
Ingrid Lilienthal

Clinical Assistant
Visiting address: BioMedicum A4, Solnavägen 9, 17165 Solna
Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, K6 Barnonkologi och Barnkirurgi Herold, 171 77 Stockholm


  • Article: BLOOD. 2024;143(19):1953-1964
    Morsy MHA; Lilienthal I; Lord M; Merrien M; Wasik AM; Sureda-Gomez M; Amador V; Johansson HJ; Lehtio J; Garcia-Torre B; Martin-Subero JI; Tsesmetzis N; Tao S; Schinazi RF; Kim B; Sorteberg AL; Wickstrom M; Sheppard D; Rassidakis GZ; Taylor IA; Christensson B; Campo E; Herold N; Sander B
  • Article: IMMUNITY, INFLAMMATION AND DISEASE. 2024;12(1):e1162
    Hoyer A; Chakraborty S; Lilienthal I; Konradsen JR; Katayama S; Soderhall C
  • Article: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2022;292(6):925-940
    Jadersten M; Lilienthal I; Tsesmetzis N; Lourda M; Bengtzen S; Bohlin A; Arnroth C; Erkers T; Seashore-Ludlow B; Giraud G; Barkhordar GS; Tao S; Fogelstrand L; Saft L; Ostling P; Schinazi RF; Kim B; Schaller T; Juliusson G; Deneberg S; Lehmann S; Rassidakis GZ; Hoglund M; Henter J-I; Herold N
  • Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2016;6:28355
    Hernandez-Hernandez A; Lilienthal I; Fukuda N; Galjart N; Hoog C
  • Article: PLOS GENETICS. 2014;10(10):e1004680
    Jeppsson K; Carlborg KK; Nakato R; Berta DG; Lilienthal I; Kanno T; Lindqvist A; Brink MC; Dantuma NP; Katou Y; Shirahige K; Sjogren C
  • Article: PLOS GENETICS. 2013;9(11):e1003898
    Lilienthal I; Kanno T; Sjogren C
  • Article: MOLECULAR SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. 2013;9:692
    Tabach Y; Golan T; Hernandez-Hernandez A; Messer AR; Fukuda T; Kouznetsova A; Liu J-G; Lilienthal I; Levy C; Ruvkun G

All other publications

    Lilienthal I; Herold N
  • Thesis / dissertation: 2014
    Lilienthal, Ingrid


  • Clinical Assistant, Department of Women's and Children's Health, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2023-2025

Degrees and Education

  • Degree Of Master Of Science In Medicine, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2022
  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡, 2014


  • Angela Hoyer, Genetic and epigenetic risk factors for preschool wheeze to develop to asthma, 2020

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