
Magdalena Scharf

Magdalena Scharf

Postdoctoral Researcher
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, Biomedicum, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C3 Fysiologi och farmakologi, C3 FyFa Receptorbiologi, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Originally, I am a chemist and obtained my Master of Science in Chemistry in
    2016 at the Philipps University Marburg in Germany. In 2017 I then joined the
    lab of Peter Kolb at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Philipps
    University Marburg, to pursue a PhD. During my work I was mainly (but not
    exclusively) focusing on class A G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and
    using tools such as Molecular Docking to predict novel ligands with certain
    properties for these receptors. In January 2021 I successfully defended my
    PhD (Dr. rer. nat.). In September 2021 I joined the lab of Gunnar Schulte as
    a postdoctoral researcher to work with the exciting class F GPCRs.


  • I am excited about the structural details of GPCR signalling, especially
    ligand-receptor interactions but also effector-receptor interactions. During
    my work I mainly employ computational tools such as Molecular Docking and
    Molecular Dynamics Simulations. However, I am also happy to go to the wet lab
    and join the pharmacological characterisation of any hypotheses.


  • Article: MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY. 2023;104(3):80-91
    Kurz M; Ulrich M; Bittner A; Scharf MM; Shao J; Wallenstein I; Lemoine H; Wettschureck N; Kolb P; Buenemann M
  • Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2023;14(1):4573
    Gratz L; Kowalski-Jahn M; Scharf MM; Kozielewicz P; Jahn M; Bous J; Lambert NA; Gloriam DE; Schulte G
    Janetzko J; Johnson CP; Morales P; Scharf MM
  • Article: MOLECULES. 2021;26(3):629
    Schmidt D; Scharf MM; Sydow D; Assmann E; Marti-Solano M; Keul M; Volkamer A; Kolb P
  • Article: CHEMMEDCHEM. 2020;15(10):882-890
    Scharf MM; Zimmermann M; Wilhelm F; Stroe R; Waldhoer M; Kolb P
  • Article: MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY. 2019;96(6):851-861
    Scharf MM; Bunemann M; Baker JG; Kolb P
  • Journal article: FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA. 2017;451:48-56
    de Jesus JC; Pires PAR; Scharf M; El Seoud OA

All other publications

  • Review: TRENDS IN PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2024;45(5):419-429
    Schulte G; Scharf MM; Bous J; Voss JH; Gratz L; Kozielewicz P
  • Preprint: RESEARCH SQUARE. 2024
    Schulte G; Grätz L; Turku A; Kozielewicz P; Bowin C-F; Scharf M; Voss J; Kinsolving J; Shekhani R; Oliva-Vilarnau N; Koolmeister T; Körber M; Lauschke V; Löber S; Gmeiner P
    Scharf MM; Humphrys LJ; Berndt S; Di Pizio A; Lehmann J; Liebscher I; Nicoli A; Niv MY; Peri L; Schihada H; Schulte G
  • Editorial comment: FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2023;14:1272700
    Morales P; Scharf MM; Johnson CP; Di Pizio A; Hilger D


  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    1 January 2021 - 31 December 2024

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