Jenna Almqvist
HR Partner
Telephone: +46852483311
Mobile phone: +46760510248
Visiting address: Blickag氓ngen 16, 14151 Stockholm
Postal address: H7 Medicin, Huddinge, H7 Administrativa kansliet HR-enheten, 171 77 Stockholm
Part of:
About me
I'm an HR-partner and chair for the organizational and social work environment group at the Department of Medicine in Huddinge. I am also the contact person for HR issues for the following units:
- Gastro and Rheumatology
Support for managers
You can contact me for support regarding recruitment, work environment, labor law questions, competence development, leadership and
conflict management.
Support for personnel
If you work in the mentioned units at MedH and need support related to your employment, i.e. sick leave, vacation, salary payments or benefits or any inquiries regarding your work environment, please contact me with your questions.
I have a Master's degree in Human Resources with a major in pedagogy from Stockholm University.