
Jasmin Hassan

Jasmin Hassan

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: Hälsovägen, Enheten för obstetrik och gynekologi C1:77, 14186 Stockholm
Postal address: H9 Klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik, H9 CLT Obstetrik o gynekologi Damdimopoulou, 141 52 Huddinge


  • Adult women who risk losing fertility due to gonadotoxic treatments are
    offered fertility preservation in the form of cryopreservation of oocytes,
    embryos or ovarian tissue. All of these routines are established clinical
    routines. If the patient has recovered and has wishes for pregnancy,
    cryopreserved oocytes and embryos can be used for in vitro fertilisation,
    cryopreserved ovarian tissue can be transplanted back. Unfortunately, there
    is no such established routine for pre-pubertal girls, making them the only
    patient group in Sweden that has no systematic opportunity for fertility
    Due to the immaturity of the oocytes in pre-pubertal girls, fertility
    preservation through cryopreservation of oocytes or embryos is not possible.
    This leaves only ovarian tissue cryopreservation as an option. However, it is
    currently not clear if ovarian tissue from young patients is functionally
    similar to adult ovarian tissue. Earlier studies have shown that ovarian
    tissue from young patients contain more follicles with abnormal morphology
    and have worse grow potential /in vitro/ compared to follicles from adults
    (Anderson /et al/./ /2014 Hum Rep). With SveaFertil we will implement the
    first national fertility preservation project for girls and young women in
    Sweden and to develop fertility preservation options for young patients
    through molecular characterisation of child ovarian tissue. SveaFertil will
    generate an unprecedented collection of detailed data on human ovarian
    biology from childhood to adulthood, which will help us tremendously in
    developing appropriate fertility preservation options for young patients.


  • Article: REPRODUCTIVE BIOMEDICINE ONLINE. 2023;47(4):103287
    Hassan J; Knuus K; Lahtinen A; Rooda I; Otala M; Tuuri T; Gidlof S; Edlund E; Menezes J; Malmros J; Bystrom P; Sundin M; Langenskiold C; Vogt H; Frisk P; Petersen C; Damdimopoulou P; Jahnukainen K
  • Article: FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2022;13:903505
    Lavogina D; Visser N; Samuel K; Davey E; Bjorvang RD; Hassan J; Koponen J; Rantakokko P; Kiviranta H; Rinken A; Olovsson M; Salumets A; Damdimopoulou P
  • Article: ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL. 2021;155:106589
    Bjorvang R; Hassan J; Stefopoulou M; Gemzell-Danielsson K; Pedrelli M; Kiviranta H; Rantakokko P; Ruokojarvi P; Lindh CH; Acharya G; Damdimopoulou P

All other publications

  • Thesis / dissertation: 2024
    Hassan, Jasmin
  • Review: HORMONE RESEARCH IN PAEDIATRICS. 2020;93(11-12):599-608
    Pampanini V; Hassan J; Oliver E; Stukenborg J-B; Damdimopoulou P; Jahnukainen K

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