
Ivan Shabo

Ivan Shabo

Affiliated to Research | Docent
Visiting address: Elite Hotell, plan 2, Eugeniavägen 6, 17164 Solna
Postal address: K1 Molekylär medicin och kirurgi, K1 MMK Endokrinkirurgi, 171 76 Stockholm

About me

  • Cell fusion is a common physiological process that results in viable cells and plays a significant role in mammalian development and differentiation. Somatic cells acquire nuclear reprogramming and epigenetic modifications through cell fusion to form pluripotent hybrid cells. Thus, cell fusion is an efficient process of rapid phenotypic and functional evolution that generates cells with new properties at a rate exceeding that achievable by random mutagenesis. Comprehensive in vitro, in vivo and clinical evidence indicates that cell fusion does occur in solid tumours and contributes to cancer progression. Cell fusion generates progeny that expresses stem-like traits and features of epithelial-mesenchymal transition, which facilitates tumour migration and invasion, constituting an attractive mechanism to explain the process of metastasis. Moreover, these hybrids may acquire resistance to the oncologic treatments the parent cells were sensitive to and result in clonogenic dormant cells contributing to tumour recurrence. These outcomes have been demonstrated for both irradiation and chemotherapy, making cell fusion a potential mechanism contributing to treatment resistance and disease relapse.

    Tumour-associated macrophages constitute a major cellular component of the innate immune system in solid tumours. Fusion is an essential function of macrophages, as they, for example, fuse to generate osteoclasts and inflammatory giant cells. Macrophages constitute an important fusion partner to neoplastic cells, developing hybrids that acquire increased metastatic potential and express macrophage-specific phenotype, such as the M2-macrophage-specific marker CD163. Hence, based on cell fusion theory, macrophage traits in cancer cells are suggested to be due to the fusion between tumour cells and macrophages, and CD163 constitutes a surrogate marker to detect macrophage/cancer cell fusion events. The fusion events are rare but increase dramatically (10-100 folds higher) in pathological conditions such as tissue injury, inflammation, hypoxia and apoptosis. Inflammation is a hallmark of cancer and thus constitutes a promoting environment for cell
    fusion in solid tumours.

    Ongoing projects
    - Biological and clinical significance of macrophages and cell fusion in breast cancer - retrospective clinical studies.
    - Impact of ionising radiation on cell fusion and development of radio-resistance in cancer cells
    - The clinical significance of tumor-microenvironment and de-differentiation
    in papillary thyroid cancer
    - Morphometric analysis and application of artificial intelligence in solid

    Selected publications
    - Shabo I, Midtbö K, Andersson H, Åkerlund E, Olsson H, Wegman P, Gunnarsson C, Lindström A. Macrophage traits in cancer cells are induced by macrophage-cancer cell fusion and cannot be explained by cellular interaction. BMC Cancer. 2015 Nov 20
  • 15:922. Doi: 10.1186/s12885-015-1935-0.
    - Lindström A, Midtbö K, Arnesson LG, Garvin S, Shabo I. Fusion between M2-macrophages and cancer cells results in a subpopulation of radioresistant cells with enhanced DNA-repair capacity. Oncotarget. 2017 May 18
  • 8(31):51370-51386. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.17986.
    - Shabo I, Svanvik J, Lindström A, Lechertier T, Trabulo S, Hulit J, Sparey T, Pawelek. Roles of cell fusion, hybridization and polyploid cell formation in cancer metastasis. J.World J Clin Oncol. 2020 Mar 24
  • 11(3):121-135. doi: 10.5306/wjco.v11.i3.121.
    - Shabo I, Stål O, Olsson H, Doré S, Svanvik J. Breast cancer expression of CD163, a macrophage scavenger receptor, is related to early distant recurrence and reduced patient survival. Int J Cancer. 2008 Aug 15
  • 123(4):780-6. doi: 10.1002/ijc.23527.
    - Shabo I, Olsson H, Sun XF, Svanvik J. Expression of the macrophage antigen CD163 in rectal cancer cells is associated with early local recurrence and reduced survival time. Int J Cancer. 2008 Aug 15
  • 123(4):780-6. doi: 10.1002/ijc.23527.
    - Shabo I, Olsson H, Stål O, Svanvik J. Breast cancer expression of DAP12 is associated with skeletal and liver metastases and poor survival. Clin Breast Cancer. 2013 Oct
  • 13(5):371-7. doi: 10.1016/j.clbc.2013.05.003.
    - Aljabery F, Olsson H, Gimm O, Jahnson S, Shabo I. M2-macrophage infiltration and macrophage traits of tumor cells in urinary bladder cancer. Urol Oncol. 2018 Apr
  • 36(4):159.e19-159.e26. doi:
    - Aljabery F, Shabo I, Saudi A, Holmbom M, Olson H, Jahnson S. The emerging role of cell cycle protein p53 expression by tumor cells and M2-macrophage infiltration in urinary bladder cancer. Urol Oncol. 2023 Mar
  • 41(3):148.e9-148.e16. doi: 10.1016/j.urolonc.2022.12.005.


  • The clinical and biological roles of tumour differentiation and the cell fusion process in cancer progression.

    The prognostic value of functional and phenotypic differentiation markers in solid tumours.

    Digital morphometric analysis to explore predictor markers in solid tumours.


  • Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY. 2024;50(11):108624
    Shabo I; Zouzos A; Fredholm H; Branstrom R; Hoog A; Kjellman M; Ihre-Lundgren C
  • Article: EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH. 2023;433(2):113858
    Branstrom R; Vukojevic V; Lu M; Shabo I; Mun H-C; Conigrave AD; Farnebo L-O; Larsson C
  • Article: CANCER MEDICINE. 2023;12(9):10840-10850
    Johnsson A; Kiani NA; Gernaat SAM; Wilking U; Shabo I; Hedayati E
  • Journal article: ESMO OPEN. 2023;8(1):101263
    Hedayati E; Shabo I; Rydberg P; Rehnmark S; Randahl H; Lindqvist A; Hall PF; Bergqvist J; Wengström Y
    Aljabery F; Shabo I; Saudi A; Holmbom M; Olson H; Jahnson S
  • Journal article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY. 2023;49(2):e29
    Lindfors H; Ihre-Lundgren C; Zedenius J; Juhlin CC; Shabo I
  • Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2023;13(1):1070
    Lindfors H; Karlsen M; Karlton E; Zedenius J; Larsson C; Ihre Lundgren C; Juhlin CC; Shabo I
  • Article: PLOS ONE. 2023;18(3):e0283003
    Oda H; Hedayati E; Lindstrom A; Shabo I
  • Article: CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2022;97(6):730-739
    Carasel A; Calissendorff J; Avander K; Shabo I; Volpe C; Falhammar H
  • Journal article: HUMAN PATHOLOGY REPORTS. 2022;29:300656
    Stenman A; Shabo I; Zedenius J; Juhlin CC
  • Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2022;12(1):1643
    Rehnmark S; Shabo I; Randahl H; Wengstrom Y; Rydberg P; Hedayati E
  • Article: WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY. 2021;45(7):2155-2164
    Lindfors H; Ihre Lundgren C; Zedenius J; Juhlin CC; Shabo I
  • Article: HEAD AND NECK PATHOLOGY. 2021;15(2):628-637
    Juhlin CC; Asa SL; Jatta K; Rodsari HN; Shabo I; Haglund F; Delahunt B; Samaratunga H; Egevad L; Hoog A; Zedenius J
  • Journal article: ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 2019;30:v20
    Shabo I; Midtbö KM; Hedayati E; Garvin S; Lindström A
  • Article: CANCERS. 2019;11(10):E1443-1443
    Hysek M; Paulsson JO; Jatta K; Shabo I; Stenman A; Hoog A; Larsson C; Zedenius J; Juhlin CC
  • Article: VIRCHOWS ARCHIV. 2019;475(2):151-162
    Garvin S; Patil EV; Arnesson L-G; Oda H; Hedayati E; Lindstrom A; Shabo I
    Juhlin CC; Brenstrom R; Shabo I; Hoog A
  • Journal article: INVENTIONS. 2019;4(4):58
    Svenner A; Fan X; Forsman M; Shabo I; Hallbeck MS; Kjellman M
    Aljabery F; Shabo I; Gimm O; Jahnson S; Olsson H
  • Article: VIRCHOWS ARCHIV. 2018;473(5):639-643
    Hysek M; Paulsson JO; Wang N; Jatta K; Lindh C; Fuentes-Martinez N; Shabo I; Zedenius J; Juhlin CC
    Garvin S; Oda H; Arnesson L-G; Lindstrom A; Shabo I
  • Article: ENDOCRINE-RELATED CANCER. 2018;25(7):723-733
    Paulsson JO; Mu N; Shabo I; Wang N; Zedenius J; Larsson C; Juhlin CC
  • Article: CLINICAL GENITOURINARY CANCER. 2018;16(3):e517-e520
    Hoog A; Kjellman M; Mattsson P; Juhlin CC; Shabo I
    Aljabery F; Olsson H; Gimm O; Jahnson S; Shabo I
  • Article: BJU INTERNATIONAL. 2017;120(3):329-336
    Aljabery F; Shabo I; Olsson H; Gimm O; Jahnson S
  • Article: ONCOTARGET. 2017;8(31):51370-51386
    Lindstrom A; Midtbo K; Arnesson L-G; Garvin S; Shabo I
  • Article: BMC CANCER. 2015;15:922
    Shabo I; Midtbo K; Andersson H; Akerlund E; Olsson H; Wegman P; Gunnarsson C; Lindstrom A
  • Article: BMC UROLOGY. 2015;15:87
    Aljabery F; Lindblom G; Skoog S; Shabo I; Olsson H; Rosell J; Jahnson S
  • Journal article: ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 2014;25:iv55
    Lindström A; Midtbö K; Wegman P; Andersson H; Stal O; Olsson H; Gunnarsson C; Shabo I
  • Article: CANCER MICROENVIRONMENT. 2014;7(1-2):61-69
    Shabo I; Olsson H; Elkarim R; Sun X-F; Svanvik J
  • Article: CLINICAL BREAST CANCER. 2013;13(5):371-377
    Shabo I; Olsson H; Stal O; Svanvik J
  • Article: HISTOPATHOLOGY. 2011;58(3):408-413
    Tornroos A; Shabo I; Druvefors B; Arbman G; Olsson H
    Shabo I; Svanvik J
  • Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2009;125(8):1826-1831
    Shabo I; Olsson H; Sun X-F; Svanvik J
  • Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2008;123(4):780-786
    Shabo I; Stal O; Olsson H; Dore S; Svanvik J
  • Article: HELICOBACTER. 2005;10(6):592-600
    Nilsson I; Shabo I; Svanvik J; Monstein HJ
  • Article: LAKARTIDNINGEN. 2001;98(42):4584-4589
    Shabo I; Nordenskjöld K; Svanvik J
  • Show more

All other publications

  • Review: WORLD JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2020;11(3):121-135
    Shabo I; Svanvik J; Lindstrom A; Lechertier T; Trabulo S; Hulit J; Sparey T; Pawelek J
  • Conference publication: ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 2019;30
    Shabo I; Midtbo KM; Hedayati E; Garvin S; Lindstrom A
  • Other: SAGE OPEN MEDICAL CASE REPORTS. 2019;7:2050313X19883770
    Stenman A; Shabo I; Ramstrom A; Zedenius J; Juhlin CC
  • Conference publication: ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 2016;27:vi275
    Aljabery F; Shabo I; Olsson H; Gimm O; Jahnson S
  • Letter: MEDICAL HYPOTHESES. 2014;82(5):639-640
    Svanvik J; Shabo I
  • Conference publication: PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE - THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2014;8935:893504-893504-6-893504
    Haj-Hosseini N; Behm P; Shabo I; WÃ¥rdell K
  • Conference publication: ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 2014;25
    Lindstrom A; Midtbo K; Wegman P; Andersson H; Stal O; Olsson H; Gunnarsson C; Shabo I


  • Affiliated to Research, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2023-2026

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2019

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