fleming, Greece
    2011-2017, Postdoctoral researcher, HERM, Department of Medicine Huddinge,
    ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, Sweden


  • My research focus is on malignant hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) functions and
    MDS stem cells. The overreaching aim is to characterize the cellular and
    molecular heterogeneity but also the RNA usage within MDS stem cells. The
    vision is to explore novel solutions and tools to treat the disease in its
    origin by understanding and manipulating the RNA dynamics of MDS stem cells.


  • Article: EBIOMEDICINE. 2024;105:105168
    Desai TA; Hedman AK; Dimitriou M; Koprulu M; Figiel S; Yin W; Johansson M; Watts EL; Atkins JR; Sokolov AV; Schioeth HB; Gunter MJ; Tsilidis KK; Martin RM; Pietzner M; Langenberg C; Mills IG; Lamb AD; Maelarstig A; Key TJ; Travis RC; Smith-Byrne K
  • Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2024;15(1):3621
    Smith-Byrne K; Hedman A; Dimitriou M; Desai T; Sokolov AV; Schioth HB; Koprulu M; Pietzner M; Langenberg C; Atkins J; Penha RC; Mckay J; Brennan P; Zhou S; Richards BJ; Yarmolinsky J; Martin RM; Borlido J; Mu XJ; Butterworth A; Shen X; Wilson J; Assimes TL; Hung RJ; Amos C; Purdue M; Rothman N; Chanock S; Travis RC; Johansson M; Maelarstig A
  • Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2024;42(12):1378-1390
    Tobiasson M; Pandzic T; Illman J; Nilsson L; Westrom S; Ejerblad E; Olesen G; Bjorklund A; Olsnes Kittang A; Werlenius O; Lorentz F; Rasmussen B; Cammenga J; Weber D; Lindholm C; Wiggh J; Dimitriou M; Moen AE; Lundstrom LY; von Bahr L; Baltzer-Sollander K; Jadersten M; Kytola S; Walldin G; Ljungman P; Groenbaek K; Mielke S; Jacobsen SEW; Ebeling F; Cavelier L; Smidstrup Friis L; Dybedal I; Hellstrom-Lindberg E
  • Article: BLOOD. 2024;143(11):953-966
    Dimitriou M; Mortera-Blanco T; Tobiasson M; Mazzi S; Lehander M; Hoegstrand K; Karimi M; Walldin G; Jansson M; Vonlanthen S; Ljungman P; Langemeijer S; Yoshizato T; Hellstroem-Lindberg E; Woll PS; Jacobsen SEW
  • Article: CANCER RESEARCH. 2024;84(2):211-225
    Moura PL; Mortera-Blanco T; Hofman IJ; Todisco G; Kretzschmar WW; Bjoerklund A-C; Creignou M; Hagemann-Jensen M; Ziegenhain C; Cabrerizo Granados D; Barbosa I; Walldin G; Jansson M; Ashley N; Mead AJ; Lundin V; Dimitriou M; Yoshizato T; Woll PS; Ogawa S; Sandberg R; Jacobsen SEW; Hellstrom-Lindberg E
  • Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2023;14(1):7680
    Malarstig A; Grassmann F; Dahl L; Dimitriou M; McLeod D; Gabrielson M; Smith-Byrne K; Thomas CE; Huang T-H; Forsberg SKG; Eriksson P; Ulfstedt M; Johansson M; Sokolov AV; Schioth HB; Hall P; Schwenk JM; Czene K; Hedman AK
  • Article: CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH. 2023;29(20):4256-4267
    Todisco G; Creignou M; Bernard E; Bjorklund A-C; Moura PL; Tesi B; Mortera-Blanco T; Sander B; Jansson M; Walldin G; Barbosa I; Reinsbach SE; Hofman IJ; Nilsson C; Yoshizato T; Dimitriou M; Chang D; Olafsdottir S; Larsson SV; Tobiasson M; Malcovati L; Woll P; Jacobsen SEW; Papaemmanuil E; Hellstroem-Lindberg E
  • Article: MOLECULAR CELL. 2023;83(7):1165-1179.e11
    Ciesla M; Ngoc PCT; Muthukumar S; Todisco G; Madej M; Fritz H; Dimitriou M; Incarnato D; Hellstrom-Lindberg E; Bellodi C
  • Article: NATURE CELL BIOLOGY. 2022;24(3):299-306
    Guzzi N; Muthukumar S; Ciesla M; Todisco G; Ngoc PCT; Madej M; Munita R; Fazio S; Ekstrom S; Mortera-Blanco T; Jansson M; Nannya Y; Cazzola M; Ogawa S; Malcovati L; Hellstrom-Lindberg E; Dimitriou M; Bellodi C
  • Article: LEUKEMIA. 2021;35(8):2371-2381
    Todisco G; Creignou M; Gall A; Guglielmelli P; Rumi E; Roncador M; Rizzo E; Nannya Y; Pietra D; Elena C; Bono E; Molteni E; Rosti V; Catrical S; Sarchi M; Dimitriou M; Ungerstedt J; Vannucchi AM; Hellstrom-Lindberg E; Ogawa S; Cazzola M; Malcovati L
  • Article: LEUKEMIA. 2020;34(1):271-282
    Elvarsdottir EM; Mortera-Blanco T; Dimitriou M; Bouderlique T; Jansson M; Hofman IJF; Conte S; Karimi M; Sander B; Douagi I; Woll PS; Hellstrom-Lindberg E
  • Article: PLOS PATHOGENS. 2020;16(1):e1008264
    Lindqvist B; Akusjarvi SS; Sonnerborg A; Dimitriou M; Svensson JP
  • Article: CELL. 2018;173(5):1204-1216.e26
    Guzzi N; Ciesla M; Phuong CTN; Lang S; Arora S; Dimitriou M; Pimkova K; Sommarin MNE; Munita R; Lubas M; Lim Y; Okuyama K; Soneji S; Karlsson G; Hansson J; Jonsson G; Lund AH; Sigvardsson M; Hellstrom-Lindberg E; Hsieh AC; Bellodi C
  • Article: BLOOD ADVANCES. 2018;2(5):534-548
    Xiao P; Dolinska M; Sandhow L; Kondo M; Johansson A-S; Bouderlique T; Zhao Y; Li X; Dimitriou M; Rassidakis GZ; Hellstrom-Lindberg E; Minato N; Walfridsson J; Scadden DT; Sigvardsson M; Qian H
  • Article: BLOOD. 2017;130(7):881-890
    Mortera-Blanco T; Dimitriou M; Woll PS; Karimi M; Elvarsdottir E; Conte S; Tobiasson M; Jansson M; Douagi I; Moarii M; Saft L; Papaemmanuil E; Jacobsen SEW; Hellstrom-Lindberg E
  • Article: HAEMATOLOGICA. 2017;102(3):498-508
    Scharenberg C; Giai V; Pellagatti A; Saft L; Dimitriou M; Jansson M; Jadersten M; Grandien A; Douagi I; Neuberg DS; LeBlanc K; Boultwood J; Karimi M; Jacobsen SEW; Woll PS; Hellstrom-Lindberg E
  • Article: ONCOTARGET. 2016;7(45):72685-72698
    Dimitriou M; Woll PS; Mortera-Blanco T; Karimi M; Wedge DC; Doolittle H; Douagi I; Papaemmanuil E; Jacobsen SEW; Hellstrom-Lindberg E
  • Article: ONCOTARGET. 2016;7(16):22103-22115
    Tobiasson M; McLornan DP; Karimi M; Dimitriou M; Jansson M; Ben Azenkoud A; Jadersten M; Lindberg G; Abdulkadir H; Kulasekararaj A; Ungerstedt J; Lennartsson A; Ekwall K; Mufti GJ; Hellstrom-Lindberg E
  • Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2015;171(4):478-490
    Conte S; Katayama S; Vesterlund L; Karimi M; Dimitriou M; Jansson M; Mortera-Blanco T; Unneberg P; Papaemmanuil E; Sander B; Skoog T; Campbell P; Walfridsson J; Kere J; Hellstrom-Lindberg E
  • Article: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION. 2012;122(1):48-61
    Yiakouvaki A; Dimitriou M; Karakasiliotis I; Eftychi C; Theocharis S; Kontoyiannis DL

All other publications

  • Letter: BLOOD ADVANCES. 2022;6(16):4705-4709
    Hofman IJF; Mortera-Blanco T; Moura PL; Vestlund J; Larsson SV; Elvarsdottir EM; Walldin G; Tobiasson M; Sander B; Dimitriou M; Jacobsen S-EW; Woll PS; Jadersten M; Hellstrom-Lindberg E
  • Letter: HAEMATOLOGICA. 2015;100(6):e223-e225
    Karimi M; Nilsson C; Dimitriou M; Jansson M; Matsson H; Unneberg P; Lehmann S; Kere J; Hellstrom-Lindberg E
    Katsanou V; Dimitriou M; Kontoyiannis DL

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