
Mariano Salazar

Mariano Salazar

Principal Researcher | Docent
Telephone: +46852483364
Visiting address: Widerströmska huset Tomtebodavägen 18 A, plan 3, 17165 Solna
Postal address: K9 Global folkhälsa, K9 GPH Ekström, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a mixed-methods social epidemiologist with a sound methodological and
    theoretical background on gender and health. I am also a ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡
    doctor (Nicaraguan National Autonomous University Managua, 2002) , with a
    master in science with mention in epidemiology (Nicaraguan National
    Autonomous University León, 2008) and a Ph.D. in public health (Umeå
    University Sweden, 2011).
    As a part of multidisciplinary research teams, I have been conducting
    quantitative and qualitative research for the last 15 years in low-, middle-
    and high-income settings (Nicaragua, Ecuador, India and Sweden). I also
    collaborate with the International Journal for Equity in Health as an
    associate editor. Currently, I am part of the Global and Sexual Health
    research group at GPH, KI
    ( /en/gph/global-and-sexual-health-glosh [1]).
    *Scholarships received*
    1. SIDA scholarship for master training in epidemiology at the Center for
    Demography and Health Research, Nicaraguan National Autonomous University,
    León Nicaragua.
    2. SIDA scholarship for Ph.D training at Umeå University, Sweden.
    *Doctoral degree (2011)*
    Ph.D in Public Health. Umeå University, Sweden. Dissertation Title:
    Salazar M (2011). Intimate Partner Violence in Nicaragua. Studies on ending
    abuse, child growth, and contraception. Umeå University Medical
    Dissertation New Series No. 1411 ISSN: 0346-6612 ISBN: 978-91-7459-169-9.
    Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Epidemiology and Global
    Health, Umeå University. Available at:
  • jsessionid=1dbe96c03ab31d5f2c89f02d98c1?parentRecord=diva2:413311&
  • pid=diva2:413391.
    *Master degree (2008)*
    Master in Science with Mention in Epidemiology. Nicaraguan National
    Autonomous University, León, Nicaragua.
    *Medical degree (2002)*
    Doctor in Medicine and Surgery. Nicaraguan National Autonomous University,
    Managua, Nicaragua.
    [1] /en/gph/global-and-sexual-health-glosh


  • The initial focus of my research has been studies on the relationship between
    gender, violence against women and women´s and their children´s health. As
    my career progressed, I collaborated with other researchers to study emergent
    social issues such as early teenage pregnancies, children´s resilience, and
    gendered constructions of stigma and discrimination to people living with
    HIV, Ebola related health seeking behavior among others.
    Currently, my research focuses on the intersection between masculinities,
    femininities, violence against women (VAW) and sexually transmitted
    infections (STI) among young people and migrant populations.
    To this end, I am currently the PI of three research projects:
    1.CTEST: Improving young Swedish men health service utilization for Chlamydia
    Trachomatis infection, detection and treatment. How can we do it? Project
    awarded by FORTE, Sweden.
    2.How do we improve the sexual and mental health of young men? An
    implementation project among young male migrants in Stockholm County. Project
    awarded by Stockholm County Council.
    3.PositivMas. Masculinities and violence against women among young people:
    Identifying discourses and developing strategies for change using a mixed
    method approach. Project awarded by Vetenskatpsrådet , Sweden in
    collaboration with Gender-Net EU. ( [1])


  • As part of my duties, I coordinate the Biology of Infection and Global
    Health doctoral program at ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, Sweden
    In addition, I supervise master and Ph.D students and lead courses at the
    master and Ph.D. level.
    *Courses led*
    1. Ph.D. course: Practical approaches to qualitative research ­ based on
    blended learning (2674). 7.5 credits. Department of Public Health Science,
    Karolisnka Institutet, Sweden. (
    2.Ph.D. course: Mixed methods: integration of qualitative and quantitative
    data within applied health research (3032). 3 credits. Department of Public
    Health Science, Karolisnka Institutet, Sweden.
    ( [3])
    3. Master course: Health policy, management and economics (3GBO14). Master
    programme in Global Health, Karolisnka Institutet,
    Sweden. ( [4])
    [1] /en/research/doctoral-programme-in-biology-of-infections-and-global-health-bigh


  • Article: GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION. 2024;17(1):2294592
    Causevic S; Ekstrom AM; Orsini N; Kagesten A; Stromdahl S; Salazar M
  • Article: VACCINES. 2023;11(12):1772
    Janekrongtham C; Salazar M; Doung-Ngern P
  • Article: HELIYON. 2023;9(10):e20812
    Canabarro APF; Eriksson M; Nielsen A; Zeebari Z; Salazar M
  • Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2023;23(1):1034
    Ejaz M; Ekstroem AM; Ali TS; Salazar M; Ahmed A; Ali D; Haroon A; Siddiqi S
  • Article: JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE. 2023;38(9-10):6523-6552
    Daoud N; Carmi A; Bolton R; Cerdan-Torregrosa A; Nielsen A; Alfayumi-Zeadna S; Edwards C; Suilleabhain FO; Sanz-Barbero B; Vives-Cases C; Salazar M
  • Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2022;22(1):2412
    Causevic S; Salazar M; Ekstroem AM; Berglund T; Persson KI; Jonsson M; Jonsson J; Stroemdahl S
  • Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2022;22(1):625
    Causevic S; Salazar M; Orsini N; Kagesten A; Ekstrom AM
  • Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2022;22(1):378
    Ejaz M; Ekstrom AM; Ahmed A; Haroon A; Ali D; Ali TS; Salazar M
    Chen X; Jiang W; Salazar M; Zhu H; Wen Z; Chen X; Lundborg CS
  • Article: BMC WOMEN'S HEALTH. 2021;21(1):310
    Brenner C; Ugarte WJ; Carlsson I; Salazar M
  • Article: SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS. 2021;97(2):141-146
    Nielsen AM; De Costa A; Gemzell-Danielsson K; Marrone G; Boman J; Salazar M; Diwan V
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2021;16(9):e0257402
    Larsson FM; Nielsen A; Briones-Vozmediano E; Stjarnfeldt J; Salazar M; Hacker G
  • Article: BMJ OPEN. 2020;10(9):e038797
    Salazar M; Daoud N; Edwards C; Scanlon M; Vives-Cases C
  • Article: BMJ OPEN. 2020;10(8):e034179
    Nielsen A; de Costa A; Gemzell-Danielsson K; Boman J; Salazar M
  • Article: BMJ GLOBAL HEALTH. 2020;5(7):e002732
    Schmidt-Hellerau K; Winters M; Lyons P; Leigh B; Jalloh MB; Sengeh P; Sawaneh AB; Zeebari Z; Salazar M; Jalloh MF; Nordenstedt H
  • Article: ECOLOGY OF FOOD AND NUTRITION. 2020;59(1):79-103
    Piperata BA; Salazar M; Schmeer KK; Rodriguez AH
    Salazar M; Vora K; Annerstedt KS; De Costa A
  • Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2018;18(1):216
    Nielsen A; De Costa A; Bagenholm A; Danielsson KG; Marrone G; Boman J; Salazar M; Diwan V
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2018;13(1):e0189364
    Sabde Y; Chaturvedi S; Randive B; Sidney K; Salazar M; De Costa A; Diwan V
  • Article: BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH. 2017;17(1):730
    Nielsen A; De Costa A; Danielsson KG; Salazar M
  • Article: MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH JOURNAL. 2017;21(5):1065-1072
    Altman R; Sidney K; De Costa A; Vora K; Salazar M
  • Article: GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION. 2016;9:32178
    Salazar M; Vora K; De Costa A
  • Article: BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH. 2016;16:225
    Salazar M; Vora K; De Costa A
  • Article: BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH. 2016;16(1):116
    Sabde Y; Diwan V; Randive B; Chaturvedi S; Sidney K; Salazar M; De Costa A
    Sidney K; Salazar M; Marrone G; Diwan V; DeCosta A; Lindholm L
    Salazar M; Goicolea I; Ohman A
    Salazar M; Ohman A
    Salazar M; Ohman A
  • Article: BMC WOMEN'S HEALTH. 2014;14:26
    Salazar M; San Sebastian M
  • Article: GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION. 2014;7:24774
    Salazar M; Dahlblom K; Solorzano L; Herrera A
  • Article: VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. 2012;18(11):1257-1278
    Salazar M; Hogberg U; Valladares E; Ohman A
  • Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SEXUAL HEALTH. 2012;24(4):303-317
    Goicolea I; Salazar Torres M; Edin K; Ohman A
  • Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF FAMILY PLANNING. 2012;38(4):221-228
    Salazar M; Valladares E; Hogberg U
  • Article: BMC PEDIATRICS. 2012;12:82
    Salazar M; Hogberg U; Valladares E; Persson L-A
  • Article: GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION. 2012;5:1-14
    Salazar Torres VM; Goicolea I; Edin K; Ohman A
  • Article: GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION. 2012;5:1-12
    Goicolea I; Ohman A; Salazar Torres M; Morras I; Edin K
  • Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2009;9:350
    Salazar M; Valladares E; Ohman A; Hogberg U
  • Show more

All other publications

  • Review: JOURNAL OF GENDER STUDIES. 2024;33(1):100-111
    Edwards C; Bolton R; Salazar M; Vives-Cases C; Daoud N
  • Review: TRAUMA, VIOLENCE, AND ABUSE. 2023;24(2):468-486
    Perez-Martinez V; Marcos-Marcos J; Cerdan-Torregrosa A; Briones-Vozmediano E; Sanz-Barbero B; Davo-Blanes M; Daoud N; Edwards C; Salazar M; La Parra-Casado D; Vives-Cases C
  • Corrigendum: BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH. 2016;16(1):369
    Salazar M; Vora K; De Costa A


  • Principal Researcher, Department of Global Public Health, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2022-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2021

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