
Karoline Scholzen

Karoline Scholzen

Phd Student
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, 9A, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: C2 Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, C2 Biokemi Arnér, 171 77 Stockholm


  • Article: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2024;146(8):5204-5214
    Zeisel L; Felber JG; Scholzen KC; Schmitt C; Wiegand AJ; Komissarov L; Arner ESJ; Thorn-Seshold O
    Mazurkewich S; Scholzen KC; Brusch RH; Poulsen J-CN; Theibich Y; Huttner S; Olsson L; Larsbrink J; Lo Leggio L
  • Article: REDOX BIOLOGY. 2023;62:102703
    Cheff DM; Huang C; Scholzen KC; Gencheva R; Ronzetti MH; Cheng Q; Hall MD; Arner ESJ
  • Article: CHEM. 2022;8(5):1493-1517
    Zeisel L; Felber JG; Scholzen KC; Poczka L; Cheff D; Maier MS; Cheng Q; Shen M; Hall MD; Arner ESJ; Thorn-Seshold J; Thorn-Seshold O
  • Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2022;13(1):1754
    Felber JG; Poczka L; Scholzen KC; Zeisel L; Maier MS; Busker S; Theisen U; Brandstaedter C; Becker K; Arner ESJ; Thorn-Seshold J; Thorn-Seshold O
  • Article: CELL HOST AND MICROBE. 2021;29(8):1316-1332.e12
    Walch P; Selkrig J; Knodler LA; Rettel M; Stein F; Fernandez K; Vieitez C; Potel CM; Scholzen K; Geyer M; Rottner K; Steele-Mortimer O; Savitski MM; Holden DW; Typas A
  • Article: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2021;143(23):8791-8803
    Felber JG; Zeisel L; Poczka L; Scholzen K; Busker S; Maier MS; Theisen U; Brandstaedter C; Becker K; Arner ESJ; Thorn-Seshold J; Thorn-Seshold O


  • Phd Student, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2022-2025

Degrees and Education

  • Master of Science, Biochemistry, An Evaluation of next Generation Redox Sensing Probes, University of Heidelberg, 2021
  • Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry, University of Heidelberg, 2019

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